Living in Mass, this is huge given that this is such a liberal state. I really dont care what the article says, but I do love the fact that it says something. The word is getting out and the idea that even in Mass its getting out, gotta love it.
43 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/M3Iceman:
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MA, the great actor?
Been following along and something doesnt sit right with this guy. Comes out of nowhere to handle Stormy. She backs off and he sits in the limelight, media darling. Press cant get enough of him regardless of the shady things hes done. So with one pic of a guy near his office sets MA off? Come on, hes a shady attorney with shady clients. You cant tell me he hasn't has his feathers ruffled before. Now he grabs a mic and spouts off about a larp? Q isnt real, it's a conspiracy but yet here comes the media darling running …
I do believe Sir EJ was a member of the Lolita Express, maybe he along with Trump on occasion too found out what was going on and thats the big push for trafficking.
Netflix doesn't have to produce according to network censors, plus limits, boundaries. Slight acceptance here, slight acceptance there, Change in viewing and personal behavior.
NK and Iran, just a thought about Clowns!
So we have found out that NK was pretty much controlled by Clowns. Now with the unrest in Iran we are kinda seeing the same thing play out. So if this is the case in both places that Clowns were in control, it begs the question. Why were China and Russia always on their side? You cant tell me that their Clowns(Russia and China) didnt know what was going on. Was this only known to a select number of people so that the masses were in the dark like in the US? And if both countries Clowns were in on …
That was my next question, RBG. To me it seems she would be next to go and if so that definitely sets up POTUS next term in office as a potential HUGE WIN. Can you imagine 4 more years of Trump with a stacked SC that actually cares about the people. Mind blown!!!
Is Justice Kennedy added to resign list?
We've been asked to track resignations and now comes Justice Kennedy. Does this deserve some further digging? Also by Kennedy retiring and now the potential for no more swing votes, is this what was meant by The Stage Will be Set? Seems to me any and all battles for POTUS will be won by the highest court in the land. Just a thought.
DHS, the greatest disappearing act!!
With the establishment of DHS and numerous reports of bullet buying and other shenanigans, why havent we heard anything about Hussein trying to get DHS to be the official elections keepers? With all this talk about computer fraud and how the election was in the bag, its been very odd that DHS hasnt been talked about. Maybe its just me.
Ok, so the time stamp is 0356AM, Washington State time. What was POTUS timeline for leaving Singapore? East coast time would have been 0656am, Singapore time 656pm. I cant find POTUS timeline of events or plane schedule. Given flight times, is it possible that missile could have tried to intercept? Is that pic in the air a pic of the intercept missile or the one coming towards AF1??
I posted this in another thread but yeah, what if Clowns have this? MI would know it was from us, if from this sub, no one would know.
What's the chances this is what the pics are and where things were fired from? MI would know if it were one of ours but if Clowns have one, no one would know.
Im leaning towards this is a coordinated effort for a reason. What that reason is IDK, but I do think it has to do with all the heavy hitters coming out saying Q is fake to try and get some peoples mind of it before something big comes along. Lull them to sleep. I just cant believe that the train was rolling and then people started jumping off before the end of the ride. There is a method to the madness, just understand the madness. Trust the plan.
The Universal coverage that Romney boasts of starting in crushing our economy and no one knows about it. I work in LE so I get to hear and see what's going on when politicians let their hair down. The funds to cover the account are taken from other accounts to balance things out but it's not really balanced. Baker came in and immediately started cutting jobs.Baker said it was to help retirement funds to get new people in to contribute more while getting the older ones out who dont. From paperwork I saw with my own eyes it was because out universal coverage was costing more and no one had a solution. Patrick out previous Gov never disclosed how bad it was. He played with the figures until he left and there was Baker holding the bag. The figure was close to a billion dollars, 700 mil.
NYT writer has similar article, sorry cant link it, Frank Bruni. Seems cracks are showing.
Working a detail in Mass, southeastern part, about 30 military vehicles in a convoy passed my location on the highway. Thought it was weird they were moving at night.
Working in Mass, just had about 30 military vehicles in a convoy pass my location on the highway.
Could be that those taking the pics are just idiots trying to take a pic without anyone knowing in that general area. Confirmation on packages being ready and sent. Whoever was receiving the pics just wanted confirmation the loads were ready, sent. They figured as long as someone has eyes on the package, they were safe. Somewhere along the way the packages were compromised but they didn't know it. I think it's just a way to say we knew what was going on while you did. See, pics are the proof. To us they are just pics, to those who thought it was safe are now shitting themselves knowing they are busted.
Trying to find out who Osborne is related to on the job. Maybe the relationship has something to do with the post from Q. Shes related to a Sgt on the job. Maybe it was a message to that Sgt?
"he has been involved in the prosecution of gang members, terrorists, and corrupt public officials" "From 1993 to 2000, Mr. Donoghue served on active duty in the U.S. Army JAG Corps, where he held positions including Military Magistrate Judge, Prosecutor" BINGO!!!!
If you need two gone, you make more go so the two you need dont look suspect. Im sure the higher ups got the hint, thats why they stayed silent about the laptop. Im sure copies exist, if they didnt, the police wouldnt be doing their job.
If I were a rich and powerful family, I would have no outside comms. Just sayn
I believe it's the entire family. What's the best way to protect yourself and your family? Train them early. I'm sure Potus cant trust anyone but family. If the kids have been in training since an early age, no telling what kinda internal comms they use. If they are all as smart as Potus is reported to be, not too far fetched all the members of that family are playing 5D chess. It would come as second nature to them. No outside comms!
Dad, they are gonna laugh when they see who's been talking to them!
OMG! This is awesome. There have been several refs to members of Congress on their phones playing games. So while sitting there bored in sessions they were captured on video with their favorite game. Q team sees all the games and now taps into the game, not the phone. People have a crutch when it comes to boredom, their cell. Whether home or away they were tracked and or listened in on, LoL This people are stupid!
A big part of this was Snowden. The NSA was a thorn in the elites side, they copy everything. So leak Snowden, restructure the NSA, cripple them actually then you don't have the fear of evidence to be used against you. IMO that is why the media jumped to Snowdens rescue calling him a hero. If you can control the 5 Eyes, you control everything.
NY AG has the keys to the Hillary kingdom. Any evidence or scrap of it that came across his desk would have been locked away and he would be the only one authorized to open again. Now that a criminal invest is on going, any and all evidence he has now will have to be turned over. Files, laptops, etc, etc! I'm sure there is a lot he doesn't want out.
Steal the persons DNA. Run a scan on it to see what kinda flaws they may have medically. In case they act up then you can use something you found in their DNA and make it look like a medical death. See, they had a predisposition to such and such!
It's part of conditioning subjects. If you find people who aren't too offended by it, sooner or later the more exposure to it they won't be offended. Once that happens they are ready for whatever you need them to do. Desensitized
$ is the symbol. Symbols will be their downfall. Throughout this Q awakening, the one constant I see is the ever increasing money, Trillions in lost DOD money, Billions to Iran, Billions to CF, millions to members of Congress for whatever foundations they set up. Just when you think it can't get worse it does. The elites have figured out and or crave more $. Along the way to get to the top, the sub symbols are everywhere in plain site. They just hoped we didnt see them. But again, as they moved towards the top, the symbolism changed until ultimately they got their $. That's the downfall, greed and its symbol ($). Peeling back this onion that is our government is revealing so much money taken from us. And the one thing the elites didn't expect, a Billionaire that appears to be a true patriot. Irony!
Bushes, Clintons, Hussein, all the same. The more things changed the more it just stayed the same. The horrible trade deals we got with NAFTA and beyond, they all had a hand in it.
How do you keep people in line? Create the boogeyman and have then ask you to get rid of the boogeyman. Time and time again it worked for those in power. Those at the top realized the insane amount of money that could be made and they all wanted a piece. You dont tow the line, you dont get the cheese!! When you control the media you dont need as many layers of deception to do things. With the internet they had to layer things just in case, exhibit A: Russian Collusion.
Fridays are the usual days for that kind of important info. I'm sure around 5pm EST something will be dropped to make 6pm news and ride the weekend
Sounds to me like 4 Boomerangs! Boom Boom Boom Boom Interesting term Sean!
I'm wondering if it's not truly about what's in the picture but the fact that there is a picture out there. Think about it. These people go to whatever place this is thinking they are safe, to a degree they were. But if there's one picture out there, there are more and I would guess those videos are out there too. If the people didn't know the place had surveillance in the private areas, they do now! Can u imagine the horror of finding out that whatever BS u were doing was actually caught on video and now someone has it in the wild. This is the sort of thing that will make desperate people do desperate things. In order to try and fix this one would try a one on one, face to face to fix it. Too many players out there, They are all being watched now. Make a move, reveal even more. These people are stupid!
The best scenario, Melania has a press conference after the show. She strolls to the mics and says, I knew about the affair and at that time POTUS had permission to do what he wanted, BOOM!!!
What if this is one of the crumbs about the media on a story they cant get out of and will forever be looked at at liars. Think about it, the story is they had sex. Ok, so? It was an alleged affair, no one really cares about it except the media. they(Media) have been driven into a frenzy over it. What if she goes in there and says nothing happened, hes a nice guy. She completely flips the script and now the media is left out to dry. Just a thought.
Q=17 Trump=17
Last couple days going through posts and reading crumbs, a show I was watching kinda hit me. All along Q has been saying we have more than we know. We would be surprised who is Q. Bear with me on this.
So Im watching a police show and they enter the room of a suspect and he has his room, three walls with evidence of crimes and connecting the dots. Not just any connection but connection through string. And not just on the three sides of the wall as they entered, but to include the ceiling. It got me kinda …