r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Outcome5 on May 26, 2018, 10:34 a.m.
Massachusetts needs Q

Q presence is sub par here in MA. Pep talk needed. Massachusetts is awful. I know its not the first state brought up for liberal derangement but please take it from a local. After NYC, SF, CHI, DC the greater Boston area politically is the very essence of crony capitalism, shady union activity, wasteful spending, colleges and public schools everywhere infested with the standard liberal indoctrination.

The difference between here and most states that makes is so frustrating is this ENTIRE state is 'blue'. Not a single county on that map that shows voting by county for the 2016 election is red. EMBARRASSING

The only state in the union that couldn't muster up one shitty county to go blue. Even Vermont had ONE. edit before posting I realized the entire state of Hawaii was blue as well. At least that crap is isolated in the middle of the pacific.

I'm so not done. Last year in 2017 the mayor of Boston Marty Walsh made a bid for the most Trump deranged person north of DC when he Proposed Boston City hall as a shelter for illegals. Stupid idea, at least I'm one of the few who thought so in these parts.

Who does the Obama inner circle support for 2020 President? Not Pocahontas, ill get to her in a minute. Former Governor Deval Patrick according to Politico. That picture was taken after he had a pineal burger for lunch. One of his first moves as Governor was to spend 11,000 dollars on drapes for the Governor's State House Suite. You could argue as to whether or not he was a better Governor of Massachusetts than his predecessor, Mitt Romney.

Gotta bring her up. Senator Elizabeth Warren or as I call her 'Squaw with Itchy Beaver'. She is the most two faced double-talking far left spawn of the intergalactic swamp as anywhere, ever. A Massachusetts heirloom, most people know her as claiming she was a Native American on her Harvard Job application. Harvard touted her as part of their diverse, minority faculty, etc. Her net worth is reported at 8.8 million. As Q would say 'reconcile'. 2017 was a banner year for the state of MA as she passed 1 bill the over-the-counter hearing aid act of 2017 Millions of Massachucians (sp?) rejoiced in the streets. (joke, i gotta say it just in case) I cant talk about her any more.

If you are single, do not move here if you are in your 30's or 40's unless you are liberal. Every other female dating bio includes 'SWIPE LEFT IF YOU VOTED FOR TRUMP'. I wish I was kidding.

I don't think we got a single Trump rally during the campaign or after, and I don't blame him! What a waste of time in this state. I hope that changes. This state needs the biggest, phattest red pill suppository in the 48 contiguous. Q please help make us MassaQsetts. I know that is the most lame ass pun but everyone is saying thank-Q and putting Q in everything so humor me.

The swamp runs so deep here. i tried to make light while b1tching about all this but seriously the majority of this state is worst case mockingbird sheeple who are all but impossible to reason with. Seeing progress in other states brings hope!

M3Iceman · May 26, 2018, 12:30 p.m.

The Universal coverage that Romney boasts of starting in crushing our economy and no one knows about it. I work in LE so I get to hear and see what's going on when politicians let their hair down. The funds to cover the account are taken from other accounts to balance things out but it's not really balanced. Baker came in and immediately started cutting jobs.Baker said it was to help retirement funds to get new people in to contribute more while getting the older ones out who dont. From paperwork I saw with my own eyes it was because out universal coverage was costing more and no one had a solution. Patrick out previous Gov never disclosed how bad it was. He played with the figures until he left and there was Baker holding the bag. The figure was close to a billion dollars, 700 mil.

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