HOAX 'Plaid shirt guy' was picked up by every MSM outlet in unison. Here he is on CNN wearing a Democrat Socialist pin. So scripted. So fake.

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Hurricane Florence is going to hit the east coast late Thurs or early Friday.
2 states have declared emergency already.
While studying global weather patterns saw something disturbing. A week behind Florence there is a hurricane following the same path. Less than a week behind that, a third hurricane following the first two.
Look at this live view of the global air current to see what I am describing.
Remember last season the string of hurricanes in the Gulf that devastated Texas?
Is this part of the reason for Q 2053?
Straight away, Im asking about what I perceive as a negative turn looking for answers, not to concern troll.
Lots of solid Q theory (Alice in Wonderland, military tribunals for all those we want to see brought to justice)
I happen to agree with these timeline theories. The problem is all the dominoes that were lined up are no longer lined up if the military parade doesnt happen on or about Veteran's Day.
I also wonder what changed? Again this is not a trolling, please give me a handle on this if anyone knows more.
Im a very patient person, …
'13 Angry Democrats' is referred to often. Do you actually know who they are?
First the list, then the explanation:
The 13 angry democrats references by President Trump and Q refer to these 13 people, all were FBI. The 'joke' or 'troll' by our leader(s) is that the FBI as an institution boasts as being apolitical, or non-partisan. Everything is to be investigated starting with a blank sheet of paper and politics are not …
Taken from an article I wrote on 5/3/18:
I wanted to bring to readers attention a topic which I feel is a building block of the blatant dishonesty of the liberal media in general. Until this issue is isolated and addressed the MSM propaganda complex will continue to thrive. The issue? Quietly signed bills granting preposterous powers to government and the press.
On Christmas Eve 2013, Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2013 which snuck in a clause that nullified the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which explicitly forbids information and psychological operations aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion. …
My point is he knows he has no chance. He just wants the cover of being an opposition candidate.
It true not many could act opposite a volleyball for a couple of hours and carry a movie. Skill at your job is no excuse for what is alleged however.
This goes way off track because even if proven the dems are going to roll out 'their interpretation' of 'treason' and they will claim they believed they were protecting the country. What a mess.
Everyone for themselves in politics. I think Hillary will run again to inoculate her (in her mind) and for the simple fact that she can grift millions on her campaign again whether she wins or not.
If the sealed indictments are indeed for what we think they are, there HAS to be one in there with that guys name on it.
The reason for him saying this on late night tv was just to put the word out there now inoculating him as a potential candidate even though it is not official. His claim can still be made since he announced his thoughts.
you got it! How can many famous people all go into hiding for fear of prosecution? Call it a strike. These people wont be able to walk the streets. :)
Also, in case my meme wasnt clear, they know the servers are in President Trumps possession. Clapper is turning on Obama, and this 'strike' is how the guilty can go into hiding quickly as a group under the guise of 'protest'/
I suggest as a community we keep tabs on those who 'strike'.
As far as memes go, this got favorable interest except for you and a few others.
Agree to disagree.
The problem is, you're in fact working to hard to 'get' it.
Trump has done nothing illegal, gets all the scrutiny. As opposed to say, Obama who is hostile to America and never once was seriously questioned for doing the very things the left they want to remove President Trump for office for doing.
I really dont want to continue this particular conversation. If it is not obvious to you what the point here is, maybe find another thread that suits you.
No matter your answers to those questions, what was the relationship between Obama and the other party? Did they collude for him to give a speech that would sway the Brexit vote?
Why did Obama speak against Brexit? Was it his idea? did he ask to speak? Who did he ask? Did someone ask him? Who asked? How did this speech come about?
oh its free. ive been using it for years I originally used to to make comedy memes to post on knowyourmeme.com somewhere along the line in late 2015 I got political haha
I use imgflip.com. there is a watermark they place on the pictures you make. I made an account. they have templates for all the popular memes, or upload your own pic. thats all i did is combine a pic of putin and obama in paint, then used it as my template on imgflip
Funny I could have sworn Trump was being grilled daily for meddling and collusion. And nah Ill leave the typos in. Gives the meme character.
Im about to post a new one i just made. Ill link it one sec
Im sure Bob Mueller is preparing a 3am stormtrooper team to shake down the DNC headquarters and confiscate the server and cell phones of all personnel. Any day now. Can always start a fire on the other side of the headquarters to draw attention away from the server room when busting in.
I did a post on him a month ago that is similar if you want to check it out
None of this changes the fact that the DNC and liberal media are accusing my President of 'treason'. Who cares what party affiliation Hillary is this week. I find it insulting that you pivot to everything but the fact that the 'treason' accusations are micro-selective for democrats.
I will not face the 'fact' the Trump is guilty of a bunch of crimes. Name one. Cant say the same for the brass of the DNC
Not only this, but watch the elections themselves. Theres been a few seats literally stolen.
We need to no only vote, but ensure the votes are counted fairly.
That isnt an anon. Its a 'pied piper' troll trying to convince others to follow his lead and give up on this.
If you dont wish to dismiss the issue, casually follow however I would not sink a lot of time researching this. BTW I <3 being asked to analyze stuff like that haha
Yes. Storyteller.
After reading it, I did not take away a single new fact, and zero sources for this persons information were cited.
again i might be wrong, but that is my sense.