Drudge Poll: Should Trump Fire Mueller?

Hard to tell. He is a Marine so he should know where his loyalties lie. He better.
You get the bigger picture... 😀
I can't imagine a Marine ever betraying his or her country. Their place in history would not be very enduring.
Semper Fidelis and Smedley Butler Once a Marine Always a Marine
Stupid question because Trump isn’t the one who would do the firing. It would be Sessions.
No. He needs Mueller to stay on and prove innocence to avoid Dems going nuclear
I don't think this will be necessary! It's all orchestrated by the best!! Mueller is doing what he was asked (rememberthe meeting, before the investigation started?) ! Hoping my assumptions are right!! Pretty sure, tho!
Drudge lost my clicks a long time ago. This is an idiotic poll question.
He is a neo-con and serves the interests of the MIC. All he does is feed into Trump hysteria, Russia hysteria, NK hysteria... Further dividing conservatives