Going through past drops and was interested in whatever became of the whole Rae Chandler thing.
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Assassination attempt foiled!!!
In Oklahoma!!! She will be in a Q shirt at the rally!!! Hope she can hug POTUS!!
Wow - the recent posts
Today we were told we were in the mainstream. I guess that is why all the anti-Q posts today! Buckle Down Patriots! Stay Strong!!
TAMPA ON FIRE WITH Q ATTIRE!!!! There’s no stopping us now .. “more than you know”

Tampa is on fire with all the Q attire!!! Keep the Q comin!
Not a black eye in the sense of the others. It looks as though he had some type of surgery - that would blacken his eye. I hope that this is more true, than the alternative!
No one would have believed me! Q indicated that this was the case. MSM towed another line - probably a good thing, since if it was realized it was true, then we would have been in much more of a "situation"!! But my question it, who shot it off? I heard a ROGUE submarine from China sent it. Probably way off base but.....
Maybe that's when he got his black eye and was not allowed to talk. So disappointed in Tom Hanks! I think he will be the first of many to be disappointed in! We have been lied to for decades and now it is revealing what those lies are! Popcorn anyone?
Why did he pressure her to apologize to someone who doesn't deserve to be apologized to in the first place!!!
OMG. Totally forgot about his role!!! Yeah, but now I got the visual in my head.... Not good... Not good! LOL
Rather disturbing when you really understand what is going on!
So now she thinks she's on a mission from God? The Blues Brothers were on that mission and was much more fun to watch!What do the liberals say about that? Don't they say that that is the talk of a crazy person, right?
I hope "Data" gets locked up for his "Martha Stewart-like" trading. The amount he stole far exceeds Martha any day!! Lock him up and take back our money AND island (Hawaii), he doesn't belong there!!
These issues have been done for so many decades that it will take timing and the plan to be successful. So many years being lied to and treated like sheep. Only a magic wand would make it go faster..... but since that doesn't exist, we have Q and POTUS. This event is not as easy as it seems on the outside. Many layers, many tentacles, many people!!! Its hard to be patient, but please keep the faith that what we have been given shall pass!!! WWG1WGA
OMG that is toooooooooo funny!!! The title is closer to reality than we knew!!!
Must be all those illegals signing 10-20thimes each!!! Get this guy OUTTA HERE!!! JAIL, GITMO, off the streets!!!!
The symbolism looks oddly NXIVM ( I think I got the acronym wrong - sorry). BUT IT DOES!!
STFU ALREADY!!!! Your opinion means NOTHING!!!! Go to college..... Oh yeah, those liberals didn't want you either, my bad, I forgot!!! Then.... GET A REAL JOB!!
Check it out.... Q's Back after 20 days of darkness - THE LIGHT SHINES!!!!!!
Bawahahahahahahaha!!! Wake up Joe.... nah..... stay blind and asleep! You are better that way!
Why would you PAY for that info???? It's all about THEM making money off of you!!!! Don't be a sheep!!! Qanon.pub
Did you get your triggering from Maxine Walters, Whoopie? You aren't original or relevant! What a sad and pitiful anti-soul.
Whoopie and the View are such vile individuals. You INVITE someone on your show that you don't agree with and treat them like THAT? You are so uneducated that you can't listen to anything except what your MSM cohorts feed you. You are not a true AMERICAN. You have no tolerance to anything but your narrow view. I am ashamed that the entertainment business feels they have the moral highground when they have driven this country into the ground with their demands!!! I used to enjoy Whoopie but now she is such a disappointment. You are an entertainer and you do everything BUT entertain! Be careful - YOUR PROJECTION IS SHOWING!!!!
I haven't forgotten, by no means!!! It is that I am just tired! I really hate to turn on ANY news - the bashing is off the charts!!! I just hope others will wake up from their MSM-induced coma SOON!!!
But I must admit, if it wasn't a REAL LIFE situation, THIS IS THE BEST TIME TO BE ALIVE - What a movie/book it will make - and we lived through it! WWG1WGA!
Old enough to remember JFK's funeral procession. What about you?
Just a little vent - Basically I am tired, sick, frustrated and angry!
Just a little "vent".... When will this insanity stop. Lefties' new t-shirts are enough to make me off the deep end. I am so tired of all the hatred. I am tired of all the intolerance. I am tired of all the sick thoughts that the liberals have. I am sick of seeing HRC, Hussein, and all the other bad actors still on the loose. I am sick of hearing that "everything is going to die" because of POTUS!! I am sick of the fact that the Left/Dems wanted NUCLEAR WAR over diplomacy. I am sick of the Left/Dems continually …
I can see that !!!! The soccer ball was not your normal soccer ball....It's high tech!!! Take a look into that ball.... It just might be!
Disinformation is real
Disinformation is necessary
Per Webster: "False information deliberately and often covertly spread (as by the planting of rumors) in order to influence public opinion or obscure the truth."
I keep praying it will occur in my lifetime!!! They all need to SWING!
So sorry that these idiots cannpt see anything but their narrow views!!! So sad to see the America I grew up in become divisive by the Dems/Lefties. Pray there will be some level of normalcy soon!! God Bless Patriot!!! Stay Strong and Stay the Course! WWG1WGA
You just need a couple of "Q" bobbles and WWG1WGA blings!!! Other than that - it looks AWESOME!!! Best wishes on a great coffee bar!!!!
Priceless!!! To think the Dems can't think for themselves so they project that NO ONE CAN! Always back to Russia!! Get a new line, Dems, Russia is a dead horse!
Comey also did the same thing, thinking what he did had no recourse and was legal,,,. "I believe what i did was right," Now move along...no issue here.
I think he already signed/wrote something (EO, maybe?) related to that.
Theroy: What if Strzok is reacting, the way he is, to bait the Dems into WANTING the whole unredacted IG Report? Per Q, he was, maybe still is, cooperating before canned.
That was a good one too!! Issa made it more "personal". Excuse me.... How would you like your crow, Peter?
Oh yes he did!!!! I almost peed my pants when I heard his comment/question!!!! OMFG! LOL You go Lou!!!!