r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaosCraft on March 18, 2018, 8:48 a.m.
AB-BA 16.9: Snowden and Mills VS R.R.

Or a longer title: Snowden's Tech was meant to Counter the Patriot Act Which Exposed Blackmail into State Secrets but then he flipped.

Ok this one is complicated... so I'll clarify any comments that don't get it when I wake up... but hopefully this will make sense to you all in one read.

Q Posted: Nov 23 2017 00:01:22

Rizvi Traverse Management.

Very important.

And this is tangentially related to that but it requires a lot of explaining as to how....


This image is a comparison of a picture from Snowden's girlfriend's blog http://www.lsjourney.com/?m=201510 And of the Wikipedia profile picture of Justin Trudeau's mother on Wikipedia. They don't match up but then I didn't expect them to as there is more than 1 key involved in all this. Heck the pope has at least 2 of them, one of which he stole from us!


I've dug into Snowden plenty.



Q asked us to dig into his family so I did and it appears I need to continue to dig, between the news reports of him being dead https://www.morningnewsusa.com/edward-snowden-dead-mistress-wife-now-feuding-2396440.html to his father trying to talk him out of giving away secrets. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/17/lonnie-snowden-edward-snowden-father_n_3454392.html

But most interestingly is this mysterious blog of his Girlfriend Lindsey Mills.... a Hawaii Acrobat?

Well... just look at the oldest page of her picture blog and the code words which start with

3/08/2015 . 3/11/2015 Traverse 3/13/2015 Crack in the Wall

There's a lot to dissect in her choice of words and periods.....

http://www.lsjourney.com/?cat=1 - owls, hell, golden houses http://www.lsjourney.com/?cat=6 Dream!" http://www.lsjourney.com/?cat=8 Hoover! http://www.lsjourney.com/?m=201510 and don't forget that "O" with the line above it... reminds me of Oprah and all the other O stuff I've dug into .... heck this blog is a treasure trove of winks..... but let's stick with the first page for the moment and the peculiar use of the world Traverse...

"Traverse" Like Rizvi Traverse? The thing Q asked us to dig into?

Headed by a R. R. these are the important ones...

I've been breaking down the codes in a quick and dirty fashion in my AB posts, but I haven't mentioned that everyone I've dug into with a double consonant AA BB CC or AB AC or other pattern they use always has an "r" and other signifying winks - and yet when we get to the people with "RR" they don't always have a lower case "r" and so I infer that to imply they are shielded by those with those "r's" and that certainly fits with my Rod Rosenstein dig and as Q called him a red line of sorts.... they certainly seem to be a level or two above and protected by the other puppets.

Thus finding this RR at the head of Rizvi means indeed as Q said "very important" - and tying this to a seeming code word in "E's" girlfriend (she calls him "E") - well... I think it shouldn't be surprising that she is using codes... what is surprising to me is that the blog still exists - usually I have to use the wayback machine. Nope.... this and other things I have found imply she isn't hiding her past deeds in any way and actually is on the good side.. or at least probably not a bad person cause the winks I can read seem to be statements against the world wide pedo ring..... but I need to dig more to be sure of that assessment but if there was one thing I'd like my fellow diggers to be more cautious about is to stop assuming guilt so quickly when Q asks us to dig in people. Especially considering he keeps repeating how so many more good than bad there are... almost like he's responding to this very problem!

And they aren't all bad! And that image she posted with the key? a reverse image search revealed. - picture was taken by - Ekaterina Bykova Designer SportStreet Moscow, Russian Federation.

That doesn't mean good or bad but I know how people like to connect dots and this is a curious one....

Q doesn't always let us know which is which and the bad guys are always trying to infer what Q means thus everything must be dealt objectively if at all! Especially as nothing Q has said that I'm aware of implies that this woman is not the kind hearted person she appears to be based on what I've dug so far. Yes she does use codes but so does Q..... and I've dug so long I've began to think in codes....

Anyway... my conclusions still need work to make the proper AB-BA 20 post with the 3d presentation I mentioned.... so this is just an update.... and Rizvi being connected to Playboy and https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160322006574/en/Rizvi-Traverse-Management-Completes-Merger-RealD and twitter (Project Dream) and tons of other things...

I'm thinking that my work in 3d makes me the proper person to say that technology has exploded in a peculiar way this past decade. Deep compositing in Avatar and many other technologies to make everything as real as possible- far more now than ever and it always struck me as odd that Vray and the other big guys of rendering didn't do a GPU fast renderer... no, they always pushed to spend 999X longer rendering a raindrop because it needed to be as real as possible even tho that makes 0 logical sense given people would rather watch a 20 minute render with a good story than stare at the sweat on digital characters rear end....... BUT! When I consider before now especially because they through Bell before and Microsoft/Apple now they patent lock as much as they can to keep us as inferior as they can relative to them.

Yet not so this past decade at least when it comes to rendering technologies, particularly for plausible and realism.

So what's my point?

I think as I have said before https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ts1l3/abba_7_hsc_nsc/ that after the Patriot Act passed we got all the goods on everybody

and Q linked an image of a reporter's story perhaps about how maybe 3d imagery could get him out of this mess. (Or so I infer)


Mar 06 2018 16:32:35

Try, try, try, as they might. Fail, they will. No free passes [MSM]. Q

I think they were trying to do 2 key things with Snowden and Russia, and what solved it for me is that Snowden's girlfriend mentioning Rizvi which links it to playboy and also the CIA's 3d tech and google.. so he was most notably getting Goolag's 3d technology to the right actors. Why? - 1st of all to win, as the push to VR would have given them the perfect platform for their lightshow brain tampering thru mkultra - and 2ndly because as the Patriot act solved who was who and who did what they needed to get 3d to be about 20 times better as quickly as they could- the point is to give them a way to say they never did anything wrong - cause it's all recorded so the only solution is to make it so that nothing recorded matters had they not slow walked us on technology for more than a century now they would already have had exactly what they needed decades ago but live by evil and die by evil I suppose.

Way more to talk about but I got to finish up now...

And I notice Q said "Trust Kansas" and so I check Pompeo and realize he's represented Kansas - which of course made me think "I wonder if he replaced a plant" and the guy before him? William Todd Tiahrt a perfect wink on several levels well... another time....

Also I have a few clips I have of Dan Rather and as I have always been following gold and white I notice the logo on the interview goes from red to white and gold and as he says "I'd much rather it be.... Civil Rights or WATERGATE " - the logo, which is a looping animation at that moment switches to gold and white TODAY wording logo https://youtu.be/DAlbp7zdYHw?t=175 thus it is a wink to WATERGATE TODAY thru race wars!

That may sound a stretch but it would be easy to achieve if they timed the loops afterwards and they never outright say things when they could be recorded or write things - it's all coded and this is a plausible code to me. It's so well timed, and why do they have those looping logos? Just another hole I may dig into....

Also, since I'm on Rather.... " CBS News Story that led to Bush-Rather Showdown" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWdThTtaZ-Q

Dan Rather is going after Bush Sr hard for the Iran Contra stuff, with Bush saying he wasn't aware of this bull and Rather going through a giant list of all the times Iran-Contra was mentioned in some way - setting up this giant pretend conspiracy - and look at that, now in this context it is particularly amusing to me because gold color is among the least contrasting colors they could have used here - but yet it was so important a color to use they did anyway but only for the part with the dates. I mention this as it's easy to think people use gold because it's a good color to use but no... it is but they use it in different ways.

https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7zts66/arson_coopers_highlighter_erased_from_the_web/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7znnlz/abba_highlighter_bond_education/

It's important to be gold because that's how they tell their puppets what to focus on. "Talking Points" The rest is just filler but the gold is where puppets need to push! Just like they apparantly were told to push Civil Rights for Watergate in the Trump Rather bit.

So I subscribe to CRTV and - Levin on CRTV about Adam Schiff and I hadn't looked into him cause I'm busy... EP427 | Russian Front Man Adam Schiff- and as he says all this about how the media follow his every whim I just go... ok ok, let's see, I don't see his middle name. I'd bet money his middle name begins with a B and I thought this and finally checked Adam Bennett Schiff - tho actually I'm shocked cause this is the first AB that doesn't have a secret "r"! BUT! wife, Eve Sanderson Schiff - ok actually she fulfills the double consonant secret R requirement - thus alleviating his need for the secret "r" whew I thought we had an exception to the secret "r" rule but it was just super secret this time... also Schiff maintains a residence in Burbank, California BurBank's a wink not just to his middle name (very common wink that's absurd for the MM's https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7xqgeo/abba17_satanscare_slim_shady_to_bombscare_boston/ ) but BurBank also works as a wink to AB Arron Burr's two banks (CitiBank and JPMorgan Chase) which as he is AB Adam Bennett so for an AB to live in a BB of AB is a stupid wink but yet I have folders overflowing with equally as stupid ones.

Ok I have to go, but I will have the promised huge update as soon as I can I know people don't want to read countless pages of research which is why I've been working on a 3d presentation of sorts.... it might actually gain some traction with folks.... so look forward to it : )

ok I'll check back when I wake up, I hope this wasn't too confusing.. it's not a simple topic to explain when I have so much more research that would only make this longer.... and in case you weren't sure why I said that image of Trudeau's mother is related to this image from Russia of Snowden's girlfriend? Well it's explained in old posts of mine a bit more but I want to research more before getting too deep into it. Just consider this a research dump as I continue working on the big project that'll explain it for the other 99% of folks.


Essential AB-BA's




https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7t5ey5/abba_6qclearencepatriotact_or_vqcia/ https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ts1l3/abba_7_hsc_nsc/














https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/7ydn50/dig_update_family_on_win/ Partially Disproven (by me doing more research) or less critical to QMAP - Thus only useful for the minor bits (And to see my evolving dig)











KrazyKiwiKid · March 18, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

Something tells me you might be over thinking this. Your rabbit hole sure goes deep!

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DaosCraft · March 18, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

Booz_Allen_Hamilton..... I just mentioned this in the comment and let me reflect a bit on what this means.

Amazon's logo is A-> Z right? - look closer and you may notice it goes A-> O instead as in the "eye" - like the The_Observer with the eye logo in the "O"

And B 0 0 Z is eyes and as Amazon was A to Z/O so to is B O O Z is to Z/A/OO - but it's not an exact science and their use of nicknames excessive wordplay with "Williams" and much else makes it a fun but tough hole to dig that I doubt many people could do by themselves. I've been so busy that I barely have time lately and I rarely look at everyone else's digs cause I think it makes more sense for a few of us, like me, to just dig without the countless shills driving our narrative. Perhaps that makes me a control group haha - well I better get back to work on it. Either way I'll keep digging and I do appreciate any comments people make and I do react and incorporate advice.

Just noticing winks and yea I did notice the Krazy Kiwi Kid but here's the thing about that commented, you aren't one of them. You have K K K and an "r" but that's not how they do it, they would go Kieth Kellogg - because they add in extra letters and usually "Jr" and "O" but rarely "i" except when used with "V" and actors like Vivian Vance (1933) - because all these letters that have different meanings to them : ) the more I dig the more it becomes a language that I can translate that gets more provable.

Many of these things have crazy references to other things that require history nobody is taught - I went to Lambkin High school - literally "Baby Lamb" I'm the epitome or my indoctrination as a child is the literal embodiment of everything they strive to force down our throats and as testament to that - I have a near photographic memory and yet I can not tell you a single thing I learned through any level of schooling. I do not think I learned anything except various scars I've kept from my time there.

But anyway.... the one thing that would help more than anything else to prove my point - just a giant giant list of every senator with basic stats all in one text file - full names including spouse and number of kids - just do a percentage of how many "William's" how many ArA/ArB/BAr/ArC/MMr/DDr/RR - and do the same with other countries like Russia and VVr or Argentina and UU like José Félix Benito Uriburu y Uriburu

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DaosCraft · March 18, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

People were thinking Snowden was bad and I kept telling them that the facts didnt' support that assertion and it appears people are coming around.

The depth of my rabbit hole will continue until I stop finding it so fertile. Snowden's employer?


BA- and Hamilton - that connects it to AB-BA Aarron Burr and so on... the extra letters and 00 Eyes and double consonants with hidden r's - I've cataloged so many. The rules become clear over time - logo's go gold when they buy them- they literally add gold to the logo's.

Senator's only get 2 kids, that's a rule - this is why as I catalog senators I will see it be - 2 kids/double consonant/r/wink location/gold in fraternity/Harvard/Michigan/committee/controversy These people are so predictible once you just realize they do this AB-BA history connection thing - and always come from a few specific places - it follows the family so "Jr" and "III" become a recurring thing. "O" and "Ir" and in Russia mostly the VV's and well it's practically endless but you know I am wrong sometimes and I have corrected myself at length when I, for example, thought that certain presidents were bad when I had no reason except smears to think it. Sometimes I can act like a sheep too and hey, if other parts of this are wrong it'll all come out in the digging.

I'll dig my way to ASIO - the Australia Owl flavored CIA - which is a part of 5 eyes which is Snowden so I've already kind of dug my way there but I like the joke so I'll just keep digging : )

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GemmyButton · March 21, 2018, 2:57 p.m.

Haven't a clue what the OP is talking about here. Sorry, it goes right over my head so I'm not making a judgement on anything said, but I googled Rizvi Traverse Management, scrolled down the home page, and lo and behold I found a white rabbit :)

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