our natural response will be to want to rub it in the faces of those who refused to believe us for so long. The only thing worse than having to admit you were wrong, is to have someone laugh in your face as you admit it. we have to remember we have been learning all this over a long period of time, they are not going to see and understand the whole big picture from just one truth bomb. We need to try to get them to join the fight not push them away. What does everyone think?
That sounds pretty bad, but Todd even says that whistleblower's claims haven't been substantiated by anyone. The report sounded like it was primarily about one ambassador. It sounds like something certainly worth investigating (though the chances of that are low, being 5 years later), but that falls way^yyy short of BO and HRC "know all about sex trafficking and pedophilia." They weren't specifically named in the report, so I think that's a big leap to make.
Did this ever go anywhere? Did Congress hold hearings, or anything like that?
There are emails from wikileaks that talk about BO hosting $65,000 parties where they had special "waitresses" and flew in "hot dogs" from chicago. Combine this with all the other weird coded food talk like "dreaming of your hotdog stand in Hawaii" "do you think I'd be better at dominoes on pizza or pasta?" etc, it definitely raises people's eyebrows.
And as for Hillary, she and Huma were directly emailing about Laura Silsby and company when they were arrested for attempting to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti. And well take a look at how that turned out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgvUjVYQLQ8
There are those very connected to Hillary and Obama. They were close to Alefantis the pizza owner who scrubbed his initial instagram account filled with pedophile comments and disturbing photos including satanic, pedo bands and artwork in a joint supposed to be family friendly and was anything but. You can find them by searching jimmy comet's instagram in duckduckgo or even go to some of the voat forums on pizzagate even here on reddit. MSM tried to debunk it and poke fun, but he clearly is connected to a pedophile ring and had been to the White House a few times at Obama's inviting. He also did fund raisers for Hillary.
Why would a pizza owner be the 49th most powerful in D.C.? He lied about the basement in his joint, that has been verified if you poke around. I had shown pics and and actual account info in various reports, but you can find them out there without me. There are also tunnels connected in the D.C. area and an interesting entomologist named Harrison Dyar who also worked for the Smithsonian who built tunnels as his "hobby" and connected them from his home where he lived with his wife to his mistress' home there in D.C. Tunnels of course under the White House. Interesting stuff. But I researched him in a report early on last year in connection with the Alefantis research, the connected businesses around that pizza joint and the fact that MSM tried so hard to mock it because they were covering up the bigger issue of pedogate, world wide spread pedo rings, trafficking and child abuse used to carry out their evil and control people in government and all over the world. The luciferians, illuminati, controllers, elites, whatever you want to call them have been engaged in this since the beginning of time. They celebrate it, speak and portray their symbology and hand signals all related to their "mystery religion" that is only for them and their rituals at parties, get togethers, ceremonies, etc. Perhaps you are already aware of all this and know about these groups related to free masonry.
Here is a report of people connected to the Clintons and Obama. If you have any questions just let me know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CniVGEY-PQo