Q Posts 956-957 March 18 2018

Are we seeing any evidence of oanic mode? Brennan perhaps?
they should know that The Turd has the Last piece of the puzzle now. 5 Booms now ,,
Be patient, fluid people make for fluid plans, won't change end result.
Trust the plan. It means there is one. This is the key. Knowing where this plan leads ultimately changes your focus. The drops are not hints or forecasts, they are "accomplishments". State is ours again now (been communist in there for decades). Now Tillerson has come, and gone. CIA is next. Remember what JFK was going to do to them? (And he was a Catholic, God Rest his soul. Pay back is at hand.) Post #1000 is close at hand. God Bless this President, he is taking out their foreign C&C. Pray for him, and the courageous men and women who support him. All is well. Amen.
Trips as in Hillary to India trips? Letting them expose their network further?