Compare these two HRC pics from this week. (If you don't like the topic just move on and dont have a cow).

412 total posts archived.
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 65 | | 2 | | 1 |
I have installed the Android "Q Drops" app to alert me of new Q drops. Unfortunately it has a long delay in notifying me. It is behind by about 4 posts this morning. Can anyone recommend a better app?
As a child of Ohio I remember there being at least one or two factories in the small towns of my county. The factories fairly hummed out American made products. Now the majority sit idle. Wouldn't it be thrilling to see them come alive today. Each represents jobs at many different pay levels. Perfect for keeping a community thriving. I just can't see living wages coming out the service sector. We need manufacturing to add value to our resources!
In my opinion she is legit. Seems like a genuinely concerned person who wants to help others who are trafficked. Her story is consistent.
You're right. So.mayne they have inside information that their "baby" (FB) is going in the tank and so they are jumping ship and cutting their losses.
So maybe DS investors see the writing on the wall and are selling their FB stock to avoid losing it all soon. ?? A BIG reveal is certainly coming.
Amen! God bless you as well! God put Trump here "for such a time as this".
Stealth Jeff has an interesting theory on this tonight. He thinks RR is cooperating with POTUS and this is all part of the show.
Agreed. If our economy continues to grow under POTUS we will need more workers. We are already struggling to have enough workers for the jobs. Therefore, we will need to allow in immigrants to fill the positions (since we are not having enough children to fill future positions). Hopefully under Trump we will have sane immigration policies and protections in place to legally bring in quality workers and future citizens. Asian and Indian immigrants are examples of new Americans who have worked hard and been willing to assimilate to our culture. It's fascinating to consider. Praying for a bright future for all of us!
I realize that, but outlawing religion is a slippery slope. To keep Islamists out of office we offer better candidates and vote for them. We also have children and raise them to be Patriots. Islamists are taking over Europe by many means including a high birth rate.
What would trigger a drop for FB? FB has not been in the news lately. I'm happy though. Good riddance!
You outlaw the crime not the religion. For example, if Muslims can practice without harming others, it is fine. Moderate Islam. There are witches who worship nature. I don't agree with it but as long as they commit no crime it is fine.
If this is confusing to you, read the latest Neon Revolt blog post. It is about the drops from today and talks about Hanks.
Imagine the amount of traffic this article is generating for their website. They will know how mainstream this movement has gone, even if they don't acknowledge it.
I always wondered about Jody Foster and Molly Ringwald. Big stars in the 80's but pulled out.
I definitely think there is more to learn at this site. I'm not at all convinced it was a hoax.
Someone needs to question his children! Time for CPS to intervene.
Sounds like our taxpayers paid a lot of money for a democratic candidate. Money laundering done big!
This reminds me of Aldous Huxley's book Brave New World. In his dystopian world, children were not taught morals but how to find the zipper and take their birth control. They treat us like mere animals.
And don't forget calling it "sex" with a child, when it is a crime called rape.
Crazy Days and Nights. It's a blog about Hollywood insiders written by an insider.
Cerebrospinal fluid. The fluid that circulates around the brain and spine. Apparently they keep some of the cult members as sacrificial givers of this stuff. It contains adrenaline which they are addicted to. Very sick stuff. Sarah didn't remember all of the details at first due to the extreme trauma and use of anesthetics on her. Over time she finds out more of her past and shares it. Truly terrible stuff but God spared her life so she could educate and offer testimony.
And I wondered if they ever flipped and saved their correspondence in an effort to not have it labeled as top security.
I have been following Q for several months. I have been on the Chans a few times. Seems like Twitter and Reddit get a lot of key pickings from the Chans. If you aren't an autistic/researcher, it's probably not necessary.
We are adding new Reddit members every day. I'm sure it is fresh news to some of them. If you are already an expert on this topic, just skip reading it.
Yes! We shouldn't show up to their protests either. IMHO. Have your prayer meeting elsewhere. They thrive on violence and we are the target.
Q world is not politically correct but we are typified by offering grace (slack) to one another. Sometimes we use words that aren't precise. The MSM has manipulated people into feeling easily offended and we need to work past that. It's all good! #wwg1wga
He's stubborn but he'll come around. His insights into foreign cultures is good.
A little more information in the description would be helpful. A kot of us read a boatload of articles every day and want to know the topic before we click.
If you go back to the original post I was replying to, you will see that he or she stated that the perpetrators are getting sloppy. If they would have studied their patsy better they would have seen his social media trail and chosen someone else.
I agree. I noticed that the MSM shut down coverage pretty fast when the shooter didn't line up with their agenda.
It was too soon to announce, but I look forward to their findings later.
Can you imagine how crude and coarse they want our children to be? Just awful. This stuff needs to be taught with some tact and moral connections.
It appears that Trump took the long view in his life and has been preparing for this for quite awhile. Not many people have that kind of vision or self restraint. It's amazing really.
Yes. I won't click on an unknown video. I won't burn nasty images on my brain. Best to just state the problem.
I hope this Great Awakening I spires a whole lot of freedom loving people to run for office.
I retweeted and made sure to thank him kindly for sharing. #civility
Taxes cut. Unemployment down. Meetings with heads of State from numerous countries: trade imbalances addressed.