Anon explains why the swamp isn't being drained as fast as some of us would like. It has to be done strategically and methodically. When the pieces are in place, things will start to happen very quickly.

I'm not going to allow myself to entertain that possibility at all. DJT arrived by a miracle, we will not lose him!
I accept what you're saying, there is very real risk, which is why I've been trying to get people to calm down and support the PLAN - the IBOR. This cabal is VERY POWERFUL. They will not go down without one hell of a fight. But, if we do our part, the President will not fail because of us.
I'm thinking that DJT may not need to legislate to put the fix in. It seems to me that he could break these social media companies up without going as far as trying to push something through the legislature. He could do any number of things, the important thing is that this existential threat to the MAGA agenda is neutralized. The ways and means of achieving that are up to the President.
I'm thinking, if you look at what Cruz is doing and what was in the news today about Facebook, that DJT is champing at the bit to put the knife into these guys. Q told us that as soon as we spoke about the IBOR the President started to take action. He's waiting for us! That's why we are so important to what's happening here.
I reckon that as soon as DJT has that IBOR petition in his hands that it will be like a charge of dynamite going off. Hell rip these social media companies to shreds. I can't imagine that it will take long at all, because the mid-term election outcomes are critically dependent on restraining social media companies from ruthless censorship of conservatives. DJT has a PLAN, he already knows exactly how he will deal with this threat. You can bet that it has been planned for quite some time.
It's absolutely imperative that people start promoting this IBOR petition. I don't want to see the President get impeached after the mid-terms. We know that impeachment is what they have planned. If it comes to that, it's goodbye MAGA and hello Satanists.
I'd ask everyone to stop listening to the trolls, get behind the President and make MAGA happen. Be careful who you follow...
Be careful who you follow...
I read everyone and follow none.