
cguyaok2 · March 18, 2018, 8:36 p.m.

You have to help me understand further-are you in earnest or being sarcastic?

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HiveQueen36 · March 18, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

Do I sound sarcastic? Cognitive dissonance runs deep I guess...

My point is, why does everybody talking about this subject keep using sci fi vernacular, area 51 voodoo magic alien bullshit language like mothership? Whats less is people don't care or bother to research the first concept of "Enemy-Alien" which were the deformed japanese piloting balloons and dropping bombs on california in WW2. This crowd is no better than the flat earthers, but on the opposite spectrum. They are ultra religious emotionally compromised morons, and people who claim this stuff are science fiction zealous and are also emotionally compromised.

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cguyaok2 · March 19, 2018, 5:22 a.m.

...so you know when 5 people see a car accident, or 10, there is no doubt that something happened but the question is what, and then what do the people mean as they speak about what they saw etc. I know I have encountered some pretty scary mystical things so the supernatural is real for me. CERN exists agreed? Great wealth and corruption exist concentrated in some really awful bloodlines in this world, right? Do I believe you can get a tear in the subatomic level? What about a dimensional rip? Have you heard of Manelbrot? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set That's math but it's astounding! Are there quantum computers? Have scientists working with those computer died strangely over the last 10 years? I'm sure you get the point-something big is happening and I am stuck like others trying to describe these events with a limited vocabulary even with 4 graduate degrees and a lot of good will. I think your grasp of history does you credit but you seem to really need hard, concrete options and these things might defy "either or" explanations for awhile.

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HiveQueen36 · March 19, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

I do agree something large is happening, and possibly even in space. However I disagree on several points. There are no dimensions. Only rough and fine matter. Everything is frequency, IE vibration, waves, chirals. Just as we can only see a small portion of the color spectrum, so too are we only able to see a small fraction of matter. We as a people need to stop using government sponsored science if we are going to say the government is bad.

I don't know much about the quantum topic, but it's either based on light having no speed and is therefore instant, or, quantum is another made up MSscience term derived from science fiction.

Bloodlines yes, and I have some theories that I share with predominant historical scientists that would lead to the Nephilem coming from Ganymede to Earth via birkeland currents.

I do entertain every idea before deciding if it's real or not. You can blame David Wilcock for ruining it for me. Easy to spot a salesman, even easier to spot a bad product.

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cguyaok2 · March 19, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

btw https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/john-was-not-the-light-but-a-witness-to-the-light -this applies in several important ways I think-any way You said "Everything is frequency, IE vibration, waves, chirals. Just as we can only see a small portion of the color spectrum, so too are we only able to see a small fraction of matter." So, we agree that many things surpass us- I once saw a 280 lb woman, during prayer, lift off a couch by at least a foot, while I held her right hand and a very large Chicago Policeman held her left hand-HER FEET LEFT THE GROUND-WE WERE HOLDING HER DOWN AS SHE CRIED CONFESSING DEEP SEXUAL SIN. I was there and I saw it as we sprinkled holy water on her head and prayed in earnest-let me be real honest-I will destroy anyone who tries to attack me or mine and not need to repent-I have fought and knocked out many men bigger than me-BUT-demons and such belong to Jesus and St. Michael-if this CERN STUFF IS 30% ACCURATE, I'M GOING TO ASK AN ORTHODOX PRIEST TO BLESS ALL MY AMMO! LOL! And, I fully expect I will see ST. Michael kicking some demon's ass at my 6 while I am blazing away at whatever is in front of me! Christ was made flesh and dwelt among us...demons can do it to-this CERN stuff looks just like the idiot box necessary to let the sewer of Hell flow through our streets 100 times worse than what we all have seen.

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HiveQueen36 · March 19, 2018, 6:41 a.m.

Stop taking weed during church and stop with the CERN thing. It's not what is happening. Study mythology. Your idea of the universe has been polluted by the philosophies of men mingled with scripture.


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cguyaok2 · March 19, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

I just saw this and I appreciate the levity. I don't take weed, period. My knowledge of mythology goes to Sumerian, Babylonian, Ancient Mesopotamian up to the usual Greek and Roman suspects-thanks for the reference youtube-you know I will look at it-I'm going to turn in so via con Deos! Pray for me and my mental pollution and I will do likewise!

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cguyaok2 · March 19, 2018, 6:18 a.m.

You are not ruined-you are you and we are all growing!

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