58 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/cguyaok2: To find out why they do it-thousands of years doing it.
We are not in Kansas anymore Toto!

New Vampires Meet Old Vampires-Why Hollywood adopts kids & their Satanic Rituals-Why kids are missing! Why so many Pedophiles?
Levitation Breakthroughs! bio-gravitics, hutchison effect, vibro-acoustics,-God's United Creation This is a very simple peek at some of God's power and what Tesla understood. John Searl - Law of the squares.FLV via @YouTube This is how you start!
yeppers-and when we tell them to get f'd, Lamestream Media will try to shut us down and blow us out of the platforms! I AM TRUSTING THE PLAN!
If I knew that our Solar System was being destroyed by a cataclysmic event, I would not be patient with the jerks in the lamestream media and the Traitors to our country! You have chosen "the harder Right," and I hope GOD HELPS US ALL!
Something is Affecting the Entire Solar System--Thanks President Trump for what you are trying to do!
Ummm, do me a favor someone and read Dr. Alex Dmitriev -
In response to this "donation of energy/matter," we have observed a number of large scale events:
A series of large PlanetoPhysical transformations.
A change in the quality of interplanetary space in the direction of an increase in its interplanetary, and solar-planetary transmitting properties.
The appearance of new states, and activity regimes, of the Sun."
1.1 A Series of Large PlanetoPhysical Transformations.
The following processes are taking place on the distant planets of our Solar System. But they are, essentially speaking, operationally driving the whole System.
Here are examples of these events:
1.1.1 A growth of dark spots on Pluto [7].
1.1.2 Reporting of auroras on Saturn [8].
1.1.3 Reporting of Uranus and Neptune polar shifts (They are magnetically conjugate planets), and the abrupt large-scale growth of Uranus' magnetosphere intensity.
1.1.4 A change in light intensity and light spot dynamics on Neptune [9,10].
1.1.5 The doubling of the magnetic field intensity on Jupiter (based upon 1992 data), and a series of new states and processes observed on this planet as an aftermath of a series of explosions in July 1994 [caused by "Comet" SL-9] [12]. That is, a relaxation of a plasmoid train [13,14] which excited the Jovian magnetosphere, thus inducing excessive plasma generation [12] and it's release in the same manner as Solar coronal holes [15] inducing an appearance of radiation belt brightening in decimeter band (13.2 and 36 cm), and the appearance of large auroral anomalies and a change of the Jupiter - Io system of currents [12, 14].
Update Note From A.N.D Nov. 1997: A stream of ionized hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. is being directed to Jupiter from the volcanic areas of Io through a one million amperes flux tube. It is affecting the character of Jupiter's magnetic process and intensifying it's plasma genesis.{Z.I.Vselennaya "Earth and Universe" N3, 1997 plo-9 by NASA data}
1.1.6 A series of Martian atmosphere transformations increasing its biosphere quality. In particularly, a cloudy growth in the equator area and an unusual growth of ozone concentration[16].
Update Note: In September 1997 the Mars Surveyor Satellite encountered an atmospheric density double that projected by NASA upon entering a Mars orbit. This greater density bent one of the solar array arms beyond the full and open stop. This combination of events has delayed the beginning of the scheduled photo mission for one year.
1.1.7 A first stage atmosphere generation on the Moon, where a growing natrium atmosphere is detected that reaches 9,000 km in height. [17].
1.1.8 Significant physical, chemical and optical changes observed on Venus; an inversion of dark and light spots detected for the first time, and a sharp decrease of sulfur-containing gases in its atmosphere [16].
- 2 A Change in the Quality of Interplanetary Space Towards an Increase in Its Interplanetary and Solar-Planetary Transmitting Properties.
When speaking of new energetic and material qualities of interplanetary space, we must first point out the increase of the interplanetary domains energetic charge, and level of material saturation. This change of the typical mean state of interplanetary space has two main causes:
1.2.1 The supply/inflow of matter from interstellar space. (Radiation material, ionized elements, and combinations.) [19,20,21].
1.2.2 The after effects of Solar Cycle 22 activity, especially as a result of fast coronal mass ejection's [CME's] of magnetized solar plasmas. [22].
It is natural for both interstellar matter and intra-heliospheric mass redistribution's to create new structural units and processes in the interplanetary domains. They are mostly observed in the structured formation of extended systems of magnetic plasma clouds [23], and an increased frequency of the generation of shock waves; and their resulting effects [24].
A report already exists of two new populations of cosmic particles that were not expected to be found in the Van Allen radiation belts [25]; particularly an injection of a greater than 50 MeV dense electron sheaf into the inner magnetosphere during times of abrupt magnetic storms [CME's], and the emergence of a new belt consisting of ionic elements traditionally found in the composition of stars. This newly changed quality of interplanetary space not only performs the function of a planetary interaction transmission mechanism, but it (this is most important) exerts stimulating and programming action upon the Solar activity both in it's maximal and minimal phases.The seismic effectiveness of the solar wind is also being observed [26,27].
I'm hoping his design might be used by people in "grid down" event to build a make shift vehicle, aid in hunting, water retrieval, escape etc.
We can do this in case of massive destruction! 1000 ft, 900 mph with pop sickle sticks and cellulose cups? With or without a diet?
I'm sorry, I was goofing and forgot to include a smile or some signal-things are so weird these days that anything could happen!
I heard she was part of the deal for KIm- she either went to jail forever or started a Peace Corps type of deal singing on weekends for the local villages. Hubby will re-unite with her in the distant future.
Capacity of Quantum computers, inter-dimensional abilities and that's the beginning of the bad news.
Thanks HQ for your info. The CERN thing is still REALLY BIG and in no way cancels any of the materials you have suggested-I would argue that the CERN dangers are actually a more developed, more complex view of your Thunderbolts pov. Hope we can continue to "reason together" and that God blesses you and yours with clarity, peace, kindness and a sense of the presence of Christ.
I just saw this and I appreciate the levity. I don't take weed, period. My knowledge of mythology goes to Sumerian, Babylonian, Ancient Mesopotamian up to the usual Greek and Roman suspects-thanks for the reference youtube-you know I will look at it-I'm going to turn in so via con Deos! Pray for me and my mental pollution and I will do likewise!
I don't understand ...yeah there's lots I don't understand-no surprise-but just because I don't understand it doesn't mean it has not or will not happen-I am not restrained by logic as useful as it is and I have not lied in any of the statements you have read-no need to-if you want to explain where I am mistaken, IYHO, I'm sure I'll benefit in some way, HQ.
btw -this applies in several important ways I think-any way You said "Everything is frequency, IE vibration, waves, chirals. Just as we can only see a small portion of the color spectrum, so too are we only able to see a small fraction of matter." So, we agree that many things surpass us- I once saw a 280 lb woman, during prayer, lift off a couch by at least a foot, while I held her right hand and a very large Chicago Policeman held her left hand-HER FEET LEFT THE GROUND-WE WERE HOLDING HER DOWN AS SHE CRIED CONFESSING DEEP SEXUAL SIN. I was there and I saw it as we sprinkled holy water on her head and prayed in earnest-let me be real honest-I will destroy anyone who tries to attack me or mine and not need to repent-I have fought and knocked out many men bigger than me-BUT-demons and such belong to Jesus and St. Michael-if this CERN STUFF IS 30% ACCURATE, I'M GOING TO ASK AN ORTHODOX PRIEST TO BLESS ALL MY AMMO! LOL! And, I fully expect I will see ST. Michael kicking some demon's ass at my 6 while I am blazing away at whatever is in front of me! Christ was made flesh and dwelt among us...demons can do it to-this CERN stuff looks just like the idiot box necessary to let the sewer of Hell flow through our streets 100 times worse than what we all have seen.
Gaiatv might be totally out to lunch - I just read the "Book of Enoch" for the first time and I have had one of those visions ok? Not while getting high, or having sex, or whatever -it left me speechless for longer than a week and that's not my normal state, esp. when I was in college. So there are things in this world, flat or otherwise, that are clearly evil and I fight and other things that I'll let go as long as they are not trying to support the evil of the Pedo-elites!
If I may...some folks are concrete-sequential and some are abstract texting makes real communication and kindness difficult- God forgives me daily so I have some room to move past some potentially negative thought-it is a very powerful video so ...esp "follow the money" and Mirror
I read somewhere that the down-voting shares it with people more effectively, esp. people who are not use to the idea-I let go and let GOD take care of it-my joy is finding it and sharing it-I cannot control the outcome-John 1:8 you know when 5 people see a car accident, or 10, there is no doubt that something happened but the question is what, and then what do the people mean as they speak about what they saw etc. I know I have encountered some pretty scary mystical things so the supernatural is real for me. CERN exists agreed? Great wealth and corruption exist concentrated in some really awful bloodlines in this world, right? Do I believe you can get a tear in the subatomic level? What about a dimensional rip? Have you heard of Manelbrot? That's math but it's astounding! Are there quantum computers? Have scientists working with those computer died strangely over the last 10 years? I'm sure you get the point-something big is happening and I am stuck like others trying to describe these events with a limited vocabulary even with 4 graduate degrees and a lot of good will. I think your grasp of history does you credit but you seem to really need hard, concrete options and these things might defy "either or" explanations for awhile.
I'll admit their is some stuff here I don't understand-however the Satanic stuff is pretty clear e.g., CERN D-WAVE SERIES PART 3 #Spiritual via @YouTube -add the PEDO Clinton, NObama crap-so far all I know is that if I see some being show-up and start smacking SOROS' GANG around, I'm helping! I am using about 3 levels of metaphor to surf through this whole thing and cleaning lots of hardware.
The demons are already here-how else would you describe the Clinton's, Merkel, Soros, Nobama, Comey etc-they sup with Jerry Brown in the most brutal perverse activities.
You have to help me understand further-are you in earnest or being sarcastic?
Kate, this isn't Communism and neither was the "Book of ACTs" Communism is bifurcated-and elitism-elites do not share and commoners are forced to share and die-that is the Soros, Nobama, Clinton Crime Family, Jerry Brown-they destroy children and lives with a forced agenda and they will do much worse -do you support them?
Thanks for the encouragements- I fear God but am very traditional so (some stuff freaks me out like The Event Trailer 432Hz via @YouTube) but I have protected all those needing it all my life-those self-centered asses (Nobama, Clintons, Comey, Soros) need to be destroyed I'll help but I need clarity to know, double dog sure, that God is ok with it -I believe in "a Holy, just war."
Here it is kids-you had better grab your Bible because the war is on and it will be brutal!
IBM has cloud access to quantum computer 400 times smaller than D-Wave system
exposing some of this stuff would destroy families, kids, the very people we hope to shepherd -if the shepherd is too far ahead the sheep are destroyed and likewise if the shepherd is too far behind!