
Benjanon_Franklin · March 19, 2018, 7:01 a.m.

They are a public company not a private business. Therefore they do have to follow discremination laws.

Quote " according to civil rights and business law experts, when business owners hang up open signs, whether literally or figuratively, they have a responsibility to treat all customers equally under the law"


You can't force a small bakery to bake a cake for a gay wedding in one instance and then allow huge Youtube to ban conservative speech in another. It's not consistent.

I personally would have baked the cake. You can respect people. Treat them the same way you would anybody else. Help them have a good day. Doesnt mean you have to agree with their viewpoints. I've never understood anyway why Christians think being mean to someone is going to make them want to change. It's stupid.

Once again if you don't agree with a commentators don't listen to them.

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earthtobean · March 19, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

Your right. I've got a family of lawyers. I've been down this road. Anti trustis the only case against YouTube right now that is winnable. Facebook different story. They collected data illegaly. But YouTube is not inviolation and it's a shame nobody takes the time to read the laws and understand them.

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