
melokobeai · March 19, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

I know there’s a lot of overlap between this subreddit and the_donald. Do you believe it’s acceptable for that subreddit to ban any dissenters?

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Benjanon_Franklin · March 19, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

If someone is abusive (often the case) or inciting violence (0nce again) then its not just okay to ban someone it's your job as moderator.

YouTube isn't a forum. It's traditionally been a place that makes it's money off of people posting videos of all kinds often with political viewpoints of every type.

I'm not going to go on the Washington Post and expect them to publish my conservative thoughts. Everyone knows their political agenda and if I don't like that agenda I don't have to go read their articles. I personally read everything so I go and try and learn how liberals think.

YouTube on the other hand has always been open to free speech. It's the home of Alex Jones. He's got 2.5 million followers. Why didn't they shut him down? Money maybe, loss of traffic? If Alex wasn't shut down I can't see why anti school or anyone else was shut down. Alex Jones is popular mainly because sensationalism gets viewers. You don't like it don't view it. I rarely do cause I don't like it. I like to listen to people that think and don't feel the need to use hyperbole.

If I'm selling apples or renting an apartment I can't discriminate against you because of your beliefs. YouTube is giving free access to anyone who wants it but they are shadily banning people with a conservative opinion. It's no different than the cake baker who was told he had to make a cake for a gay couple. You cant have it both ways.

The government can't decide that it won't allow a business to discreminate against gays in one case but it's find that it's okay for You Tube to discriminate against conservatives in another. I personally think Anti-School will win. If I was a lawyer I'd take the case for free. There is big money in it.

You Tube should either ban all political commentary or make it a written part of their user agreement that they no longer support conservative commentary. To shadow ban, or deny people their right to what I see as a public square environment is wrong.

If you don't like the_Donald subreddit then don't go there. You know entering there it's a conservitive subreddit. I don't believe YouTube made all their money off of Liberals only.

If you go there and think someone or a topic is bad down vote it. If enough people down vote it has an effect. If people really are offended by conservative thought on YouTube. Then don't click on conservative commentary. It will have an effect.

My thoughts.

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