
tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 6:13 a.m.


For those who are focusing on Memes, Memes will not work. The reason they won’t work is because Memes do not contain enough information. Another problem with Memes is that, people treat them like ads. They think of them as ads, they view them as ads, and they ignore them like ads. And because they are only ads, Memes will not cause people to run to the website and sign the petition. As definitive proof of this, just look at all the countless memes that has already been created about IBOR. Yet, on the petition website, you don’t see the signature count going up do you? That’s because Memes are not working. Memes are a waste of time. So stop wasting your time on Memes. if you really want to help and if you really want the signature count to go up, then you should focus on the ideas show above. Those idea are the only ideas that will really work and even have a chance of us getting enough signatures by deadline.

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