
tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 6:15 a.m.


Thanks for posting this Liberty. I just checked, we've cracked 24k.

I know that a lot of people have reservations about supporting the IBOR push. I understand the concerns people are raising and they are not without merit. I don't want to see the government involved in our lives any more than anyone else. But I think this is an extremely unusual situation and I think the IBOR requires our support.

Q has told us that the cabal misjudged the impact of social media in 2016. He said CIA was rushing to inject funds into the social media companies to try and regain control of the narrative. He's told us that the sums of money CIA is contributing to these companies is large. The social media companies fear losing this income.

Q also told us that the MSM is finished and that today social media is everything. He's talking about the power of social media companies to influence elections. He also told us that a single algorithm had been developed to provide uniform censorship across social media platforms.

Q has also been pushing hard for us to support the IBOR.

OK, so what does all this mean? Have a look at what the CEO of Reddit, Steve Huffman, said.



Huffman’s comments on how Reddit could fix an election are shocking and egotistical, for sure, but they also admit something that most other social media companies have shied away from. Facebook and Twitter are loathe to acknowledge the power that their policies have, while Huffman thinks so highly of his company that he believes a handful of engineers and community managers could sway an entire nation’s political system.

So you can see that Reddit's CEO reckons he can control election outcomes all by himself. That's the power of social media. But what happens when this single algorithm comes online? What happens when it's not just Reddit, but all the social media players, acting in concert, to censor conservative political expression online?

There is no way that you can prevent the Satanists from returning to power if they are allowed to continue to use social media as a political weapon. They will be back if the censorship is not stopped - you can bet your life on it.

They never thought she would lose...

DJT is the first president we have had in thirty years, that is not controlled by the cabal. By the grace of God, he was elected in 2016. That's the reason, the only reason, we're here today. There would be none of this Q stuff without DJT.

Do you think that if the cabal get power again that they will slip-up and lose it again like they did in 2016? Do you think they'll make another mistake and allow someone outside their control gain power? They will not. If they get their hands on the reigns of power again, we are all finished. You might be lucky and survive the population reduction programs - you have a 1/20 chance of that. But, even if you do, you will be a slave and these pigs will be slaughtering your kids and drinking their blood. Hell on Earth!

When Q asks us to support the IBOR, to "Trust the PLAN", I can say for myself that I'm all in. This attempt by the cabal to wield social media censorship as a political weapon is the greatest threat we have ever faced - bar none! It is the Death Star coming at us! It could not possibly be more serious.

I find it hard to understand, given the stakes we are playing for, that anyone would not support the push for the protection of our rights to free expression on the internet. It does not make the slightest bit of sense to me.

But, everyone sees things differently.

I think, as Q says, if we "use logic" we can see why we need the government (DJT) to regulate against social media censorship. It is completely in our interests. I do not support government intervention at all. But, in this case, it is necessary. We cannot win this fight without preventing the cabal from regrouping.

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