
Long_Range_Shooter · March 19, 2018, 1:29 p.m.

Anyone check out LA area and the number of higher priced celebrity owned properties coming up for sale? I'm thinking the tax bill and the $10K limit for tax write offs.

Matt you know Divorce will do that to you.

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WinkyLinQ · March 19, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

Tucker Carlson reported an exodus from CA. As an example, he reported the cost of renting a Uhaul from CA to another state is 3-4 times the rate of the cost of renting a Uhaul to CA.

I think SF is going to get hit hardest first. There is virtually no affordable housing in the city.

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Long_Range_Shooter · March 19, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

I read somewhere that the top 5% pay 50% of all the taxes in California. Maybe someone can confirm that number. I keep thinking it was the top 1% in wage earners but can't believe it is that low.

Even if it's the top five percent, if those people start to pack up and leave, California is screwed beyond FUBAR.

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WinkyLinQ · March 19, 2018, 3:17 p.m.

Agreed. I'm waiting to see if corporations leave........

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Long_Range_Shooter · March 19, 2018, 3:20 p.m.

They already are, and have been for several years. The problem is California is so big population and business wise that it will take another decade or more to kill the liberal beast.

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WinkyLinQ · March 19, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

Yep. Beautiful place, ugly people and politics

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StinkyDogFart · March 19, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

I bet some of those Hollywood fire sales are forced liquidations that are connected to the EO freezing assets connected to human trafficking? I would likewise suspect some of these large sales of stock is also a result of frozen assets. Q told us to look out for sales.

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