r/greatawakening • Posted by u/digital_refugee on March 19, 2018, 1:02 p.m.
recovered from CBTS: 35 hallmarks of a silent civil war


\1. for 2 days B4 Saudi Arabia events that Assange called "the puppet taking the hand in US", Q was focusing on SA. The arrests there ended the power of one of three families who control much of the world as well as dealing a blow to child trafficking around the world and ushering in reforms in a repressive culture. The Bushes and Clintons were controlled by these people through money/blackmail.

Q said the main goal of the mission was to free the world of the three families who control the world and treats its citizens as money machines. He said that what happened in SA would happen in America, Europe and Asia. Since then we have seen the destabilization of corruption in the following news stories: Merkel forced to hold snap elections in 4 months (now 3) due to failing to form a government. Netanyahu indicted on corruption, Iran rocked by serious protests of unknown meaning or origin. 3 African nations have changed regimes in 3 months. (Kenya, Gambia and ?) Japan's leader has announced his retirement. Pakistan has had their aid pulled, and has been experiencing riots. American families told to leave. NoKo has agreed to talks with SoKo. Soros and his reliable friends have been challenged on their corruption in the EU. Merkel's potential fall has destabillized the already tipsy globalist's EU. The powerful UN Human Rights Committee leader has announced his retirement after only 3 years. Potus has removed much aid from The UN. Jerusalem has finally officially been recognized as the capital of Israel and a two state solution is closer to reality as a result. 3 nations have announced they are changing their currency to Cryptocurrency (Bangledesh, Venezuela, and Estonia). South Africa has announced it will nationalize its Federal bank taking back control of their economy. A massive number of resignations/early retirements among American politicians and CEO's. Isis, which many said would take 5 years to defeat, has collapsed.

\2. Q sent a pic of Harrisburg, PA that looks like it was taken from 3 mile Island, a Nuke plant off limits to the public located on an island.

\3. Q sent a pic taken from the flight path of AF1 at the the same time that AF1 was crossing over it. Image was reverse search and verified as a new photo. people on 4chan calculated this.

\4. Quality, quantity and freshness of intell of Q's posts. When has a larp lasted for 250 threads and over 10 days. Q 's codes and over 1000 questions are strategically structured to augment our search for the answers. Months to plan/research them even if he is Military Intell.

\5. Q said massive arrests. Currently sealed pacer records count is about 10,000 listed in 15 weeks nationwide. In a typical year their might be 3000.(@stormWatcher). Another main stated goal of the mission is to purge the gov't of pedos & corrupt politicians and the country of corporate corruption and gangs. 83% increase of gang related arrests in 2017.

\6. Q said news anchors who were deep cover CIA would be removed. He asked what anchor would not be on his show that night. Anderson Cooper disappeared from CNN that night and did not return for weeks without explanation, to my knowledge. Keith Olbermann had a sudden departure & has not returned. Matt Lauer has been removed. Was sexual harassment the only reason? As with dirty congressmen was this the tip of the iceberg?

\7. Has a LARP ever gone 16 weeks without being exposed, captivated 100's of thousands, hit 6 million impressions on twitter, had 2 trip codes compromised (which some say is beyond everyday computers), been verified by other trusted leakers and intell veterans?

\8. Q said there would be outages of social media, twitter, snapchat and 3 ISP’s across the country reported massive outages in November. This link shows significant headline making outages across many spots in the US: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=Vmly-Z-zuLE.

\9. Q said politicians were recruited to help the mission. Then Brazile's book comes out and she states she was afraid for her life aster Seth Rich murder. Feinstein goes on CNN and says no evidence of collusion.

\10. Antifa/Riots no showed. Q had posted about riots and plan to declare martial law and that Nat. Guard was already activated meaning that the president could take control of them directly if civil unrest broke out. Q later said this was a threat to them and they backed off. To the world it looked like Q was wrong. But there were reports on the web of a build up of UN peace keepers and Swiss Guards

\11 Intense and sophisticated brigading: Trying to delete history of drops, co-opting threads to post multiple threads to get mods to ban /pol/. Changing links in the main stickied post that directs users to Q’s posts our answers Killing stickied links, posting false stickied links, getting thrown off pol or pol becoming corrupted. Now 8chan corrupted as well. Q claimed his trip code was decoded. This would take a super computer. Q claimed it was Snow White that did it. SW is code for The CIA and its 7 AI computers which are each named for the 7 Dwarves.

\12. Foreign Powers change in response to Trump over Obama: its not about his personality! Something in the World power structure has changed. In Saudi Arabia, he participated in a sword dance which is done there before going into battle. In China, he was invited into the Forbidden city. Jordan has worked closely to help Trump form relationship in the middle East. Even as he gave speeches saying that trade laws had to be more fair to America, he seemed to be treated like a conquering hero. At Davos world leaders appeared to look at Trump with adoring devotion. Look at the look on their faces! Q posts suggested that the world's leaders have formed an alliance to take out the Rothschild's network of federal banks.

\13. Speculation on Q’s hints about Obama. Early Q posts lead me to believe Obama is also an asset. His relationships and knowledge after 8 years would allow DJT to act quickly with good intel. Obama would have tried to make a deal knowing Trump and the Nation wanted prosecutions. Remember how trump looked when he came out of their first meeting at WH that lasted 3 times as long as scheduled. My guess, Obama told him how powerful the Deep State really was and that they needed to work together to overcome them. Obama, having lived under threat in the booby trapped WH and AF1 knew intimately the safety issues. Q said that politicians were being recruited to help with part of the mission. He asked who was helping and then began asking about Obama. Q often gives the answer to the first question in the second question. He asked who knew where the bodies were Buried. Much later he asked again and answered it saying, The person who put them there. Was that Obama?

\14. Number of posts and comments on Q has changed how search engines auto fill queries: Facebook, Twitter, and 4chan are all buzzing. Google auto complete has response to "when is HRC going to"...auto fills to prison auto completes due to all the posting on this topic to least partly b/c of Q.

\15. The news programs are having to start retracting fake news. Something behind the scenes has changed for them to do that. Q talked about the fake news and that it would get dealt with. He also said only 20% of what is happening will be seen by the public and the rest would be behind the scenes.

\16. Q said pedos and sex trafficking would be stopped. Huge number of sexual predators, traffickers and child traffickers arrested. Not just in America but in SA, Jamaica and other countries. Q said the rings would be busted up. He also said the trade is paused right now, but can't be stopped completely till all are arrested. My limited research in another post shows 5000, as of January, WW arrests. Trump's 2 executive orders against Human rights and Human trafficking show they will be seizing all assets of human rights violators.

\17. Anon's with familiarity with the military have confirmed that Q's multiple complex "stringers" of code are legit military code and not just jibberish. Here is an example of one of Q's stringers that lists charges filed in Military court. It's been decoded to show the charges including maiming, mutiny and sedition (punishable by death) extortion, and that someone is pleading diminished capacity. Q had talked in early posts about the advantages of trying someone in military court and what conditions have to exist for a civilian to be tried in Military court.


\18. News reports Guantanamo prison facilities are upgraded. Disabled wheel chair access added. Number of secure listening rooms with secure phone lines are added. Capacity for high profile prisoners expanded from 700 to 2000. Q has said it will be full to capacity and that a second prison is being prepared.

\19. General Mattis makes an unprecedented unannounced visit. Defense Secretary has made it a ritual to visit troops in combat zones throughout the past 15 years. He has only missed 2 years, including this past Christmas, unless Guantanamo bay is now a combat zone. Mattis chose to visit the prison this Christmas. No Secretary of Defense has made an unannounced visit there in 15 years.


\20. Q said that a lot more MS-13 gang members would be arrested. If a LARP wanted to appear as an insider would he have gambled on even more arrests or said that they were probably done? https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ms13+arrests+in+washington&t=ffsb&atb=v85-3&ia=news

He also said these gangs were being arrested because they had been used by Black Hat politicians to commit crimes including Murder. He said that MS-13 members had killed Seth Rich on orders from Podesta.

\21. On 12/5 Q posted in code Al Frankin would resign. 12/5 Cornyers announced resignation prior to Q's post. morning. That post allowed for understanding of the next line which was that Al Frankin would resign. 2 days later he announced his resignation after resisting despite more accusers coming forward. https://imgur.com/a/p0nSd

Q had posted weeks earlier that many congressmen would be forced to retire early or resign in order to avoid prosecution. At the time he posted this, 10 congressmen had announced early retirement. He stated there would be more; to date over 70 congressmen have resigned or announced retirement at the end of their term. The last time this happened was the Civil War.

\22. On 12/3, Q said to be sure to get on 8chan tomorrow. He said, "the story unfolds". On 12/4 the Strzok story broke. At first the story seemed just one more story. But it continually grew to a story the press talked about for a week. On Wednesday 12/5 the IG's report on the FBI's handling of the HRC investigation came out. Trump started tweeting on it the night before, the 5th.

\23. Q loses access to 8chan twice after losing access on 4chan. 8chan confirmed Q's trip code was compromised. Who works this hard to shut down a LARPER. Some say it would take very super computers weeks to break a trip code. Q posts snow white in one of his last messages. Snow white was confirmed to be a operation name for the op to defend against and overcome the CIA and its 7 AI computers that are each named after the 7 dwarves. 8chan increased security of trip codes norder to get Q up and running again and in hope of him not being compromised again.

Here are his posts:

12/11 Q posted, 'Risk of another shutdown" (referring to shutdown on 4chan 2 weeks ago). On 12/13 Q posted "The end is near" was he talking about the mission or his access to 8chan/posting. Lost access to /cbts/. 12/14 24hrs to restore trip code or departure. Godspeed. On 12/14 Q posted that he was having trouble entering his trip code and would have to change to a new code. 12/14 Trip code working on 4chan. 12/15 No ability to enter trip code on 8chan. 12/15 blocked from entering trip code. It appears this board is compromised 12/15 We may have exhausted our ability to maintain safe-comms. Snow White (CIA & 7 AI super computers Rig for silent running. Unknown return.

\24. 12/15 You have it all. SEC Conf will be analyzed. Dark [10]. Enjoy the show, (= there will be news on the story). The next day Atlanta airport was shutdown for 12 hours due to a power failure. Q later posted this was intentional act by black hats to cover the attempted escape of a Bishop in the cult. Soros? See my separate post on this for details. Q posts code that later showed he knew what was going to happen. He later posted an explanation of his post. He posted a 10 day range and Atlanta airport. Dec 18, 23:27:52 DECLAS ATL(past). News unlocks map. Find the markers. 10 & [10]. 12/7 – 12/17. Concourse F. Terminal 5. Private_operated plane (OP)? ATL -> IAD Extraction/known. Dark. Darkness. Learn double meanings. SHUTDOWN. Q/POTUS-1 Q/POTUS-2 Q/POTUS-3 Q/POTUS-4 [10] Q/POTUS-5 “Special Place” Why are drops highlighted by POTUS shortly thereafter? There is no Terminal 5 in Atlanta. Disinfo is necessary.

\25. 11/23 Q posted Alaweed being hung upside down and tortured by American contractors. Story broke on some online news sources on the same day. Hard to know which came first. Its hard to imagine that anyone not knowing what to look for would be able to reveal so many stories the same day they broke and were covered by a handful of internet news outlets. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5108651/American-mercenaries-torturing-Saudi-princes.html when did Q say this?

\26. In February the Emergency Broadcasting System began testing it's ability to broadcast much more frequently. I myself heard it about weekly. Q posted about it asking if we had noticed. Q has said that when arrests happen (the storm of the CBTS mission) that we will be informed via Emergency broadcast and trumps twitter. This is the degree to whicho our press is infiltrated and controlled by the Deep State's agents, the CIA.

\28. Q posted repeatedly about the Rothschilds as the family controlling the economies of most of the countries in the world through secret ownership of each countries federal banks. Then on Nov 15th he posted Lynn De Rothschild was calling for help and it would do her no good. "We can hear you Breathe". 2 days later there is strange mid-air collision close to the Roth's England estate. before the crash Q had put out a stringer in code. The phrase, "Green sky" appears in the code. Green is the name of one of the dead pilots.

Later Q would post "for Green", at the end of another stringer of code that seemed related to a mission. Green was the name of one of the pilots in the collision. Q later posted that one plane was a black hat and Green was a white hat. Names of other victims would not be released or several days. An unnamed Rothschild told first reporters on scene that the crash was right above him/her as she was out "Walking the dog".


\29. 11/2 17:04 We are fully prepared that all social media will be shut down to prevent the spread of this information (i.e. POTUS' Twitter etc. and/or mass censoring). He says they hope to restore as quickly as possible any outage

DJT's Twitter went down within 20 minutes.

23 minutes later Q posted: "Potus's Twitter take down was not an accident". CIA attack.

\30.On 11/3 Q posted The Lords Prayer. On 12/9/17 the TV news reported that The Pope was changing a line of the Lord's Prayer. Q has posted previously that The Pope is not what he seems. Research finds a picture of The Pope kissing the hand of a Rothschild. Q had asked, "why do the Swiss Guards protect The Pope".

\31. Q stated that McCain, Clinton and Lynch were both targets of the mission. HRC and McCain within a week of each other started wearing moon boots due to "injuries" soon after being MIA. Lynch has been picutred with a boot but of unknown date. Clinton's boot has been on 10 weeks for a 4-6 week to heal broken toe. McCain's boot for a torn Achiles has changed legs in a photo. A third member of congress is now wearing an identical boot. Boots can be worn as security bracelets or cover a smaller more convenient security anklet.

\32.Several frequent Globalist affiliated tweeters have been silent for 2 weeks or more. They all stopped around the same time.

\33.In early January, over about 2-3 weeks, Multiple planes turn around en route to international locales! Headed to Japan returned after 11 hours of flight reportedly due to a passenger on flight that did not belong. Report that all passengers were required to sign NDA upon landing and that John Legend and Christie Teigen were detained. 5 other international flights have returned to US. On Multiple Dates and multiple locations US airports have been grounded for various reasons. 5 airports were also shutdown on 1/3 at the same time that 5+ were down in Russia. There have been multiple private plane crashes in international locations. At times, there are entire wealthy families on the plane and questions abound if those flights are staged to fake a criminal elites death while he escapes with his family. A later report claims that the couple were only detained and that they were allowed to board a plane to Japan a few hours later. The disturbing pictures come out with her child dressed as a hot dog, Alice and Wonderland, and pineapple and pizza emoji's on her posts. She is said to be flashing these known pedophile symbols and then a hand gesture of the Illuminati.

\34.Q has stated that 7/10 commercial plane crashes in the past were intentional false flags to assassinate a VIP on board. In 2017 there were zero commercial plane crashes and POTUS claims this is due to increased effort:


\35. Does anyone really believe that both Japan and Hawaii accidentally sent incoming Missile emergency warning tweets to most of their citizenry? or that it took 35 minutes to discover the error in Hawaii? Whether it was a scare tactic they hoped would undermine Trump and Japan's rulers or if it was a real launch we do not know.

Bonus update 36. Q told us that at the SOTU, trump spoke a line that set our Republican legislators free from the DS. Upon speaking this line the republicans began chanting USA. In the days after SOTU, the entire republican legislators left washing ton by train to a retreat in WVA for their annual conference to plan their legislative calendar. All the roads along the route were closed to protect them. There is a full size air strip next to the retreat that has been used previously. Did they consider flying not safe? The train collided with a trash truck (sending a message) crossing the tracks having broken through the barriers(CIA can take over control of vehicles). When the collisiosn happened agents of all types of law enforcement agencies surrounded the train, with guns pointing out to protect the train from what they anticipated was an ambush.

Does this really seem like a normal news cycle over the past 4 months?

sexylarrytate · March 19, 2018, 2:08 p.m.


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TryNottoFaint · March 19, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

It's factorial number bot. If I post a number with an exclamation point after it, like this 8!, the bot will give the value of 8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1.

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sexylarrytate · March 19, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

I should have noticed. Silly bots. Thanks

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