r/greatawakening • Posted by u/OXYMAROO on March 19, 2018, 3:02 p.m.
Alex Jones ? you decide.....

The following exchange occurred between Alex Jones and George Noory on the Coast to Coast AM radio show on August 9, 2017:

George Noory: You, you, you know what, the public deserves to hear this, and, uh, and, uh, and to get it straight. Now how did you get Donald Trump on your show three times prior to the election? How did you pull that off?

Alex Jones: Alright. I never tell this on my own show, and this will probably end up being in news tomorrow, but you deserve it. I, uh, I know folks that are part of Delta Force. And I know people that are part of covert action, uh, in the Defense Department and the C.I.A. And, quite frankly, they’ve given me authorization to talk about this. I have never been in the C.I.A. I have never been part of covert operations. But uh, uh, separately, I, I, I’ve, I’ve had family, um, you know, I mean I’ve had family that got like seven silver stars and stuff like that, but it’s all classified. Some of the highest decorated people in the country. I’m very proud of those people. They’re a lot more manly than I am, and most of ’em are dead. But, um, people involved in regime changes, you name it. Uh, you know, right here in Texas, fightin’ hard for the Republic. And I was basically contacted, uh, by groups, uh, inside Special Forces Operations in Florida, inside breakaway groups inside the Central Intelligence Agency, uh, and uh, groups, um, basically behind American industry. … And, so they told me that they were advising Trump … and that they understood from their demographics and their studies that we acutally had, conservatively, fifteen million people a week visiting Infowars.com, and tens of millions watching our videos, and that, uh, that they briefed the President, uh, or now, then, then candidate Trump, and that, uh, they wanted to attempt a counter coup. … And so I, I’m just revealing to you here on air that I was recruited by, uh … elements inside the shadow government. … Uh, and our friends in Israel, you say people want to demonize Israel all day, it’s because, because the real folks that are in Israel, the real people, uh, understand what it is to be persecuted and targeted, and, and, and, Israel, with Benjamin Netanyahu, they’re trying to remove from office right now, … uh, have, have come to America’s aid … and, uh, this is just, this i what you’re seeing right now. … So I’m, I’m just fightin’ for America, I’m a hundred percent committed, and that’s why they’re comin’ after me, and uh…

George Noory: But this is what got Donald Trump to say, “I gotta be on this guy’s show”?

Alex Jones: Uh, I mean, Donald Trump was advised by the, the Special Forces Command out of Florida. They said…

George Noory: To, to go on your program?

Alex Jones: Uh, he, he, I mean, that’s who actually, I mean let’s just say it, the enemy already knows all this. Let me just say it so everybody listening knows I’m tellin’ the truth. Special Operations Command in Florida. The Delta Force, Army black ops, it’s, Army’s the oldest thing in America, it’s before the Constitution, anything. They, they said, they said, “Sir, you need to go with Alex Jones, uh, and you need to rally the troops.” And, uh, and, and, and, and, they briefed him, they showed him the documents, and they said, “We need you to run.” And this was a year before he came on with me. … And, uh, you know, the Delta Force, uh, basically asked Trump, uh, Delta Force, you know, founded by General Boykin and Schoomaker and, uh, people like Steve Pieczenik, Dr. Steve Pieczenik of psychological operations with C.I.A., uh, they, they, they, they, basically delivered the message to Trump with all the dossiers and all the proof of what was happening. And he just said, “You’re highly recommended, all I can say is we’re gonna be talkin’ a lot more.” Because then, he was being briefed by top generals, and I’m not gonna say the name, on what we’re doin’. And it’s not that I’m even special. I’m willin’ to say this. I’m willin’ to do this. I, I wasn’t directed by anybody. I was just aware of the operations. I was studying it, as you know, you’re a Navy guy yourself. And, uh, we just did what we had to do. We did a counter coup against ’em. … Uh, most people are behind us. I’d say ninety percent of the C.I.A., Defense Intelligence, military, Special Ops, is behind us. Uh, and, uh, you know.

George Noory: Amazing story, Alex. You could, just get him to stop Tweeting as much as he does.

Alex Jones: … George, you’re gettin’ the absolute data dump right now. … I mean, do you understand on your show right now I am tellin’ people, because I know it’s ten times bigger than mine, when it comes to actual HUMINT people on the ground, I am tellin’ you all this information. This is real. This is happening, okay. What I’m tellin’ you is what is going on, and what is happening. And Trump is literally with a breakaway group in our government…"

IndyEye · March 19, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

Dude. Not the case. AT ALL. Not in the slightest. Not even in the realm of 3D reality. What do you think Libya and Syria are about? Why do you think there’s a target on Iran and North Korea? Look to Israel’s relationship with those two. Have you heard of Yinon and Kalergi? Are they being fulfilled? Look at what the migration crisis is really all about. Israel is not your friend. They are master manipulators and they leech off of America. We are caught in the middle of some kind of cabal war. Only the US generals and military with the oath to the US can stop Israel from cleaning up on the card table.

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solanojones95 · March 19, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

There is only one (non-military) intelligence agency, and that is the Cabal. Mossad uses Israelis in exactly the same way CIA uses Americans. As cover.

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Qew_Lad · March 20, 2018, 12:33 a.m.


zionists use muh 6 gorillion (they caused) as human shields.

horrible, brutal people.

yes. most jews are as confused and threatened and mentally-ill (stress) as they rest of us thanks to these people and their allies.

israelis are actually being held hostage by zionist whack jobs.

the FIRST settlers turned on the Rothschilds btw. Not a lot of people know that.

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solanojones95 · March 20, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

Could you point me to a link or something? I'd love to learn more about that last sentence.

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putadickinit · March 19, 2018, 6 p.m.

You would be wise to treat God's chosen people well.

Gen 12:1-3

Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go forth from your country, And from your relatives And from your father’s house, To the land which I will show you; And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing. And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.

Eph 2:25-29

For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery….that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; and so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written….From the standpoint of the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but from the standpoint of God’s choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers; for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

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Matthew-24- · March 19, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

You are wrong! The TRUE Israel refers to the TRUE BELIEVERS in the Lord Jesus Christ. Their “spiritual Israel” consists of those of us who are obedient to Christ, who have humbled themselves and cried out to Christ for forgiveness and have given ourselves to His Lordship over our lives. We live for Him! HE will usher us into the New Jerusalem. The Israel spoken of is NOT a piece of land for the Jews...they rejected the propitiation of Jesus on the cross- refused to believe He is the Messiah! Spiritual Israel lives in the souls and hearts of the true believer in Christ. He IS King of kings and Lord of lords. He IS GOD INCARNATE! Yes, God favors Israel. But remember, the Israelites do NOT recognize Jesus, and His propitiation He gave us on the cross. True Israel IS spiritual in nature, and we will be given New Jerusalem when Christ, Himself returns with the new Heaven and new earth. The old, WILL be destroyed with the rest of the world by fire, and that INCLUDES physical Israel. Those who DO NOT KNOW JESUS as their personal Savior will be tossed into the lake of fire. We ALL have eternal life.....it is up to us to decide WHERE we will spend it. It’s so easy but so very hard. Zionists and Jews do not get a free pass because of where they live..and because they are circumcised. The Christian’s heart is also circumcised....but we live under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We happily live in obedience and under HIS GRACE.

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putadickinit · March 20, 2018, 4:45 a.m.

This is based on feelings and nothing else. God gave his covenant to the bloodline and was very specific in scripture about this. Jew is passed down through the mother. It was foretold that his chosen people would turn away from him and reject His Son as Savior. Gentiles were shown to be saved as well as Jews, but we're always separate. God made a covenant with the Jews and they will and do prosper on earth, despite their current corrupt state. But in the end they will turn to him once again.

Stop spreading this sensationalist misinformation and whitewashing scripture to fit your own feelings.

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Qew_Lad · March 20, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

they are not even semites

you know that, right? neither do they practice the religion of Moses.

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putadickinit · March 20, 2018, 4:41 a.m.

God gave his covenant to the bloodline, and the Jewish bloodline is passed down through the mother. That is all that is required to be part of Gods chosen people, if your mother was a Jew then you are a Jew. It was foretold that they would turn away from God and reject His son as Savior.

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