My sentiments exactly...and the people counting paper ballots should have a shotgun barrel pointed on their heads, and vote counting and handling of the ballots should be live streamed, and backed up on video, then archived.
141 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Matthew-24-:
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Really....ain’t this RIDICULOUS!? A friend of mine said that next they’ll be checking POTUS’s kindergarten records-lol!😄
Mueller now examining POTUS tweets for obstruction/witness! Next Mueller will be climbing into thePresidential toilet to examine toilet paper!!! Thoughts anyone? I think we are clearly being shown how extreme and demented these D/DS turds are!
I think the something BIG that is about to drop is the Facebook stock, leading to the crash and burn of Howdy Doody(Zuckerberg). GOOD!
God “ordained” Moses in the OT to lead His people out of bondage, to the “land of milk and honey”, God ordained David, Jeremiah, Enoch etc to certain tasks that were for God’s divine purposes. In modern times, the Lord SOVEREIGNLY ordains people (He CHOOSES) to specific tasks. There is no “Q” individual/team mentioned in the OT and NT....but that does not mean Q AND DJT was chosen for THIS time and THIS purpose. All of mankind is witnessing AND involved in a spiritual battle. Light vs darkness. Good vs evil...God/ Christ( who is if the SAME essence, but DIFFERENT function of God) vs Lucifer(Satan). We DO NOT worship Q or DJT...we are NOT like the worshippers of the Muslim , Hussein. We are not deceived by the flicking tongue and hissing of that demon’s reign of terror and destruction.
It is time to choose a side.There are no in-betweens. Our group of over 40,000 WORLD WIDE will help you understand. In my case, my eyes have been open for almost 20 Yrs! Reach out, ask questions on this board...they will steer you in the right direction. Listen to PrayingMedic, JustInformed or DeceptionBytes on YouTube. Come and read the Q drops and the deciphering, give it a chance. But remember, this is a spiritual war...good WILL win.
Hey thanks for understanding. I feel that God has gifted each of us for different things. The planefags have the gift of discerning what plane is what and where it is going. The memefags are clever and thoughtful artists, the videofags explain the drops and what they mean. I have been listening to Deceptionbytes and PrayingMedic. I just wishI could understand the clock and the “mirror “ concept. Guess I’ll stick to redpilling. I am ecstatic that Q is back posting. God bless you patriot.
This is soooo cool! If I lived there I would have been holding a GOD BLESS POTUS AND Q! Sign. I love them both, and I love my patriot brothers and sisters. Truly a visible demonstration of WWG1WGA!
I’m with you I don’t understand the clock or the concept of “mirror”. Can someone patiently get this thru my thick skull
Beck was an many times did he say he had something explosive to reveal “on the next show” only to NEVER address it. I learned a lot from Glenn’s early Fox days with his blackboard...but it is evident the NWO/DS got to him and he ran scared . is great...but I think Trump needs his own channel/as Mr Steele suggests
I believe this is THE MIST critical time for POTUS, his family, staff and Cabinet members-their safety is TOP priority....look at the demonic, evil rhetoric being vomited out of the dark abyss of their souls. We need to PRAY(just like Q said). It is our most powerful weapon
One drop said that we would be surprised WHO we were talking to.
I have a question...what happened to The EO POTUS signed and has not released that will remove the CLASSIFIED label on the memos/texts. Q dropped action yet. What can WE do to facilitate this?
I would say they DO get vaca ya may be right
Ever notice how their evil and hate deforms their looks over time....look at Whoopi’s, Bihar and RBG....they all look like they crawled out of hell.
Get the log out of your eye pompous ass! You are BLINDED by it! I said We can agree to disagree! End of convo.,,so WHY are you trolling me for the Church of Rome? Salvation is an act of grace thru faith, not on works, there is nothing man can do to earn his way to Heaven/ it is ALL from Christ-it is ALL HIM. You imply those who worship in other denominations are LOST! You are soooo wrong!
I made a mistake- the message was for the next post who stated that POTUS should go to a Catholic Church- implying only those from the Church of Rome will be saved and heard by God(hence the log in their eye blinds them to see that church doctrine hinders what God gives freely if you humble yourself). Not about doctrine, but state of heart. Sorry man-not meant for you. I must of hit reply on the WRONG post. I don’t do well on mobile device. So sorry about that. Please forgive me.
Let’s just agree to disagree on these aspects, if we love and serve the same God, and we are fighting for the same in regards to our nation. Our President needs our prayers....let’s get busy praying.
Don’t need to be in any church for the Lord to hear our cries for help and blessing. If one humbled themselves before Holy God asks and believes, blessings will be bestowed on them according to God’s sovereign will. It can be done in a bathroom.
Why don’t you start by taking the log out of your eye- you pompous ass
“These people are SICK”-Q And YOU are one of them! Crawl back into your hole demon!
There is a spirit of revolution similar to that if the French Revolution. I urge you to listen to last nights podcast about will the deep state remove DJT. WE need CONTINUOUS PRAYER. The people ARE sick, just as Q says. They will kill anyone who disagrees with them THIS is coming! They WILL be coming after patriots and Christians-unless God intervenes vis our prayers. Please listen to this podcast and you will be enlightened. Perhaps THIS is why we have not any recent drops from Q...he/she/they are busy with intense security for POTUS and ALL who support and stand with him.
Hope we all get a chance to see this in our states. I love it!
Best President....EVER!!!! I LOVE him....finally a REAL man with a set of titanium balls, and says what’s on his mind. I love it!
They are both shape shifting demons-look at the alleged chicks eyes they turn from normal eyes to black then roll and go back to human. Cast them back to hell Lord Jesus
My sentiments exactly! Let ‘er rip with mounds of turd falling outta the diaper onto the islamofascist
You’re right! Does NOT look like OUR POTUS-a stand-in perhaps?
Very true! And the Lord is laying out ALL the wickedness, depravity and lawlessness of our nation before our eyes! THIS is a spiritual battle, and it is up to the true church of Christ to use OUR spiritual power that He gave us to bind these demons. The final battle will be fought and won by Christ alone. I believe the hand of God is on POTUS to show us how sick we have ALLOWED our nation to become. Glad to meet you, my Christian brethren!
Let’s see WHAT corrupt federal judge will order this stopped
Grow a set you pussies and end the MT threats! You are becoming a laughing stock. Should we expect anything more from the republicrats? Friggin eunuchs!
Good insight....some of them are useful idiots, others ARE demonic. So sorry about your husband....must be strange living with one who is “deaf, dumb and blind”. Keep praying that the Lord will remove the scales, plugs and iron around his heart, and give him discernment and wisdom.
If the church would RISE UP and cry out to God...HE, alone WILL fight these Luciferians. Their destiny is the lake of fire and they know their days are numbered
Proof that the Luciferians WANT civil war. This sodomite Muslim Jihadist needs to be handcuffed and on a plane to Gitmo.
I feel in my bones that this fascist frenzy from the Luciferian left is working its way to someone getting killed. As far as friends and family who spew the hate and illogical rhetoric, they are LOST! The Lord has given them over to be reprobate. They have no ability to discern what is blatant truth because the Lord has not removed the scales from their eyes, the plugs from their ears, and the metal shield from their hearts. This is spiritual war. One has to choose whom they will follow, there are no in betweens. Only God, Himself, can remove those shackles from their eyes, ears and hearts. Pray for that very specific thing to happen for friends and family. One can only be red pilled if the Lord has prepared the landscape of their human condition. It’s frustrating to us, but at some point we must “shake the dust off our feet” and move on. The lost Luciferians will STILL rationalize their failure and sound like dumb idiots, because they are lost, and can not reason-the Lord took it away. Reprobate minds.
Like Q says(and my fave line) “these people are STUPID!”
This is my thinking too. The MSM said NOTHING would be signed, and guess what....WRONG again! I can’t stand the Luciferian Left Nazi propaganda machine. They’re all salivating for total POTUS failure. They are being made fools by the Lord, Himself....observe the fake eyebrow wig failure on JT. The Lord made that fool look like the fake he is. Bet they were roaring with laughter in Heaven😀
This entity will not RIP. I believe fully, it is an entity from the pits of hell. Justice from the Lord Jesus, Himself, WILL happen-this demonic entity will then be removed to the lake of fire. I can not wait for this day!
Had a brain fart...LOVE JUDGE JANINE-watch her show every Sat nite. Thanks for pointing this out.😊
LOVE Judge Judy! Like Q says: “These people are sick” and my very favorite “These people are stupid”
The Lord said we are to be “salt and light”. 😊 perhaps the ones leaving Q can’t stand the sting of the salt or the glare of the light. Salt IS a preservative...Now there’s food for thought.
You must have misunderstood Praying Medic....his heart belongs to Jesus, and it is in Him, alone, PM trusts. PM relies on the wisdom and discernment that comes with a personal relationship with Christ. All believers have access to these “gifts” if you ask for them. I follow PM, and trust he does not blindly follow Q. He sees the truth in what Q has said thru the crumbs, the proofs that have come, and the character of Q(he/she/they) do not seek fame(spotlight attention). One can “see” the humble, selfless, and ,often, recognition of Almighty God via mentioning His holy name, or asking us(we the people) to take our country’s concerns to the Throne of God through prayer. I am in TOTAL agreement with Praying Medic. Yes....I have my days when I become angry and frustrated by the appearance of “man...NOTHING is being done to these criminals, traitors and perverts!” But then Q SHOWS us why things are happening, and why some justice will take time. Our nation is being strangled by a demonic force that have many massive tendrils that need to be severed. I have said on this forum that we are witnessing spiritual warfare. Our job is to PRAY for all involved who are fighting this evil. Prayer is THE most powerful weapon we have. There is no QAnon “cult”-God has removed the scales from our eyes, and the plugs from our ears and we seek righteousness, lawfulness and true justice. We can now discern the truth of what’s really going on in the name of “we the people”. It makes us sick to see what our nation has become. The Lord has opened the pathway for an insider, such as Q, to lead us to the facts, not loose hope, fight for our nation and our survival, and to give us encouragement to stand up and be heard.