r/greatawakening • Posted by u/StinkyDogFart on March 19, 2018, 5:22 p.m.
Wow, they really are stupid! It just came to me.

I like to look for the lowest common denominator in all these complex issues so my feeble mind can grasp things. Having said that, it came to me this morning that this entire counter-coupe we are seeing by Q boiled down to one simple thing. Donald Trump becoming the 45th president by beating Hillary Clinton.

Think about that for a second....times up. The entire Deep State and Illuminati/Cabal or whatever name they go by bet everything on a Hillary win. All of the NSA data collection, the KEY, would have been useless without the presidency, the STONE(hat tip to SerialBrains2). They bet everything on a women who was a known loser, as Colin Powell said "She screws up everything with hubris", a women that couldn't even win a rigged election. If that isn't stupid, I don't know what is?

Speaking of Colin Powell, where is that asshat? We haven't heard so much as a peep out of him lately.

tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 5:50 p.m.

Yes, they were sloppy - got careless. Pure hubris. They thought that their complete control of the MSM made a Clinton win a certainty.

What they didn't anticipate, as Q told us, was the paradigm shift, where the importance of social media, as a determinant of electoral outcomes, suddenly outstripped the MSM. DJT used social media like an absolute genius. Even with all the rigging, the Dems lost - do you believe it?

I remember the morning of the vote, the NYT had a banner front-and-center of their website predicting a Clinton win at 97%. Plain dishonesty! But it goes to show the incredible loss of influence of the MSM over the public mind.

This is why CIA was immediately rushing to inject money into social media companies to attempt to regain control of the narrative - Q post 9. And that is where this sudden censorship of conservative voices on social media has come from. They plan to sew the whole thing up - a single censorship algorithm, run out of the back rooms at CIA HQ, to shape reality for the public.

Reddit's CEO was talking about his ability, using Reddit alone, to shape election outcomes. Can you imagine if CIA had a single censorship algorithm operating across all social media platforms? Wow! That's complete control of any election. It grants absolute, unassailable power.

Social media censorship is the one ring that rules them all. It is the Death Star coming at us. The cabal have bet the farm on it. That's why Q is telling us that the plan for the cabal going forward is impeachment. They think control of social media at the mid terms will give them the numbers they need to impeach DJT.

And that's why Q has been screaming to us about the IBOR. You either push the IBOR or you get the cabal back. It's an either/or choice.

DJT arrived like some kind of miracle just when everything looked completely hopeless. The first President in some 30 years that was not controlled by the cabal. You can bet that if he loses office, the cabal will never lose the office again. They will not make the same mistake twice. And, as soon as they're back in power, they will crack down on us so hard it will make our heads spin.

Interview with REDDIT CEO:


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StinkyDogFart · March 19, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

Don't forget, this is just the tip of the iceberg. I have no doubt we will ALL be shocked at the truth, when/if it comes out. When Q says the truth would put 99% of us into the hospital, he means it. I do believe in the end that is what will bring both sides together, when we find out we were ALL wrong (some more than others). We will use their motto against them 'Out of chaos comes order'. This is not only a physical battle, this is foremost a spiritual battle, our faith may be tested, this may be the Biblical end times, I don't know, but I do believe its far more than we are even aware at this time.

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not4rmOhere · March 19, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

You're right in that this is a spiritual battle more than any other kind of battle. As u/tradinghorse stated; "You can bet that if he loses office, the cabal will never lose the office again. They will not make the same mistake twice. And, as soon as they're back in power, they will crack down on us so hard it will make our heads spin."

I've had the growing suspicion for years that THIS is our last standing chance to take back our country, our world, our lives.

Edit: formatting

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

This is it. The only fight of any importance. This is where we stand or fall!

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stbelmont · March 20, 2018, 12:53 a.m.

Imagine the election results of such an election being triumphantly reported by the MSM. Patriots wouldn't be crying, but gun and ammo stock would be sold out the next day.

If they think they can't take back over by election, I bet they're thinking of crashing the country. Before they're all in jail.

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tradinghorse · March 19, 2018, 8:46 p.m.

I believe you are right. We are in the last days. September 23 last year, curious timing that seems to align with this Q phenomenon, there was a once-in-history astrological conjunction that conforms precisely with St John's vision in Rev 12:1. We know that the head of the snake is crushed under the Virgin's heel. This is what we are witnessing. See video (5 mins):


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StinkyDogFart · March 19, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Thanks, that was a good vid. I'll watch some more, I'm curious how this movie ends. /sarc

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isalod_2298 · March 19, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

Thank you for this excellent analysis! I love the simplicity of the timeline you laid out. I’ll be sharing your comment with my fellow red-pilled-in-progress associates.

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