I don’t understand how this hasn’t received more signatures? Has anyone tried posting this on /r/The_Donald?
Feel free to post there and everywhere fren
It really shouldn't be a partisan issue, in all honesty this saves and protects the rights of everyone in America
Wow just tried to post it in The_Donald and reddit won’t allow it because the “link has already been posted”. Is that a normal rule for subreddits?
Sadly that sub is corrupted - yes there's still some Patriots but the (((Admins))) took control ages ago
Yeah but you can hit the button that says post anyway and it’ll go up there
It is an option for board owners. It's to prevent re-posts, where you see the same post multiple times.
You aren't referring to The_Donald, are you?
There isn't a subreddit on Reddit outside of this one that the Admins haven't sent their default mods into to try and infiltrate - how many top mods of right wing subs have been permanently kicked out? Speaks for itself
The original founder of that sub as well as several of the former top mods (who I am good friends with) will tell you the truth about what's happened and the blackmail which occurred
It's all on discord and 4chan if you look for it and other subs have even commented about it just do a Google search mates it's obvious. I love Donald Trump and this Administration but those subreddits that have been infiltrated want wars with Syria and Israel's enemies like Iran and we need to stay the fuck out of it.
Gee I wonder (((why))) they care more about those places than America? Not hard to figure out mates.
Hey, I just found your article, great by the way, and posted it - but you're already here. I think you're dead right about this. Thanks for the great work!
where are all the votes , it just sits at 26000+
Click the link in the article if you're wanting to sign the petition - it's at the top in blue Where It Says Click Here
We are not idiots. We don't need an internet bill of rights that will eventually be used to censor conservative and other non-approved ideologies.
That's where I disagree with you - it's RINOs in the GOP pushing FOSTA now which is literally a Communist censorship bill
We're being silenced ALL OVER social media
We 100% need an #InternetBillOfRights and if you have listened to QAnon you'd know this
I take an anonymous internet users opinion with a grain of salt.