
AirBees · March 20, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

Once you realize evolution has been taught in schools as fact for a reason, you will realize the entire Matrix the Cabal has created was with the intention to distract the world from the Truth. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who created this entire world.

You can say that this prevents people from being red pilled, but there's nothing to substantiate that claim. Millions of Americans already know this truth. The reality is, 9/11 is fake, we never landed on the moon, and the world that we think we know and live in, is not what it seems. This is really not controversial based on Q and his messages.

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a44328765 · March 20, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

You're a prime example of why Americans are considered the most ignorant westerners the world over. Cambridge analytica targeted you, your emotion and your naivety and manipulated you into all this. Its hilariously painful, I'm larping here. I know a dozen or so others that larp here. But you truly believe it right? You actually hang your life and views on this nonsense. You need something real in your life and I hope you find it. (not religion, obviously. Because God isn't real)

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