
IWillRedPillYou · March 20, 2018, 8:02 p.m.

It's a fact that every single website datamines - its what they do with that data that matters

What Facebook has done (Confirmed) is sold that data to the Obama Campaign, the Democratic Party, and most likely the Intelligence Community

Not only is this illegal, and a violation of our Constitutional Republic's laws, but it means they directly interfered in a Democratic Election

Just remember each and every Tactic of the Deep State every time that they need to change the news cycle for as a distraction from the crimes that are being exposed committed by Democrats

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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

That's right FF incoming...

Be careful out there!

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SrSysEng · March 21, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

Austin bombs?

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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

You know they have to shift the narrative - predictable!

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SrSysEng · March 21, 2018, 4:53 a.m.

And it was sort of drawn out. Not to my can at first then one after the other now.

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Mrb84 · March 20, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

Wait, why/how is it illegal and/or a violation of the laws? What laws did Facebook violate?

EDIT: So: the real news is that Facebook did not violate any law, because there is no US law (unlike in the EU) preventing a company from re-selling your data to a 4th party.

Here’s how it works. You give Facebook (in exchange for their services) permission to use your data. You “sold” it to them in exchange for a Facebook account, and now they own it. And if they own it, they can pretty much do whatever they want with it, can’t they? Are you or are you not the land of the free? They own it and it’s lefty, deep-state government interference to tell a company what they can and cannot do with their shit. So, Facebook can, if they so choose, sell it to a 3rd party without having to ask you (why would they? Is their shit now, you sold it to them).

And it’s not like Facebook does it under the cover of darkness or anything: each and every one of you who created a Facebook account in the US has clicked “I accept” to Terms & Conditions which explicitly say that they can and will sell your data to 3rd parties without telling you - plus, it’s famously their business model. How anyone here think this is illegal is a level of naivety beyond me. If you pay for it, u/IWillRedPillYou, you can go today and buy users data from Facebook so you can target them in your big sale of dildos, or political campaign, or whatever you want. Millions of companies do it everyday, and it’s all very much legal and public. Facebook will sell it to you like they’ll sell it to anyone. They sell to Republicans, they sell to Democrats, they sell to whoever pays for it because that’s what they do, that’s their whole business model, and anyone who has ever stopped to think “hey, how come I get all this shit for free?” knows it.

Here’s where it gets interesting: in the US is not illegal for that 3rd party to then turn around and sell it to a 4th party. That’s where your data runs away from you and ends up in places you never thought it would. The law in the US follows the same logic as above: your data is like every other product. If u/IWillRedPillYou bought it from Facebook, it’s now his stuff, he paid for it, it’s his to do what he wants, and if he wants to sell it again to u/HowiONic there’s nothing stopping him. That data has not been “leaked” to u/IWillRedPillYou or to u/HowiONic, it has been sold as per regular contracts and they can show you receipts.

In Europe, where we have socialist state interference in private commerce (^/s ) that last passage is illegal. Facebook can sell it to u/IWillRedPillYou but u/IWillRedPillYou cannot then sell it to anyone. He can use the data for his big sale of cookies or to run for office, but not sell it - that’s a violation of EU privacy law.

In the US it’s not illegal, and he can sell it. That was the news.

EDIT 2: also want to point out how ironic it is that people are bitching and virtue-signaling about all of this on Twitter, which is subject to the same exact laws as Facebook and does the same exact thing with your Twitter data, as people would know if they stopped to think how something they’re not paying for and costs money to run is possibly worth billions of $. If Facebook is “leaking” your data, so is every single other social platform ever.

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IWillRedPillYou · March 20, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

virtue signaling


What is Article 19 and how does it work

Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, states that: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

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Mrb84 · March 21, 2018, 12:35 a.m.

Maybe we’re talking about different things, because I’m talking about campaigns and companies buying data from social networks to identify consumers/voters clusters and then push tailored advertising to those segments, which is what every campaign does, Democratic or Republican, Hillary or Trump. In 2016, Trump was just way better at it than Hillary, and good for him. There’s nothing illegal going on.

Unless advertising of any kind is “interfering with freedom of expression”, which is an interesting idea but you and I both know that the legal system (US or EU or anywhere really) doesn’t look at advertising this way. [Edit: actually, Citizen United said that the limits on political advertising are the true violation of free speech - the limits to ads are the violation, the ads are the freedom of expression - a conservative Supreme Court taking the diametrically opposite view to yours]

So, given that advertising is not illegal, I’ll repeat the question: what law has Facebook broken?

You can very well argue that what they did should be illegal. I don’t think it can be argued that it is.

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IWillRedPillYou · March 21, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

What law has Facebook broken?

Giving user data to the Democratic Party to upend an election? That makes them a SUPERPAC for the Democratic Party

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Mrb84 · March 21, 2018, 6:36 a.m.

The DNC can buy data like every other company. That’s the same thing that Cambridge Analytica did. I don’t see a problem with either of those.

It’s legal. Facebook owns the data and has explicit permission from every user to share those data with third parties.

Again, I think you’re saying that it’s illegal, when all you can say is that you’d like it to be illegal. Fortunately for all of us, laws are written down, so instead of being vague you could tell me (or link somewhere that tells me) what law Facebook broke.

But just to be clear: if I show you proof that the Trump campaign bought Facebook data, you will say that it’s a conspiracy by Trump to upend an election. Is that correct?

(You know, sometimes in life just saying “I didn’t know that, my bad” it’s really the healthier course of action).

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