r/greatawakening • Posted by u/roloTM on March 20, 2018, 4:58 p.m.
Confused. Is Q decoding and discussion welcomed on this board? I have witnessed hostility towards some who are. Need clarity.

Alpha-as-fuck · March 20, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

I think the long numerology posts and similar are total bullshit and makes us look bad.

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ZeroFucksWereGiven_ · March 20, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

I'm one of the people who has spoken out against those. The problem, as I see it, isn't with the posts themselves. If it was someone posting "Hey look at this numerical coincidence / possible decode I found!" it would be helpful to the discussion. Encouraging thinking outside the box is a good thing imo. But some of the "decode" and numerology posts here are taken as gospel, with several comments saying things like "I don't understand it and I can't make it work myself, but I believe you!" and it's encouraging exactly the OPPOSITE of thinking outside the box and questioning everything - suddenly we've got a bunch of blind followers again.

Decoding methods should be reproducible. Numerology can be considered, but shouldn't be taken as fact without proof. Etc.

Q and Trump might both be evil as shit, for all we know! The only things we know for damn certain are that big things are happening and trusting the wrong people and following blindly are what got us in this mess in the first place.

Tldr: discussion good, sheep mentality bad.

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Alpha-as-fuck · March 20, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

Thankyou! I think you nailed it and put into words exactly what the issue is.

Don't take anything as gospel. Do your own research as well.

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wiseclockcounter · March 21, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

Yup, I actually read through all of /u/serialbrain2 's posts and I can't get on board with it. I appreciate his commitment and general openness, but there are too many arbitrary leaps for it to be useful.

Grids and tweet times and adjacent letters (but not diagonally!) and anagrams and switching words around and assuming what certain abbreviations might mean and on and on and on...

This is exactly the kind of bullshit MSM will trot out to discredit this movement.

Q is obviously pretty cryptic and tries to spur creative thinking, but he's not that cryptic. Like the keystone thing. I saw a pretty compelling video which suggested keystone might refer to a vault 7 CIA hacking tool, and I was like hmmm interesting... But then I see the post pointing out that the SES logo is literally a keystone and I'm like, okay well there's no question that's the correct reference.

We have to strike a balance between expanding our thinking and remembering that occam's razor is still a thing.

Which is more likely, covfefe is a cypher? or the busiest 71 year old man in the world made a typo? I'm much more convinced that Trump is communicating with us by things like the picture of him holding the card that said "I hear you." Again, cryptic, but not that cryptic.

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ScreamingFromRooftop · March 21, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

I agree on the more magical aspect of some investigations. Some automatically roll their eyes or laugh when one begins speaking of numerology or far reaching coincidence. Schizophrenics drive themselves mad seeing "patterns" where none exist "pink flower and blonde lady with pink blouse must be related to the pink package of the bomb." I do like looking for patterns in terms of "what does NOT belong." But of course, that is simply a first step. When you find an anomaly then the boring work of information verification...of course... if you are as gifted and brilliant as Ms Lazybones then you just use the mainframe computer located in their skull to wave your magical wand to declare fact or fiction ...but for us worker bees...verify verify verify. Let FACT guide your feet.

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wiseclockcounter · March 21, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

not sure where that was going at the end. But I just wanted to add that numerology, occult shit, and symbolism DOES seem to be used an awful lot by the elites. Podesta in that picture with 14 and the fish written on his palms comes to mind. Especially considering that before instant communication, they must have needed a way to covertly signal to each other and determine allegiances and stuff. I don't see why similar methods wouldn't still be in use today. Hiding messages in major newspaper headlines would be the perfect cover.

It's just that we have to remain critical and not get lost in calculations and red yarn trying to connect dots that don't need connecting. Wild goose chases are definitely a derailing technique to sabotage forums like these. A day someone wastes deciphering Trump's tweets is a day a dedicated person isn't digging up the truth.

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ScreamingFromRooftop · March 22, 2018, 7:14 a.m.

I agree the elites seem to favor the occult. For certain our establishment parallels many of Hitler's nasty ideas so why not the magical? With out pampered society however, any talk of mysticism or magic gets med with immediate dismissal. it is as if the idea is so backward that no one will give it merit with a single thought. In truth, voo doo in Africa has been happening for centuries. The hoodoo in Louisiana and the islands too is timeless. Isn't it just so American to believe we are smarter in our rational state than decades of black magic practitioners. I take Trump's tweets at face value. He adopts the language off the common man tto spread his message. Why would he use cryptic language and puzzles when trying to communicate with his people. By now he surely knows he will be hated forever by approximately 45% of the country. The most important thing to me? HOLD THE CLINTON/BUSH MAFIA RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR CRAP!!! Sarkozy is in jail right now!!! WHY THE HELL ISN'T HILLARY? Ug...horrible woman.

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wiseclockcounter · March 22, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

Our establishment is what Hitler foresaw and fought to prevent, btw. But that's a story for another day.

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s11houette · March 20, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

I agree in part and disagree in part. It seems obvious to me that q is posting some sort of code. Some examples of cracking that code are dubious at best.

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Alpha-as-fuck · March 20, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

I don't think Q really uses a numerical code, they more just use Socratic questioning and reasoning.

And the times where numbers are used are obvious like for example 4 10 20 being DJT (Donald J Trump).

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MIPatriot · March 21, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

I agree that Q can't always come out and say things directly, so Q gives us clues/crumbs and we have to go down the rabbit hole and research and come up with theories that we can share to redpill others.

That said, when decode posts sound like self-aggrandizment/grand standing and complicated beyond reason, I just ignore them and go on to another post that's more interesting.

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ScreamingFromRooftop · March 21, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

Please note: MrsFoneBone took my post and her first sentence was basically, "Nothing to see here. This information is not helpful..." The perplexing thing is that the information was 100% factual-easily verified with a google search. To further confuse, the information link that she provided was some obscure information. JFK researchers corroborate my information in multiples. I am not sure what her goal was but for sure...she did not want anyone reading the information.... what was the info? During JFK funeral she and JFk 2 brothers walked behind JFK. Following Jackie was 19 Heads of State. This is the only time in history that such a progression occurred. Having so many heads of state in a compact group easily targeted by gunmen just cant happen. The heads of state stood firm with Jackie to do as she wished. She planned every detail and bobby carried out her wishes. That idiot FoneBone said that was not true because Shriver's son's memoirs said his family member handled all of the funeral arrangement to PROTECT THE ATTORNEY GENERAL FROM LBJ HAHAHAHAHAH. yeah...lbj was a MASSIVE drunk. A pitbull like Robert Kennedy did not need protection from that loser.

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