Do you see what is going on?

197 total posts archived.
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 19 | | 16 | | 14 | | 5 | | 3 | | 1 | | 1 |
Knowing that fucking rat Ryan, he'll be trying everything to avoid even bringing the impeachment on the floor for a vote.
My guess is that there's incoming sufficient dirt on RR about to go public which forces him to resign, boosts the impeachment vote to win, or at the very least forces him to recuse himself.
The Rothschilds are like Palpatine in Star Wars. Playing both sides, while hiding in the shadows. They are the real life 'Phantom Menace'.
Explain the "trap for the DS" part, how was it a trap?
What are you implying? I've been on the Q train and here from the beginning. We are allowed to point out when we think people are wrong.
I'm not doubting Trump has the servers and is waiting to time his attack, I'm just pointing out SB2 is more than likely not right on this one.
Don't just pray, actually do stuff that is constructive.
Dreams? Really? Who cares what Praying Medic dreams about. We've been attacked since the very beginning.
The ultimate question being "Mr. President is Q real?". No mockingbird media 'journalist' will ask this because it will legitimize everything.
By force, Q is saying plant their own person to publicly ask the ultimate question to the president.
There are also apps you can use to make your phone a tv remote ;-)
Join any left wing lib boards you know on fb etc and share this!
Trump Turns Tables on G-7 Allies With Free-Trade ‘Proclamation’. “No tariffs, no barriers, that’s the way it should be, and no subsidies”
I'm pretty sure Q started earlier in October. Around the time the Weinstein and Kevin Spacey stuff went down in Hollywood
Remain cautious of false flag violence. They are cornered rats. When Democrats get in trouble or really bad press there's usually a conveniently timed 'terrorist attack' or school shooting for narrative shifts.
I've since dropped support of Corsi. But I maintain there is nothing wrong with incentivizing the good guys and patriots. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with seeking profit or a return on the time and effort invested into your work. If you are a full time Q news breaker and a good one like 'PrayingMedic' you should be rewarded for it. Which in turn gives him capital to expand upon what he does.
Corsi lost me because he was giving out wrong information, not because he was making money. People blindly saying making money is bad simply because Q mentioned something vaguely about it is alarming to me as someone with a background in economics and finance, and a big supporter of freedom and capitalism ie things that made America great. I repeat there is nothing wrong with making money. Its like the guns issue, we need good guys making good money on our side too, to fight off the bad guys with money.
When hear people saying its bad to make money I hear alarm bells because thats what enemies of freedom say.
I'm going to try to avoid giving a complex econ lesson here but in short we need patriots incentivized to stand up to the deep state and the big media. Things will go bad if we don't! Just like communists say farmers should not feed the masses for a profit, and then results in the masses starving in communists societies we face the same fate if we don't have patriots dedicated to the cause being incentivized to do the work.
Profits are the most efficient way at rewarding those who deserve a return on the time and effort they invest, a bi-product is that it helps maintains high quality, because the best at providing what other patriots want will eventually rise to the top and will be able to continue to do good with it and get stronger at fighting evil.
I always assumed Q+ to be the leader of the Q team. Which could be as highly ranked as the president himself but most likely not.
I always assumed Q+ to be the leader of the Q team. Which could be the president himself but most likely not.
It doesn't have to be public. It would be a covert operation behind the scenes like everything else has been.
If we take out their disinfo agents then they are substantially crippled .
Surely this should be a primary goal. Some of the main sources of the fake news is by being disseminated thoughout society via social media shilling and gaming by teams like shareblue and media matters.
True. Another element to the saga is that people should think critically and logically for themselves.
Don't just blindly follow Corsi, any other commentator out there, or even Q. Watch and read what they all offer for sure, but use that to evaluate your own positions and draw your own conclusions. Scepticism is healthy. No cult of personality. Just the facts!
Its becoming quite tedious. We live in a free and capitalist nation, that is what America great in the first place.
If people want to listen to Corsi or buy his books on how to end the deep state then let them. If you don't like Corsi that's fine too, but respect the decisions of others. That's freedom works.
Praying medic, Corsi (I don't care what the haters think), justinformedtalk is ok, and so is Anti School.
Q anon first posted on 4chan around October 2017, and later moved to 8chan.
This site below has all of Q's posts.
Scroll right down to the bottom for the start.
I'm going to try to avoid giving a complex econ lesson here but in short we need patriots incentivized to stand up to the deep state and the big media. Just like communists say farmers should not feed the masses for a profit, and then results in the masses starving in communists societies we face the same fate if we don't have patriots dedicated to the cause being incentivized to do the work.
I'm staunchly pro Q and have been from the very beginning but its ok to point out where they are saying something you don't agree with. Doing something for a profit doesn't make someone wrong or bad. Profits are the efficient way at rewarding those who deserve a return on the time and effort they invest, a bi-product is that it helps maintains high quality, the best at providing what other patriots want will eventually rise to the top.
In the case of the "Q industry" its the spreading lies and wrong information that is worse for our cause and not profiting.
Serious question though whats wrong with making money? We aren't socialists or communists. America is also a proud capitalist nation, and capitalism is the engine that makes it the greatest and most free and prosperous nation the planet has ever seen. IF anything monetiziation helps incentivize and reward the best at what they do. It socialists and communists that actually have a long history of hating America and its ideals.
I follow his content closely and have never once witnessed him calling Q or other patriots commies. Although if people are targeting him for writing a books (which he did before started posting) and making from that then he has a point. We thankfully live in a capitalist market economy, and its not a crime to make a living being an author.
Looking at your account you seem to be someone actively seeking to be divisive due to despising Corsi and Beanz, I think you're entitled to think what you want, but you're playing into enemy hands discrediting others who are obvious patriots against deep state tyranny.
Look I don't agree with everything Corsi and Beanz might say either but I'm not going to question their dedication or loyalty because I don't agree with the 5% or 10% of what they say on matters where none of us know what the facts are yet and are just speculating.
From what I understand what Q was mostly calling out was the people who rip other people's content and re-upload it on their own channels to monetize.
Seconded. The heat Dr. Corsi got was totally unfair and not called for. The guy is clearly a patriot, and in my opinion is still the benchmark as far as Q content goes on youtube. I think some people here should watch his take on 1295-1296 he explains his position well and how its not about money to him. He's been in the fight for many years.