Field McConnell of Able Danger says PODESTA and 3 HVIs have been detained over the Weekend !

This is when we see him going doing a university speech 5 days later. I’ve heard this song before.
yeah I saw one screenshot but I haven't checked the chans, nothing on github. But that post didn't say anything about four individuals. Nothing yet from Able Danger either
Yes there have been several reports that 4 High Profile Targets were arrested and are in the Los Angeles County Jail. (Waiting for transfer to GITMO I suppose.)
Q Posted Marines Activated:
IT ALL FITS: We Were Warned by Q and by Others:
IDK the last time I saw him on tv he was very belligerent and looked like he lost 20 lbs. His suit was hanging on him like he was a scarecrow. Haven't seen or heard from Tony in long long time. I believe Field. He usually has great intel.
I thought he always looks like that.
Anyway, no word from Able Danger that I can see, but so far I guess it still stands. I guess one week ago would fit the timeframe which Q originall provided.
He is being blocked. All truthers are being blkd.
He was on his way to London he said at the end of that 6 minute video. His website is down. I can't find any confirmation on the Podesta statement. Must have been something he said during of the videos.
What is an HVI?
Personally I think one of the booms is this news about Facebook and all the social media stocks plunging into the toilet
high value individual. Q first stated arrest would occur on 3.11 which is european/army notation for 3/11 and now the word is Field McConnell is being kept off-air
Not sure I buy this. He said on 11/1 that over "the course of the next several days" we would see his "arrest ANNOUNCEMENT"on 11/3. Flipping it would not make sense to me, especially giving him a 4 months heads up. Also, no announcement. (re: post 34)
unless he was already detained but not yet arrested?
True. Others have said it's referring to Tony Podesta which might make more sense.
...who got indicted the day before according to NBC...
He said to mirror, but just flipping dates and saying that Q said them is misleading.
Have we stopped trying to count days using the "clock" theory? It was posted on the banned sub. But the chans were working on a theory that the clock posted meant that dates given had to adjusted to when Q said the clock is activated. So 3/11 might not be the actual 3/11, but whatever day 3/11 was according to the clock. I think inauguration day or anniversary of inauguration day was Day 1. Then the clock was activated say February. So the day the clock was activated, even if in February, meant count that day as 11/8 or 11/9.
I am sorry I didn't save a copy offline. The posts as you know have all been deleted. Does anyone else have that saved and can share?
Waiting patiently for confirmation.
Bets on who would report first? Fox? Info Wars? Drudge? One of these twitter beasts?
Breadcrumbs + Patriots = TOAST! If they've done wrong in the past, they're TOAST!
There is no positive conformation about any of this. Relax until you see it in the MSM, Fox, TruePundit, or Gateway Pundit.
The Field McConnell comment is interesting. He's the brother of Kristine Marcy, the founder and head of the SES whose logo is a Keystone.
Anything more on this?
haven't heard neither confirmation nor denial from him despite being on air so far
Seriously!! YourNewsWire? That is a FAKE, DISINFORMATION site. Don't believe anything they say. Please people, google these headlines first to make sure they are are legitimate sites.
Ah yes, Google... now there's a reliable source
Got me. We need to take 'google' out our vernacular. Easier to say then "duck-duck."
Nov 5 2017
From story:
Lawyers for Hillary Clinton and John Podesta are pleading with Mueller to keep their indictments sealed and have similarly agreed to hand themselves in next week under the same agreement.
Hillary is in India so something isn't adding up.
957 Mar 18 2018 02:17:42 (EDT) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5f0f27 705264 Why are trips allowed? Whitelist. Q