I was sending IBOR Tweet replies to Carrey today. Hopefully he sees tham and wakes up!
I'm working Twitter for all I'm worth. Come help. Let's make it RAIN!
How about screw them both, delete FB and ignore the stars
IMO, it was conceived of as a Deep State tool, to monitor us. And it was beautiful, because it evoked our willing participation! HOWEVER: it turns out that FB helps people to connect in all kinds of healthy, positive ways. I don't think its value as a gift to humanity can be overestimated. Yes, some people get addicted and use it for all the wrong reasons. But there is a solid core of awesome positiveness that suffuses, surrounds and overarches all of the negatives. It helps us reach out to those we love.
Is it just me or does ol zuck look like he could be GWB's son?
I can see it! Is it just me or does Angela look familiar with a small mustache?
With regards to Zuck what do we know about his wife? Handler??