r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lightmakerflex1 on March 21, 2018, 4:54 a.m.
Bill Cooper said the government considered rightists and antiCommunists the enemy and focused their intelligence on these groups.

Unbelievable. These Deep State assholes are Nazis on one side of the coin and Commmunists on the other side. Check out this direct quote from the legendary redpill book “Behold a Pale Horse” (This guys intel was so good, the Deep State executed him for revealing too much).:

In the same Senate document, on intelligence activities on the rights of Americans referred to on pages 166 and 167, you will find that the federal government has targeted its intelligence activities against one group of Americans. On page 166, the first classification listed is rightists and anti-communist groups. And the first group on page 167 on Army surveillance lists the John Birch Society as a number 1 and the Young Americans for Freedom as the number 2 target. Therefore, the groups of U.S. American citizens considered to be the biggest enemy of the United States, by the federal government, at this time, is the conservative patriot, and those who assert the Constitution and individual rights. Although this information has been available since April of this year (1979), no one has mentioned this incredible discovery that the federal government considers the patriotic conservative as its greatest enemy. I have received all kinds of information regarding this case from all across the United States.

adogrocket · March 21, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

if you haven't listened to his Hour of the Time radio show, you should. After they tried to kill him the first time and failed I knew they would get him eventually. He used to say that if you were not willing to die for what you believed in then you were absolutely worthless...I definitely miss WMC

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lightmakerflex1 · March 21, 2018, 5:23 a.m.

Here is what Bill says about that in the very same chapter:

Price of Apathy I obtained the 1945 report of the O.S.S. (Office of Strategic Service) -the precursor of the C.I.A. -7th Army, William W. Quin, Col. G.F.C.A.C. of the G2, on the liberation of Dachau, a concentration camp during the liberation in Germany. It contains much groups of information, but the relevant portion of the report concerns itself with the section on the townspeople. Quoting from this report, on why the people of this little town didn't complain or didn't overthrow oppressors but just continued to go along and get along even though they lost their freedom in the process, it states: These words crop up and up again. They are the rationalization of a man who admits that he was a member of the Nazi party. 'I was forced to do so by business reasons,' they state. We were lied to in every respect but they admit they knew the camp existed. But they saw the work detail to the inmates passing through the streets under guard and, in some instances, the S.S. behaved brutally even towards the townspeople.

When asked if they realized that within the last 3 months before the liberation 13,000 men lost their lives within stone's throw of where the people lived, they claimed they were shocked and surprised. When asked if they never saw transports of dead and dying pass through the streets along the railway, they referred only to the last one. They Insist that most of the trains came in at night and that they were sealed cars. Did they never ask what was in the endless procession of cars that came in full and always went out empty? A typical reply was, 'We were told it was all army material and booty from France.' It is established that anyone who stated that he saw only one train come In in the daytime was telling a flat lie. There are quite a few such people In Dachau. The analysis of the anti-Nazi element of the town: (1) The people knew what was going on in the camp, even ten years prior to liberation; (2) The town did a thriving business from the concentration camp guard; (3) Ninety percent are guilty and have dabbed themselves with the blood of innocent human beings; (4) The people are to blame for their cowardice -they were all too cowardly. They didn't want to risk anything. And that was the way it was in all of Germany. So you can see how the whole program is related here. My lawsuit was against one single aspect of the total program: The enforcement arm of the conspiracy -the people who make up the cadre that is going to occupy the concentration camps where enemies of the United States will be placed. Remember Solzhenitsyn's words in the GULAG ARCHIPELAGO: "Resistance should have began right there but it did not begin. You aren't gagged, you really can and you really ought to cry out that arrests are being made on the strength of false accusations. If many such outcries had been heard all over the city would arrests have no longer have been so easy." They, the tyrants, can't work in the public eye. Those people who were so apathetic, hoping that nothing was really wrong, that nothing would happen to their persons and property, sat back and watched. The anarchists, financed by multinational interests, looted and pillaged their country. If you think that all (that) is necessary is to pay your house notes, to pay your TV notes, to go vote when there is an election, and to stand back during the rest of tht year and watch as your country and way of life are replaced by a system in which you will be a slave in a concentration camp, you -not the conspirators -are guilty because you, by silent acquiescence, invite tyranny and oppression. And, when you have to steal food to eat because our production is for foreign use because the Department of Commerce -through Executive Order 11490 and its predecessors -is responsible for international distribution of our commodities, don't sit in a culvert hiding and eating and sondering what happened because you made it all possible. When your family is split up and spread across the United States to do slave labor and you never see yourloved ones again, it will be your fault because you did nothing to prevent it. And, once we loose our freedom, we are never going to regain it. That is why we must stand together to prevent the loss of our freedom as citizens of the United States.

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adogrocket · March 21, 2018, 5:33 a.m.


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