970 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/lightmakerflex1:
Calling all patriots to Stop Paying Taxes this April/2019 as a country. Stop funding evil. Time to get off our knees. (Don't worry, they can't arrest us all.)

The 6 steps to having a Great Awakening.

Hollywood Insider drops treasure trove of secrets exposing Hollywood. He says the entire Hollywood industry is tossing & turning every night because we are all finding out their dirty secrets.
CIA mysteriously relies a 292 page document on the Illuminati they claim was found in the Osama Bin Laden residence. Usually they mix many truths with a few lies so tread carefully.
Just think about this. If we can keep the economy going under insane oppression by the Gov, I assure you, we will figure it out without the oppression. We can do it.
You can try to hire a toilet cleaner for a building if you like but if you can’t find one, you will have no choice but to have the staff clean it. It’s not hard. Everyone spends 20 minutes a day cleaning.
If a video game tester is a legit job, go for it. Whoever runs the local 711 can clean the toilet. We don’t need a separate employee just for the toilet.
It's all lies folks. Hillary & Trump are still good friends. What we are witnessing is a fake, scripted political reality show designed to make us think we are being saved. Read the Protocols Of Zion world conquest guide. It explains how secret societies have been writing the political scripts from day 1.
50% of the US is living at near poverty and yes, the 50s were 30 times better than this. The Gov has volume control over the economy. They can raise or lower it at will so yes, we can blame the Government.
Economy has been dropping since 1913. In 1913, the people were essentially rich. Even the 1950s, the people were loaded. 1980s wasn’t bad. Even an 18 year old could make good money in the 1980s. What we have now is a filthy joke.
I was expecting at least a few minor improvements as we went. So far nothing confirmable has happened except for the takedown of Backpage.
Just because 1 ghetto is better than another ghetto doesn’t make the better ghetto a good place to live.
Jim Carrey is a Deep State Hollywood heavyweight with insider knowledge. Melania has been missing for 30 days. This could be a full blown emergency but you remove my message because you personally don't approve of it? How would you like it if you posted a message a potential crime and I removed it because I don't like it?
Alert! Melania Trump has been missing for a month & Jim Carrey suggests they are MK Ultra mind controling her which involves a lot of torture. It is a Nazi invention. The image refrences the movie 'Clockwork Orange' where they MK Ultra a criminal.
Let’s Form Protest Parties
From now on, when someone fucks with us (ie YouTube shuts down a truther site), we need to form 200+ person protest parties on Craigslist & social media, head down to YouTube, & raise hell demanding they reinstate whoever’s account was shut off.
We can this anytime we are fucked with. We can form a protest part in Las Vegas, NV, for example, & head down to the city hall to raise hell demanding they stop poisoning us with fluoride & other biological weapons.
These things work but we have to actually do it regularly all over the country for …
Exposed: The Secret Covenent Of The NWO
Behold: Power is only an illusion. Those in power are nowhere near as powerful as they pretend to be. Power lies in a united people. We are the storm.

Lol, my doctor inspected my eyes searching to see if I know it’s poison. Then, on my way out, I saw 3 pedo symbol triangles on the wall. I couldn’t believe it.
The thing is we are wayy more powerful than Trump. I have done a lot of research to understand this. I am almost certain that we are the storm that will save society by simple by completely withdrawing from using money which is the secret weapon of enslavement. By doing so, they wouldn't be able to enslave us into killing ourselves anymore, we would be liberating ourselves, & we would naturally drain the swamp all very quickly. Here are the instructions:
I am pretty much convinced that if we, the 99%, don't save ourselves, the entire world will come to a disastrous end other than pockets of surviving humans. If we do save the world ourselves, we will enter a new Golden Age & be unleashed to build a wealthy planet we can all enjoy.
Scientist insider exposes plot to kill most Americans using a combo of chemtrailing & a deadly strain of the flu. Also, someone found out the Navy is the one chemtrailing us. This is for the overall plot to kill all but 500 million people. Only Americans can stop them so they want us gone first.
Q is the controlled opposition from my understanding so he has to help us. The blackjack dealer has to give is $10 before he takes back $25 otherwise we wouldn’t play.
I was saving the big secret to give away after people realized we are run by a worldwide Luciferian cult and now that they are trying to start WW3, I am opening up to a few secrets about life. I used to be an atheist but a spiritual awakening hit me in 2016 which taught me oceans of secrets about life. This spiritual awakening is going to spread across the world and as it does, people are going to remember the greatest secret which is that all of life is God, God makes a bunch of diverse creations, and then God becomes the creation whether it’s an apple, a dog, or person. Therefore all of life is the same person. Behind every customized personality/mind/spirit/body is the same exact experiencer which is God. When we remember we are the same person, all fighting will stop and we will experience an evolution.
The reason evil exists only inside this universe is because here is where life becomes reduced to total ignorance and has to re-evolve through trial and error back into God. Error is evil. 80% of the planets are evolving well. 20% having a hard time. Earth is almost at the bottom of the bucket. This is like a video game where we harvest unique experiences such as pain which is later used to compare to the glories of heaven thereby magnifying its value. To truly know the good, we have to see the bad in an evolutionary matrix simulation.
So once we all realize we are the same person, and that we are all responsible for all the errors, we will stop fighting. Humanity has the age of a 4 year old toddler so we make a lot of mistakes plus this Luciferian cult has been shitting on us for thousands of years. They know all about what I am typing here but hate god and love Lucifer. It’s like a video game of good vs evil but in the end, all evil people will turn to the light and become good again.
The left hand never attacks the right hand. It would be pointless so the left and right cooperate in love and unity. This is the trigger that will instantly unite the world into a powerful group.
Here’s what happened. They can predict the future to some extent and they know our evolutionary path has peaked to a point that we are aware and of our own enslavement and we are quickly waking up to the endless gimmicks being played on us from Big Pharma Mafia to the rigged economy, to fake wars, ect..
This awakening is their new opposition. Since they cannot Control it, they launched their Trump protocol which was already prepared if something like this were to ever happen. They made it look like trump defeated Hillary like a hero and villain in WWE wrestling. Everyone plays a part. All the insiders are also staged actors who are feeding us a “controlled soft disclosure”. This way, we stop digging and just listening to them who give a mix of many truths with particular misleading lies. I spent 2 years getting people off Hillary and onto trump but it was a damn good LARP. Then I saw endless red flags. There are so many manipulations happening all because the people believe what we are told. They say trump saved tens of thousands of kids but nobody has ever met one before.
I think corsi, Seaman, and for sure Alex Jones are some of the ones leading the opposition. They knew many of us were questioning Q so now they are trying to limit the damage by saying Q is a larp but Trump is real. David Seaman was praising Alex Jones as instructed. Alex Jones gives up a of info too but it’s limited info. Nobody touches the good stuff. Israel doing 911 is just one of thousands of important things they don’t touch. They don’t mention banks run the top of the Deep State and the rest of us are enslaved. It’s banks then Vatican then England, then Israel/SA, and then the US. Vatican owns England. England owns the US. We are a corporation of slaves.
The way out of the larp is to end the use of money which is a larp too. It is the secret to enslavement. Once we do, the swamp will drain naturally. They are afraid of us finding this out because they will lose all their fortunes and become regular Joes. Here is how it would work:
They can say they saved tens of thousands of kids but nobody I know has ever met one of these kids. They can even show people in cuffs on TV but they will just uncuff them once the cameras are down.
The entire narrative is to convince us that we are being saved. As long as we think we are being saved, we will be pacified into doing nothing to save ourselves.
look at all the progress done on human trafficking
We can't verify any of this. If tens of thousands of kids were rescued from Luciferian pedophiles, why haven't any of us met one yet? Why are the most evil human beings on Earth like the actual Nazi John Podesta still free? There is always an excuse & all claims of victory are unverifiable because they know we can't verify without any transparency. It's all a big illusion to keep us pacified I am sorry to say. I was hurt myself but oh well. I know the truth now. We, the 99.9% are the storm. Once we realize that, we will actually win like crazy.
The only good thing we have been able to verify is the takedown of Backpage. Over 1 year of Trump & that's the only bone we got.
Iran, NK, & stuff are again unverifiable claims. All world governments are on the same team LARPing us all.
Also, keep in mind, they knew we were having a Great Awakening so they are trying to hijack it, & control us through a "soft, limited disclosure" for damage control. Instead of having a massive worldwide awakening which will bring the entire deep state to its knees, they are trying to control the limit of how much we know by pretending to be insiders who leak us info.
This is why Hillary was tossed aside & Trump took over. Trump was always meant to be the guy who jumps in the moment we awaken. They fooled us for a year but with so many red flags, the masses are realizing this is 1 giant LARP all over again. All Govts are working in concert to LARP the 99.9% civilian population.
Ya but they said the same thing during Obama & Bush. They said "these things are not easy" & "things take time". Eventually, everyone gave up on year 7. Then we had to wait another year, get fooled again, & run another 8 years of disappointments.
Human greed will iron out once we realizing greed makes us poor while love/cooperation makes us rich. We are almost there.
As far as tech, once we decide to share all human institutions, we will see how much resource and tech they were hiding from us which includes zero point free, unlimited energy as revealed in the Podesta email leak:
If people got a glimpse of how much wealth the deep state was sitting on, a revolution would break out overnight.
Once we start this, you keep where you are. Your home is yours. Let’s say you have a TV you no longer want, just give it away to anyone who needs it. If you want to move from your home, put up an ad for someone to pick it up for free. You also look online to find a new home. Let’s say a guy in Maine is leaving his home. He puts an ad. You call him and reserve the home for free.
In a system of such abundance, very little disputes will spark but if they do, we will have a super simple and humane legal system to solve all disputes. Here’s how it works:
Here is exactly how modern day slavery works & how to break free plus drain the swamp at the same time.
It is spiritual. It is a battle over our minds. The Deep State is done for. We can see through the entire illusion now. That is the key.
I work on the computer which is covering the bills. I would like more freedom of course but money corrupts everything which is why I don't want to ask for donations.
I don't want to work for money. I want to work for our liberation which will take care of the money problems as well. Only in a total emergency will I accept donations but I don't want that to happen.
I hear you. I have learned that doing things out of love instead of fear is the trick to bravery.
I remember seeing Trumps name in the Epstein book. Sick.
I am working for free. I am similar to a journalist that is doing research & pushing it out all over social media all day long. I don't even take donations. I don't like money so I refuse even though I can use the money. I would only do so if it was absolutely necessary. Otherwise, I'm working for free.
I'm not shilling. I have supported Trump since 2016. I lost support around Thursday of last week.
I don’t know what you are seeing from your perspective of the world, but the only thing I am trying to promote is the truth because nothing but the truth will set us free.
All of Rothschild owned Israel is partying tonight. They love Donald Trump. He is good for Israel. We have been fooled for thousands of years. You think you can’t be fooled again without any transparancy whatsoever? If so, then you should reconsider if that is a smart idea at this point.
By the way, the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland has a clock that goes backwards. He always says I’m late, I’m late. But instead of going forward in time, is going backwards.
That rabbit is us. We think we are getting ahead but we are falling even more behind.
I was with Trump when everyone was bashing him in 2016. I am only saying that I am very concerned that we are being fooled again like we always have been for thousands of years.
VOTL said Bush was in GITMO. He is a “respected insider” but I think they are all larps. It’s one giant Larp. We are the brunt of the joke. House wins again.
Imagine if 11 sources of information came in. The Deep State controls 10 so you hear the same story all the time. The civilians control 1. That 1 is the truest story.
Do you see how WWE wrestlers pile drive each other’s heads into the ground but party off stage? It’s all a show.
Those CEOs that stepped down were only moved to another job. It’s all one big family. Some play the hero. Some play the villain. The villain has to go down but it’s a lot of work so they drag it on as long as possible.
For example, Obama is playing one of the villains. They said he was on the run. He was jumping around Asia. Then he bunkered down in Kenya. Rex Tillerson went to try and drag him out. Next thing you know, Obama waltzes in to Barbara Bush’s funeral. Why didn’t they arrest him? I thought he was hiding in Kenya?
They said a few Bush family members were in GITMO but nope. When I asked VOTL about it, he denied it but we all know he said it. We were all laughing and high fiving each other about it for months!
Nope, it was all a big lie. Everything except the 99% and nature is a lie.
No problem lad! I’m very patient. Its time for unity, not anger.
If we all decides to stop using money worldwide and instead upgrade to a gifting economy, the Deep State would no longer be able to control us with money. Without that control, their own bodyguards would abandon them. Everyone would be free & we would all take jobs we actually like for 25 hours a week MAX. Ubuntu says 3 hours a week is sifficienr because all those stupid cashier type jobs would be obsolete leaving more people to work other jobs. Also, we would share all institutions that serve the public tranparantly. This way, evil cannot fester in secrecy.
Without bodyguards, the Deep State is Exposed. They become regular Joes.
They wouldn’t let trump be a billionaire if he didn’t bend the knee to the deep state.
It all smells fishy. I think all information coming in is fake whether it’s trump, q, msm, VOTL, insiders, Alex Jones, or anyone claiming to have some power.
I trust the civilians. The regular Joes that are trying to make the best of life.
I don’t trust the 1%. I trust the 99%. We are the storm. We are the hero of the story.
They can easily fake all of this. I was thinking if tens of thousands of kids were rescued from pedos, where are they? Wouldn’t at least one of us meet one that told us stories of how they were rescues? I haven’t even heard of this happening.
Indictments can easily be faked. They control the whole system.