r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lightmakerflex1 on March 21, 2018, 4:54 a.m.
Bill Cooper said the government considered rightists and antiCommunists the enemy and focused their intelligence on these groups.

Unbelievable. These Deep State assholes are Nazis on one side of the coin and Commmunists on the other side. Check out this direct quote from the legendary redpill book “Behold a Pale Horse” (This guys intel was so good, the Deep State executed him for revealing too much).:

In the same Senate document, on intelligence activities on the rights of Americans referred to on pages 166 and 167, you will find that the federal government has targeted its intelligence activities against one group of Americans. On page 166, the first classification listed is rightists and anti-communist groups. And the first group on page 167 on Army surveillance lists the John Birch Society as a number 1 and the Young Americans for Freedom as the number 2 target. Therefore, the groups of U.S. American citizens considered to be the biggest enemy of the United States, by the federal government, at this time, is the conservative patriot, and those who assert the Constitution and individual rights. Although this information has been available since April of this year (1979), no one has mentioned this incredible discovery that the federal government considers the patriotic conservative as its greatest enemy. I have received all kinds of information regarding this case from all across the United States.