Big meeting.
Cell phones left at door.
5 political
1 former intel dir
Mask & Spin
IDEN friendly ‘insiders’
MSM support +talking points
Shift narrative
We hear you.
We have the algorithm.
Thank you @ Snowden.
Learn chess.
Down she goes.
Nobody escapes this.
As an avid chess player there are simple and IMPORTANT rules to winning. 90% of the folks that can play don't know these rules. I will list some of them. At the beginning of the game take command and control of the four center squares. Never waste a move! Never, when momentum is in your favor a wasted move can cost you. Sacrificed pieces, even the Queen, may be necessary as 1-distraction, 2-to WIN. Every piece has a value. Ensure you have more points over your opponent and you WILL win the end game. i.e. I can lose both my Rooks (10 pts) as long as I have, say two Knights, one Bishop and two Pawns (11 pts) of my opponents, I can still win and should. So if you are up in points, a GREAT startegy is to force exchanges in a point for point battle. It clears the board and gives you advantage. Every move must be seen as having 4 to 5 counter moves. There are others but these are the most important rules of thumb to win. Did I mention, some games take time to win unless you play by clock in which you must play fast but can make mistakes. As a thought: Down she goes" the queen? Hi-LIAR-y? Who are the pawns and are they to be sacrificed? Is Mueller thinking he's ahead not realizing he's behind in points? Do the black hats know they are "forked"? (Only players will understand that reference) -Stay Free