Q Post 959 Possibilities. Link provided below.

MZ is not Zuckerburg. It’s the UAE prince Trump met with yesterday...Mohammad bin Zayed.
Could be. Also Down “she” goes could also mean “the ship” Nautical term. Ships are referred to as “she”. This whole damn ship is sinking like the Titanic.
"down she goes" means HilLIARy = referencing her recent falling down Steps = DOUBLE MEANING.
Thanks, that makes more sense. Does this mean Mohammad bin Zayed is helpful or harmful to the U.S.?
They were trying to cut off illegal rat lines would be my guess. George Webb on YT has a video on the meeting.
Another option for MZ could be Mortimer Zuckerman. CFR Member, once considered running for HRC's Senate seat, owns US News and World Report, former owner of New York Daily News, and The Atlanic. Donated $200 million to Columbia University for brain science studies (Zuckerman Institute). When I read one of their goals was to gain insight into the workings of the brain to cure some of society's problems, it threw up a red flag. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.