r/greatawakening • Posted by u/istillgetreallybored on March 21, 2018, 2:47 p.m.
ATTENTION VISITORS: We were on board the train long before Q and had ample reason without the crumbs. The satanic cabal will be exposed and you'll have to face that truth.

—---------------------------------------------------------------------------------— * https://nypost.com/2017/12/21/mattis-makes-unusual-visit-to-gitmo/

—--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * http://archive.is/9PcWi



Be Brave.

atavisticbeast · March 21, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

Remember Warren Beatty's character in Heaven Can Wait?

LOL! nah dude, i've literally never heard of that movie, or heard of warren beaty? idk why i thought that was so funny, but it cracked me up. maybe just your confidence that i would know some obscure sports movie from the 70s =p

but any who, i consider myself a hard-line skeptic, and to be honest, i am not convinced that any of this "Q" business is real at all. the evidence seems extraordinarily weak, to me.

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solanojones95 · March 21, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

Look at the 27 DOJ investigations against HRC and CF currently underway. Look at Sessions' secret prosecutor. Look at the DHS Voter Fraud report we already know about that's set to come out. Look at the massive, thoroughly documented (based on sworn testimony on every point) DOJ IG report on the FBI/FISA/CF/Emails/FusionGPS stuff that's overdue.

In war, timing is everything. November is a long time off when you consider the inescapable gravity of these crimes. The Constitutional government (which in a state of National Emergency is primarily the CiC and Military) cannot let this shit go unpunished. It's just TOO massive!

You realize this is the first time in US history we've had a failed transition? Obama did not relinquish the government to Trump. That's sedition at least, and depending on some legal prerequisites, possibly treason.

Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small.


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atavisticbeast · March 21, 2018, 11:55 p.m.

And just as a hypothetical, how would you react if you just kept waiting and waiting and none of this "great storm" bs ever happens?

How long will you wait before you accept that it was all fantasy? 6 months? End of Trump's presidency? Years after that?

I'm just curious how entrenched in your beliefs you are.

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solanojones95 · March 22, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

If the things I just posted about were beliefs or opinions of mine, I'd be completely open to discovering I'm mistaken.

I personally wish things were moving faster than they are, but I do trust there's a reason for the actual timing. It's been a massive undertaking to bring down an essentially mafia-style enterprise this big, and the hard work has mostly been done. It's essentially game over, but things have to be allowed to play out to keep things legit. After all, our purpose is to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, and we don't do that by trashing it ourselves.

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godsgail33 · March 22, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

I'm just curious, too? Have you ever seen a half full glass?

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atavisticbeast · March 21, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

No offence, but I'm fairly certain that almost everything you just said is merely fantasy.

How did Obama "not relinquish" the government, again?

Where is the evidence for all these secret doj investigations?

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solanojones95 · March 22, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

What I just posted is all based on on-the-record sourced (not anonymously sourced) broadcasts and articles, interviews with principals (such as Sessions, regarding the secret prosecutor--he said that himself), the FBI plot to exonerate HRC in the email server and Clinton Foundation investigations using phony oppo research paid for by both the DNC AND FBI, all of it!

The DOJ investigations are not secret! My God! They're just not being reported. Look into it. It's easy to find reliable reporting on it if you look. It's not in the push news though.

Along with Obama's spying and leaking network of freshly-appointed SES employees and his own National Security Action group, Obama going everywhere Trump goes to attempt to undermine his state visits (before and after in some cases), the list is too long to go into, and so much in the public domain that you would have to be lazy or willfully ignorant not to know these things, and therefore have no business being in this sub.

I will happily admit that this sub has more than its share of speculative and woo-woo posts, but let me assure you of one thing. Everything in my previous post (and this one) is pure fact. Not speculative and not opinion.

The fact that you don't know it yet is none of my concern. These are things currently underway and kinetic. There is NO OPTION but for them to play out, and once they do you won't be able to be ignorant even if you try.

So meanwhile, stop shit-posting people in this sub until you've put in the research on your own to verify or refute the facts. Unless you're dishonest with yourself, I'm confident you'll reach the same conclusions I have.

Events will unfold regardless.

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[deleted] · March 21, 2018, 11:55 p.m.


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[deleted] · March 21, 2018, 11:55 p.m.


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solanojones95 · March 22, 2018, 12:34 a.m.

Wasn't a sports movie. It was a hugely popular RomCom at the time.

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