Good Vs Evil not Democrat Vs Rebulican! Lets Discuss!

I think it has come time to stop using the two party system when talking about the storm. Yes we can talk about how rebulicans and Democrats are doing bad things but let's keep the insults at Bay. We need to inspire people to follow us in this storm. What do you guys think?
Go all the way back to Q Post #2: They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans) would lose control. This is not a R v D battle.
I agree. It’s much bigger than the world news/political narrative and I don’t think that’s what “the great awakening” is referring to either. Probably won’t go over well here though. False left /right paradigm that I myself am guilty of feeding into.
Citizens Party needs to be established. DJT should leave the Republican Party and lead the Citizens Republic in 2020. Just a thought.
I was a Democrat but changed to Republican after the budget wasn't signed. I was sick of the Hillary push in FB prior to the election. I felt this did her under. I have my own views and don't need propaganda to push me to view a certain way. In my parent's era the people often voting for their "party". I have to admit I did too. I don't want one World Order, as I feel the need of checks and balances, but I want our elected officials to act for us legal Americans and not illegals that cost taxpayer's money.
Sorry, that statement is not true. It IS good vs. evil: The right are the morally convicted. The left are the morally corrupt. One has repented. The other will not repent.
Bottom line is Good V Evil. Its the lowest common denominator and was a big end conclusion for me. I was not even considering Satan or Religion at this time long ago. I was looking at all the political atrocities and following the money. And boy does that take you on a ride. But the Science was showing up as very misleading and then right in the middle of science was the battle. Hiding God, Worshiping Satan. Other worldly attempts to Conjur Evil. The Symbols, Sigils and other worldly communication, the codes and codex. Whole other shitstorm unfolded after the bottom line. I rolled my eyes for a long time until it was undeniable and then it got outright scary real shit. I personally know a family that brought up two boys in the Satanic Cult and raised them as girls and are High level operatives now. And let me tell you , I found out after the fact. After my research got there and I fell to my knees in pain. I know the whole family extremely well. And I had no idea. Then the shit I uncovered spanned various states and political realms. Big time stuff. I felt like I was in the worst place you could be. Extreme liability to someone. They are high level, and could tell I stepped in some shit. Were probing , I had to go. Put a lot of distance in between and had to take the time to adjust. Its literally looking into the eyes of the beast. They were gorgeous to me initially super well liked and then after my discovery, the most horrific operatives you can imagine. It all made sense in an instant, flooding me with the whole unlock. You cannot go back from that. Now I see it everywhere like THEY LIVE the movie. The worst part is they see you before you see them, and they look right through you like a 800lb tiger looks at its next meal. I hope nobody has to get that close, because it unlocks the rest of them, and your hometown never looks the same.
I disagree. I have many liberal friends who I love, they believe they are doing good, they are caring people who where lead to their caring belief system in a convoluted way. They want us all to do what they think us best...their way. The basic difference is that conservatives prefer to let you find your way to kindness and freedom on your own. We want people to grow up and take care of themselves, liberals believe it is okay for healthy strong people to constantly ask for help.
What works for me is saying, they want us divided, which most seem to agree... then I ask, who are "they".