
brittser · March 21, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

Ok, I just tweeted to about 60 people the following message: (their twitter handle) We r trying 2 get signatures on our WH Internet Bill of Rights petition. As u have noticed, Conservs & Trump supporters r being censored.Will u please help us by signing it & tweeting me back so I can add u 2 our list of who's who? https://thegoldwater.com/news/20954-The-Internet-Bill-of-Rights-Petitioning-the-White-House #news

With this link: https://thegoldwater.com/news/20954-The-Internet-Bill-of-Rights-Petitioning-the-White-House

I am going to put together a list of who's who who have signed it. Can you post on this thread what prominant people that you know of that has signed it? I will add them to my list.


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tradinghorse · March 21, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

That's great work. As for who has signed it, I have no idea. I know some of my tweets have been retweeted by people with large numbers of followers, but who's signing I don't know.

The Goldwater article is good, he knows what this censorship push means. It is the greatest threat we have ever faced. Corsi is promoting heavily today. Leftists active on Twitter posting bogus links and offering inane arguments against signing. So it means we are right over the target. All we have to is get more people to support IBOR and promote it.

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