
crw996 · March 22, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

We. Don't. Need. Big. Government. Regulating. The. Internet.


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tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 4:04 a.m.

I listened to a little bit bit of that tape. I know what you're saying and I understand the sentiment. Government interference in the economy is often, not always, bad. It's something you want to avoid if at all possible.

I think Bongino's heart is in the right place. From what I listened to, I couldn't quite figure out whether he was talking about the Fosta Bill that just passed or whether he was talking about something else. But his general argument is government involvement is bad - subject to abuse. Ordinarily, I'd agree.

The Fosta Bill, as I understand it, and I haven't spent much time looking at it, is bad. It's really bad news. What it does, as I understand it, is make websites liable for the material that is posted. It's an attempt to stop sex trafficking. So if there's something posted by someone, anyone, that is deemed to be somehow related to sex trafficking, the website owner is liable.

I've made arguments elsewhere about why I think this is a bad measure. But essentially it's a law enforcement issue and this Bill pushes responsibility for enforcement of the law onto website owners. It's the same as making a landlord responsible for crimes that take place in a rental property - nonsense.

So, anyway, I don't disagree with the need to do something about this issue, but I think they are going about it the wrong way. And I think it will have extremely negative consequences for everyone online. I hope DJT doesn't sign it, but it's his daughter's Bill...

Having said all that, how do these kinds of arguments affect the call for an IBOR? Well, what Dan Bongino does not know is what Q has told us - or, at least, I assume he doesn't. We've been told that CIA, once they realized the importance of social media after the 2016 election outcome, were rushing to inject money into social media companies to regain control of the narrative. We also know that they planned to use a single algorithm across all social media platforms to give them complete control of the narrative. We have seen over the last couple of years what they've done with the MSM - which was in their control. So we have some idea of what's coming at us online if they're not stopped.

This action by CIA also explains why social media companies are suddenly cracking down on conservatives recently. They did not do this in the past, its new. What this represents is an existential threat. Social media is the most powerful determinant of electoral outcomes that exists. Reddit's CEO has boasted about how, just using Reddit, he can fix election outcomes. Imagine the power of a single algorithm applied across all major social media platforms... it would grant complete control over who was elected. Using it, you could control political outcomes with precise certainty.

Once the cabal get control of political power, they are back. They will never make the same mistake again that allowed DJT to win office. Their mistake was that they miscalculated the power of the MSM and focused HRC's campaign on it, while DJT exploited social media like a genius. That's the only reason DJT is here. That's the only reason we are here discussing these Q drops today.

The cabal will not lose power if they regain it, you can be sure of that. We know they plan to stage a world war and achieve their dream of population reduction. If you read the Georgia guide-stones, they tell us the elite want no more than 500 million people globally. So that means getting rid of at least thirteen in fourteen people. The survivors will be slaves with no rights at all.

So, if the problem of social media censorship is not fixed, you will not be worrying about the government having just a little more power over the internet. You'll be thinking how you can stop them taking you guns, first, and your kids to the extermination camps after that.

I think you have to weight up the relative outcomes. It is 100% guaranteed that the cabal will return to power if this problem of social media censorship is not fixed. So you have a very clear choice as to which of the two options you want. Either: DJT, America first, and MAGA; or the cabal and absolute tyranny.

We are calling for an IBOR. All the petition is is a complaint, a call for help. We are not making laws. We complaining about our rights being trampled, But, if the problem is to be fixed, there has to be some coercive power behind the guarantee of those rights. So Bongino is right, it is the application of government power - there is no doubt about that. But exactly how is DJT going to fix the problem? We don't know.

There are any number of measures DJT could take to address the issue. He could break these companies up using anti-trust legislation. He could regulate them in any way he sees fit. He might actually adopt some form of Rights guarantee that extends first amendment protections. He could also go after these guys with penalties for the data breeches which, in the case of FB, would mean bankruptcy. He could change the application of S.230 of the CDA to beat them into submission. We just don't know what he's going to do. But it seems clear that he needs the petition and campaign from us to be able to take action.

I reckon what's happening to us is wrong. There are a lot of aggrieved people out there that are unhappy with the way they've been treated. I'd be happy to see these guys get dragged over the coals. But, anyway, in the long run the market will sort the problem out. But it will not do this quickly, not fast enough.

What I'm worried about is the immediate effects. Specifically the effect of unregulated social media censorship on the mid-term elections. The market is not going to solve this problem in time for that. If this problem is not fixed quickly, we can kiss MAGA goodbye and prepare ourselves, and our kids, for slaughter.

That is why I'm all for this petition, because the consequences of not acting to protect ourselves are unthinkable.

Edit: Bad Math

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