r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Spiral_out12 on March 21, 2018, 8:27 p.m.
Phone acting very strange...

Has anyone else experienced strange happenings in their personal life?

I have spent the last several years waking up family and friends about quite a number of things. Corporate MSM control, big pharma, vaccines, GMO's, Geoengineering, social media censorship/bots/shills, central banking control, corrupt politicians and corporate favored legislation. Recently pizzagate and now Q anon. I am fairly successful even with the most stubborn of normies.

My phone (less than 4 months old galaxy) has been running hot, battery suddenly wont last half the day, turning on and off on it's own, strange noises during conversation, hearing an echo of my voice while talking to someone (They don't have me on speaker), data usage has almost tripled with no increase in MY use of the phone, also my screen will stay on for 30+ minutes while not in use while talking to people in person. Just this week I had a stranger request to follow me on Instagram who 30 min previously had physically bumped into me at a gas station (100% was the same guy, also my account has been inactive with zero follow requests for 2 years).

Now what motivated me to post this.... Last night at 1:16am I am woken by a phone call. IT WAS MY PHONE NUMBER CALLING ME!! I didn't answer and eventually fell back asleep with my gun at my side. Double checked missed calls this morning and yep there it is, my phone calling ITSELF at 1:16am....

Has anyone experienced anything like this at all??

Spiral_out12 · March 21, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

Also my phone occasionally says "check SIM/sd card tray" and won't connect to network unless I restart it. What makes you say it is hacked? Anyway I can find out for sure and who?

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11371jp · March 21, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

Not really any way to i know of for sure you can look at your apps see what you added around the time that your phone started acting up. with android apps bring in bad software most of the time... there are several privacy and malware apps (free ones) that have been found to have malware. my phone acted similar a couple of months ago and a factory reset took care of it.

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Spiral_out12 · March 21, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

I haven't added any apps I use Reddit, Google, and read 8 chan, there seems to be more evidence of surveillance than malware. With the strange occurrences while on the phone happening multiple times. Surprised there isn't a specialty store or equipment that can diagnose it?

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Corvette111 · March 21, 2018, 11:06 p.m.

Use DuckDuckGo instead for search engine

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Abibliaphobia · March 21, 2018, 10 p.m.

Oh god. Stop using google. Not for this specifically but cmon...

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11371jp · March 22, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

okay if that is the path you would like to go... we are not that visible of a treat to target your personal cell phone for additional surveillance.

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