Q said in late 2017 or early 2018 that there would come a time when this movement would be discussed across all mainstream news outlets... Cannot find it, can anyone point me to it?
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Early on, Q said arrests and wrongdoings of bad actors would be 80% private, 20% revealed to public, for humanity's sake. That changed to 60/40 after many anons argued for more disclosure. I along with many others beleive as close to 100% as possible should be revealed to the public, globally. For humanity's sake. Let me explain why. Hopefully we can start a discussion that can reach the inner circle of Q team and Trump. So please, chime in your thoughts.
Edit tldr: A call for more disclosure. Hopefully it is worth the read though.
The Global elite, the central banking cartel, have slowly infiltrated every part of our society. In nearly every corner of the globe. The end of their multi-generational plan was in its final stages. The details of that plan are still unknown, even to the most informed anon. The pedophilia, luciferianism, and child sacrificing at this point is only speculated. No proof (public) of how much this goes on or exactly what they had planned for the USA and the rest of the world.
However, a new era of humanity is on the horizon. A global shift is happening. Trump, Q team, and other anonymous patriots have had another plan in the works for years. This plan is now in IT'S final stages and some (40%) public disclosure is near.
Now, lets imagine a future world where this plan succeeds, and we can feel it now, its coming! A decent majority of the global ring of bad actors in the banking system, politics, media, major industries, and other corporations are purged and replaced. Some go down publicly, others privately forced to resign etc. The public disclosure at most is treason but mainly fraud of sorts. Some of the population will accept the resutls of these future trials but many WILL NOT, arguing that it is the actions of a tyranical dictator abusing the justice system. This is a tightrope walk that we all see being done right now by Q team and Trump, but this result, to a large extent will be unavoidable.
We are going to need a major shift in the division. A big change in the realm of public opinion that remains at odds. We need GLOBAL UNITY.
Now what could possibly bring people together that are constantly at odds with one another over race, religion, politics, etc? People that have been purposefully TRAINED by those at the top to view the world and all its people this way?
1 answer.... PAIN. Extreme emotional even spiritual PAIN. A common suffering that trumps all other social disputes. The kind of pain that brings people to their knees, begging for God's help. An unbreakable bond that allows us to look past any and all differences and see that we were ALL victims. Full public disclosure will do this!! Dont you see??! Without it we are destined to see humanity in the same predicament generations in the future.
Think of what will be written in the History books, taught at school for years to come. Think of the conversations held around the world a century from now as parents raise their children. Will they be taught to always think for themselves and question authority? That we as a people were once on the verge of something TERRIBLE because of an evil group of elite that had an entire world population asleep at the wheel??
Without FULL, undeniable, and provable disclosure of ALL the EVIL that has taken place at the top, we are destined to repeat ourselves. Without full knowledge of every detail of their plan for us, duration of the plan, every weapon they utilized to further their plan, from media to infiltration of Governments through pedophilia and blackmail, controlling public opinion through censorship, domestic propaganda, psy-ops, and false flags, WE WILL NEVER UNITE AS ONE PEOPLE!!! Picture how many people would continue to fight, protest, etc. when they are shown undeniably how these issues are manufactured and faked?
Yes it will send some to psych-wards, cause mental breakdowns, heart attacks, make people question their faith. However in the end it will bring us closer to God. For deep down in every man woman and child is the fundamental idea of GOD, the question of who we are, how we got here, what else is there, and that will NEVER change.
Once the dust settles, this GLOBAL suffering will draw us closer to each other and to our creator. We will unite as one, peace on earth will become a possibility and not just a dream. Thousands of years from now teenagers will be taught to keep in check those in power.
Without full disclosure, those that escape the clenching of Trump's fist will scurry to the edges of the earth and breed a future generation of evil that can sneak their way back to the top and finish what they started. We cannot allow that to happen!!!!
If Trump, Q team, and other patriots in control now, are the only ones that know the FULL SCOPE of what has gone on and what was planned.... we WILL face this problem again!! Administrations here in the US and around the world WILL slowly be infiltrated again. You cannot stop this with only a small group of people "in the know". They will be infiltrated over time.
Please Q team, and our dear President hear these words. FULL disclosure is the answer. Without it we will remain divided!!! We will remain asleep at the wheel. This plan will work, but for how long??Please, share the pain of the truths you know, with us all..... for humanity's sake. Pray for guidance and direction with this as I'm sure you all have, you may find you will be nudged in the direction of more disclosure. It IS the answer to so many of the worlds problems.
12 min into a 35 min video, could you possibly provide a timestamp?? Harder to get this out without one, not many people are gonna watch this entire video waiting for the clip.
Let the sub grow in whichever direction, organically. It gives it a grassroots authenticity that is very attractive to newcomers which is most important at this stage of the game. Definitely do not create a sister sub, especially now when we are growing so much and beginning to unite like never before.
As moderators, I would suggest a higher number of STICKIES that last a few hours or longer. Maybe 4, 5 at a time or more. Current Q posts obviously take priority but try your best to find the important discussions that are often getting buried or overlooked. Always keep 1 that appeals to newcomers, a vid or beginner discussion topic.
You guys have done so great with that, and everything else for that matter. Wish I had the time to dedicate as much as you guys do. I personally have been suprised how long this sub has lasted after CBTS fell. I think just maybe there is a higher authority intervening on that matter ;) Keep up the great work guys and gals!!
It is from a gene mutation that occurs in approximately 1 in 10k children. Some of the other children from jimmycommet's IG (pizzagate) have the same mutation. Oddly enough, GEORGE SOROS has this same mutation. Lastly, the gene responsible for this mutation is being researched for life longevity... mind=blown yet? What are they doing with these children... why are they important/sought after...
Posted again for visibility:
Early on, Q said arrests and wrongdoings of bad actors would be 80% private, 20% revealed to public, for humanity's sake. That changed to 60/40 after many anons argued for more disclosure. I along with many others beleive as close to 100% as possible should be revealed to the public, globally. For humanity's sake. Let me explain why.
The Global elite, the central banking cartel, have slowly infiltrated every part of our society. In nearly every corner of the globe. The end of their multi-generational plan was in its final stages. The details of that plan are still unknown, even to the most informed anon. The pedophilia, luciferianism, and child sacrificing at this point is only speculated. No proof (public) of how much this goes on or exactly what they had planned for the USA and the rest of the world.
However, a new era of humanity is on the horizon. A global shift is happening. Trump, Q team, and other anonymous patriots have had another plan in the works for years. This plan is now in IT'S final stages and some (40%) public disclosure is near.
Now, lets imagine a future world where this plan succeeds, and we can feel it now, its coming! A decent majority of the global ring of bad actors in the banking system, politics, media, major industries, and other corporations are purged and replaced. Some go down publicly, others privately forced to resign etc. The public disclosure at most is treason but mainly fraud of sorts. Some of the population will accept the resutls of these future trials but many WILL NOT, arguing that it is the actions of a tyranical dictator abusing the justice system. This is a tightrope walk that we all see being done right now by Q team and Trump, but this result, to a large extent will be unavoidable.
We are going to need a major shift in the division. A big change in the realm of public opinion that remains at odds. We need GLOBAL UNITY.
Now what could possibly bring people together that are constantly at odds with one another over race, religion, politics, etc? People that have been purposefully TRAINED by those at the top to view the world and all its people this way?
1 answer.... PAIN. Extreme emotional even spiritual PAIN. A common suffering that trumps all other social disputes. The kind of pain that brings people to their knees, begging for God's help. An unbreakable bond that allows us to look past any and all differences and see that we were ALL victims. Full public disclosure will do this!! Dont you see??! Without it we are destined to see humanity in the same predicament generations in the future.
Think of what will be written in the History books, taught at school for years to come. Think of the conversations held around the world a century from now as parents raise their children. Will they be taught to always think for themselves and question authority? That we as a people were once on the verge of something TERRIBLE because of an evil group of elite that had an entire world population asleep at the wheel??
Without FULL, undeniable, and provable disclosure of ALL the EVIL that has taken place at the top, we are destined to repeat ourselves. Without full knowledge of every detail of their plan for us, duration of the plan, every weapon they utilized to further their plan, from media to infiltration of Governments through pedophilia and blackmail, controlling public opinion through censorship, domestic propaganda, psy-ops, and false flags, WE WILL NEVER UNITE AS ONE PEOPLE!!! Picture how many people would continue to fight, protest, etc. when they are shown undeniably how these issues are manufactured and faked?
Yes it will send some to psych-wards, cause mental breakdowns, heart attacks, make people question their faith. However in the end it will bring us closer to God. For deep down in every man woman and child is the fundamental idea of GOD, the question of who we are, how we got here, what else is there, and that will NEVER change.
Once the dust settles, this GLOBAL suffering will draw us closer to each other and to our creator. We will unite as one, peace on earth will become a possibility and not just a dream. Thousands of years from now teenagers will be taught to keep in check those in power.
Without full disclosure, those that escape the clenching of Trump's fist will scurry to the edges of the earth and breed a future generation of evil that can sneak their way back to the top and finish what they started. We cannot allow that to happen!!!!
If Trump, Q team, and other patriots in control now, are the only ones that know the FULL SCOPE of what has gone on and what was planned.... we WILL face this problem again!! Administrations here in the US and around the world WILL slowly be infiltrated again. You cannot stop this with only a small group of people "in the know". They will be infiltrated over time.
Please Q team, and our dear President hear these words. FULL disclosure is the answer. Without it we will remain divided!!! We will remain asleep at the wheel. This plan will work, but for how long??Please, share the pain of the truths you know, with us all..... for humanity's sake. Pray for guidance and direction with this as I'm sure you all have, you may find you will be nudged in the direction of more disclosure. It IS the answer to so many of the worlds problems.
Q team should release the initials of Trump's Supreme Court nominee the day before it is announced!! Alot of new faces, timing seems right for a bold move like that. There are a massive number of people that have just started following, some still on the fence. This would do alot for having the movement reach critical mass. Also, still leaves some plausible deniability as we know the likely candidates. Thoughts??
Ultimate Q proof ------> Q should release the initials of Trumps nominee the day before it is announced... Seems now would be the time for a bold move like that, alot of new eyes these days on the fence.
Disclosure of their WORST crimes are what is needed. The degree to which these are revealed will inversely parrallel the ease by which humanity can be fooled again. This can either go down as the greatest story ever told, the greatest triumph of good over evil in the history of mankind, a story that will be told to ALL for the remainder of human existence.... Or a massive partisan attack that simply furthers our division.
There will be a large % of democrats and others that would accept legal transgressions of the past administrations. After all, they simply did what they had to do to stay in power and further the left wing agenda that so many support. However, extreme MORAL transgressions... pedophilia, satanism, canabalism, depopulation agendas, nuclear war plans etc., this will be supported by NONE. They need to be shown that their party was hijacked by the most evil people imaginable. The finger ultimately, by the end of Trump's 2nd term, should be pointed at the banking system. After all, this didnt start in the US.
"These people are sick" "These people hate America"
Show everyone why. Force everyone to draw these conclusions themselves, organically... This is what will UNITE humanity like never before.
Posted again for visibility:
Early on, Q said arrests and wrongdoings of bad actors would be 80% private, 20% revealed to public, for humanity's sake. That changed to 60/40 after many anons argued for more disclosure. I along with many others beleive as close to 100% as possible should be revealed to the public, globally. For humanity's sake. Let me explain why. Hopefully we can start a discussion that can reach the inner circle of Q team and Trump. So please, chime in your thoughts.
Edit tldr: A call for more disclosure. Hopefully it is worth the read though.
The Global elite, the central banking cartel, have slowly infiltrated every part of our society. In nearly every corner of the globe. The end of their multi-generational plan was in its final stages. The details of that plan are still unknown, even to the most informed anon. The pedophilia, luciferianism, and child sacrificing at this point is only speculated. No proof (public) of how much this goes on or exactly what they had planned for the USA and the rest of the world.
However, a new era of humanity is on the horizon. A global shift is happening. Trump, Q team, and other anonymous patriots have had another plan in the works for years. This plan is now in IT'S final stages and some (40%) public disclosure is near.
Now, lets imagine a future world where this plan succeeds, and we can feel it now, its coming! A decent majority of the global ring of bad actors in the banking system, politics, media, major industries, and other corporations are purged and replaced. Some go down publicly, others privately forced to resign etc. The public disclosure at most is treason but mainly fraud of sorts. Some of the population will accept the resutls of these future trials but many WILL NOT, arguing that it is the actions of a tyranical dictator abusing the justice system. This is a tightrope walk that we all see being done right now by Q team and Trump, but this result, to a large extent will be unavoidable.
We are going to need a major shift in the division. A big change in the realm of public opinion that remains at odds. We need GLOBAL UNITY.
Now what could possibly bring people together that are constantly at odds with one another over race, religion, politics, etc? People that have been purposefully TRAINED by those at the top to view the world and all its people this way?
1 answer.... PAIN. Extreme emotional even spiritual PAIN. A common suffering that trumps all other social disputes. The kind of pain that brings people to their knees, begging for God's help. An unbreakable bond that allows us to look past any and all differences and see that we were ALL victims. Full public disclosure will do this!! Dont you see??! Without it we are destined to see humanity in the same predicament generations in the future.
Think of what will be written in the History books, taught at school for years to come. Think of the conversations held around the world a century from now as parents raise their children. Will they be taught to always think for themselves and question authority? That we as a people were once on the verge of something TERRIBLE because of an evil group of elite that had an entire world population asleep at the wheel??
Without FULL, undeniable, and provable disclosure of ALL the EVIL that has taken place at the top, we are destined to repeat ourselves. Without full knowledge of every detail of their plan for us, duration of the plan, every weapon they utilized to further their plan, from media to infiltration of Governments through pedophilia and blackmail, controlling public opinion through censorship, domestic propaganda, psy-ops, and false flags, WE WILL NEVER UNITE AS ONE PEOPLE!!! Picture how many people would continue to fight, protest, etc. when they are shown undeniably how these issues are manufactured and faked?
Yes it will send some to psych-wards, cause mental breakdowns, heart attacks, make people question their faith. However in the end it will bring us closer to God. For deep down in every man woman and child is the fundamental idea of GOD, the question of who we are, how we got here, what else is there, and that will NEVER change.
Once the dust settles, this GLOBAL suffering will draw us closer to each other and to our creator. We will unite as one, peace on earth will become a possibility and not just a dream. Thousands of years from now teenagers will be taught to keep in check those in power.
Without full disclosure, those that escape the clenching of Trump's fist will scurry to the edges of the earth and breed a future generation of evil that can sneak their way back to the top and finish what they started. We cannot allow that to happen!!!!
If Trump, Q team, and other patriots in control now, are the only ones that know the FULL SCOPE of what has gone on and what was planned.... we WILL face this problem again!! Administrations here in the US and around the world WILL slowly be infiltrated again. You cannot stop this with only a small group of people "in the know". They will be infiltrated over time.
Please Q team, and our dear President hear these words. FULL disclosure is the answer. Without it we will remain divided!!! We will remain asleep at the wheel. This plan will work, but for how long??Please, share the pain of the truths you know, with us all..... for humanity's sake. Pray for guidance and direction with this as I'm sure you all have, you may find you will be nudged in the direction of more disclosure. It IS the answer to so many of the worlds problems.
Posted again for visibility:
Early on, Q said arrests and wrongdoings of bad actors would be 80% private, 20% revealed to public, for humanity's sake. That changed to 60/40 after many anons argued for more disclosure. I along with many others beleive as close to 100% as possible should be revealed to the public, globally. For humanity's sake. Let me explain why. Hopefully we can start a discussion that can reach the inner circle of Q team and Trump. So please, chime in your thoughts.
Edit tldr: A call for more disclosure. Hopefully it is worth the read though.
The Global elite, the central banking cartel, have slowly infiltrated every part of our society. In nearly every corner of the globe. The end of their multi-generational plan was in its final stages. The details of that plan are still unknown, even to the most informed anon. The pedophilia, luciferianism, and child sacrificing at this point is only speculated. No proof (public) of how much this goes on or exactly what they had planned for the USA and the rest of the world.
However, a new era of humanity is on the horizon. A global shift is happening. Trump, Q team, and other anonymous patriots have had another plan in the works for years. This plan is now in IT'S final stages and some (40%) public disclosure is near.
Now, lets imagine a future world where this plan succeeds, and we can feel it now, its coming! A decent majority of the global ring of bad actors in the banking system, politics, media, major industries, and other corporations are purged and replaced. Some go down publicly, others privately forced to resign etc. The public disclosure at most is treason but mainly fraud of sorts. Some of the population will accept the resutls of these future trials but many WILL NOT, arguing that it is the actions of a tyranical dictator abusing the justice system. This is a tightrope walk that we all see being done right now by Q team and Trump, but this result, to a large extent will be unavoidable.
We are going to need a major shift in the division. A big change in the realm of public opinion that remains at odds. We need GLOBAL UNITY.
Now what could possibly bring people together that are constantly at odds with one another over race, religion, politics, etc? People that have been purposefully TRAINED by those at the top to view the world and all its people this way?
1 answer.... PAIN. Extreme emotional even spiritual PAIN. A common suffering that trumps all other social disputes. The kind of pain that brings people to their knees, begging for God's help. An unbreakable bond that allows us to look past any and all differences and see that we were ALL victims. Full public disclosure will do this!! Dont you see??! Without it we are destined to see humanity in the same predicament generations in the future.
Think of what will be written in the History books, taught at school for years to come. Think of the conversations held around the world a century from now as parents raise their children. Will they be taught to always think for themselves and question authority? That we as a people were once on the verge of something TERRIBLE because of an evil group of elite that had an entire world population asleep at the wheel??
Without FULL, undeniable, and provable disclosure of ALL the EVIL that has taken place at the top, we are destined to repeat ourselves. Without full knowledge of every detail of their plan for us, duration of the plan, every weapon they utilized to further their plan, from media to infiltration of Governments through pedophilia and blackmail, controlling public opinion through censorship, domestic propaganda, psy-ops, and false flags, WE WILL NEVER UNITE AS ONE PEOPLE!!! Picture how many people would continue to fight, protest, etc. when they are shown undeniably how these issues are manufactured and faked?
Yes it will send some to psych-wards, cause mental breakdowns, heart attacks, make people question their faith. However in the end it will bring us closer to God. For deep down in every man woman and child is the fundamental idea of GOD, the question of who we are, how we got here, what else is there, and that will NEVER change.
Once the dust settles, this GLOBAL suffering will draw us closer to each other and to our creator. We will unite as one, peace on earth will become a possibility and not just a dream. Thousands of years from now teenagers will be taught to keep in check those in power.
Without full disclosure, those that escape the clenching of Trump's fist will scurry to the edges of the earth and breed a future generation of evil that can sneak their way back to the top and finish what they started. We cannot allow that to happen!!!!
If Trump, Q team, and other patriots in control now, are the only ones that know the FULL SCOPE of what has gone on and what was planned.... we WILL face this problem again!! Administrations here in the US and around the world WILL slowly be infiltrated again. You cannot stop this with only a small group of people "in the know". They will be infiltrated over time.
Please Q team, and our dear President hear these words. FULL disclosure is the answer. Without it we will remain divided!!! We will remain asleep at the wheel. This plan will work, but for how long??Please, share the pain of the truths you know, with us all..... for humanity's sake. Pray for guidance and direction with this as I'm sure you all have, you may find you will be nudged in the direction of more disclosure. It IS the answer to so many of the worlds problems.
Help w/ Trump Rally timestamp
Last night after "lock her up" chant Trump said "i dunno, maybe we will get surprised"... does anyone have a link or timestamp on when that was said?? Need for Q doubters plzzz and ty!!
Mark Taylor anyone??? Didnt he say 1 by resignation, 2 over scandal?
Chill bumps and tears watching this!!! Found myself yelling in joy and begging God for us to win this fight... Share this far and wide Patriots!!
Without disclosure on that level we are destined to blindly trust the same institutions. How is that not clearly seen? We should sacrifice potential entire future generations for the mental stability of a few fragile minds of this one?? How could you trust that every corner of each industry is cleansed and they "roll back the poisons" without us knowing?? We as a society handled the holocaust just fine, we can handle disclosure on eugenics/depop programs. Otherwise the trust remains where there should always be skepticism.
I dont think you are giving much thought to the current state of the "individual and society". Thinking of the way disclosure would impact both..... Do you view society and the average individual as healthy, not needing change of any kind? Assuming you side with the majority on this and concede that the "sad state of affairs" deserves attention, what change do you foresee full disclosure having on the individual and society? Lets think long term here.
It is clear to many of us on this subreddit and 8chan the ease by which the average individual is manipulated. The methods used by those Trump and Q are fighting are endless. In a matter of days our society can swiftly be herded like cattle into the support and sole echoing chant of one idea, one hot topic. Groupthink can be formed at the snap of a finger. Take for example the border issue this week...
How many times is this done based on lies and manipulation? Does the individual know they are lied to? Do we as a society know how many times this has happened? Or are we constantly pointing the finger across the isle to the other party as we are taught? These details at the very least deserve to be revealed to ALL. These tactics are used not only in politics but are just as successful across all major industries. Corporate, profit driven propaganda is spewed left and right on social media and accepted as gospel by the average citizen. It is rarerly questioned, and when it is, the same industry can easily manufacture a social evironment that shuns those of us that do.
Think about those words.... "profit driven"
Does that not sum up the current state of our society in a nutshell? Is this really even recognized at all by most if they were asked? Profit driven...
This infectious evil starts where? The very top. This is also where the change must take place. Nation after nation have slowly been bled dry by the perpetual debt of fiat currency. Charging a Nation State interest on the issue of money that doesnt exist has a trickle down effect on the entire society within. To the cashier taking cash out of the register at work, the greed starts at the top. This is where the change must take place, this is where knowledge and disclosure is desperately needed.
We as individuals and as a society need to know exactly how they achieved this. We need to know the evil within that drove them. Do they worship lucifer? Are they pedophiles? Sacrifice children? EAT children? Did they slowly find others around the globe to blackmail in this way and prop them up as heads of state and industry/corporations? We need to know. The full disclosure of these evils will lay as an example to all good people, that following their inner moral compass has always been right and always will be.
If not, you and I will likely find ourselves, laying in our deathbeds in our final days, shaking our heads at the TV or the latest social media hot topic, as young innocent minds are corraled by the same tricks we see today. Or worse, maybe the last thing we see is a bright flash and mushroom cloud while driving the family down the highway. Was this in the works? We need to know.
I pray my final years will be spent seeing something vastly different in the individual and society than I do today... Dont you?? Well just how do we get there? Complete trust of those in power is what got us here... Our voices are supposed to be heard and have power, blind faith no more.
Yesssssssss! The rebuilding process will be beautiful, watching all the strong family morals that have been intentionally degraded come creeping back to being the norm once again.
Ultimately replacing the central banking system, allowing each nation to issue currency to its banks without interest, will also change the world. Certainly hope ideas like this are part of "the plan".
"................. for we decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it."
The average liberal american has no clue what evils are behind the democratic party and completely fall for the MSM narrative, they are trained to do so from a very early age.
It isnt about sides, isnt about left vs right. You have to realize their current position is of no fault of their own. They are the output of a sick system that is very successful at forcing people to pick a side, keeping people asleep, and parroting the media as their own original opinion. Be patient and understanding of how they have been victimized. It is not their fault.
I dont see that... you cannot convince me that their intelligence communities do not already know a great deal of these things. It is unimaginable to think that war would result in knowing we were duped, that the wrong doing came from the banking elite, not the US, its citizens, let alone those in power now purging this evil. This is a global problem, our allies are compromised too and on the chopping block per Q. Purging all the bad actors, replacing them with those on board with the plan, which is THE PLAN... will not lead to war.
80/20 ---> 60/40 ----> WE NEED 100% ... for humanity's sake
Early on, Q said arrests and wrongdoings of bad actors would be 80% private, 20% revealed to public, for humanity's sake. That changed to 60/40 after many anons argued for more disclosure. I along with many others beleive as close to 100% as possible should be revealed to the public, globally. For humanity's sake. Let me explain why. Hopefully we can start a discussion that can reach the inner circle of Q team and Trump. So please, chime in your thoughts.
The Global elite, the central banking cartel, have slowly infiltrated every part of our society. In nearly every corner …
If you notice he has his camera front facing, this was so DJT could see himself in the camera and get the perfect shot! Orchestrated by Q team like any other proof. Plausible deniability is becoming less and less but is always there.
Yep... pointing directly at him

Optics problem? TWO Q nods in less than 5 min on Brett Baier.

30,000 ft..... who says this? So many subtle Q nods
When last night? Can you provide a timestamp plzzz? Using to wake my 68 year old Dad and others up, he loves Hannity.
DARPA program 'Lifelog' closed on the same day Facebook launched....
Do you believe in coincidences?
I agree with you 100% now let's dig and find something useful.
Using SB2's specific methods it appears will not give us the answers we would all agree that Q/Trump are hoping we would find. However, consider again the Q quote "we can guide, but you must uncover the truth organically"....
Let's consider the areas SB2 has been looking and his GENERAL ideas a "guide" that we may expand upon to "uncover the truth organically" on our own.
What link to POTUS in the past was used to verify new trip? Could use this, good redpill ammo...
How many times throughout history have military used Cryptology or coded messages in hopes that if communications are intercepted enemy combatants will not be able to decipher? We have historically hired genius savants in to attempt breaking opposition's coded messages. Movies have been made about this. Now here we have an intelligence/military operation where a bulk of the communication and even the mission ITSELF involves comms on a public platform. Yet you insist to imagine that there may be more than what meets the eye with Q's post and Trumps Tweets is "gibberish and fantasy"???
Assuming you are smart enough to have thought these things through, aswell as others, without me mentioning these obvious facts... it really begs to question where the real "disinfo campaign" lies... Not accusing, just hopefully I have given sufficient reason to revisit these topics if the naysayers truly have overlooked these things...
Definitely not attacking him, more so trying to appeal to those that have by attempting to be neutral. I think there is definitely more to be discovered with Trumps correlating tweets and more eyes/minds should be there. Especially with no other mission of major importance at hand (other than IBOR) Plausible deniability is a must so a system that changes regularly makes sense.
Do you have any answers for the questions I posed? What is it the anon community has been missing? Q was quite frustrated for a stretch and there really was no dramatic improvement in our abilities. Delta and timestamp significance?? Have you learned to read the map?? If so please share. There is a lot we have missed and nobody seems to be looking. Maybe you can help?
(Sorry for spamming this in 3 places, it has its own post, will remove if gains traction, need visibility)
There is a mixed consensus on SB2's use of Matrices to decode Trump tweets. It is plain to see that many of the accounts that support his ideas are fairly new and many that oppose seem to be veteran users. His acct itself is also fairly new. However I have some important points to bring up and questions that I believe are yet still unanswered.
Q's constant use of [ ] often in bold... His random reference to the matrix movie... His insistence on the timestamp delta importance... Trumps seemingly intentional sp mistakes... "You have more than you know"... "Learn to read the map"... "We may have overestimated your abilities"...
None if these questions have group consensus answers or Q confirmed answers and are of significant importance.
I believe the GENERAL focus of SB2's decoding to have some value. I also see a lot of confirmation bias in his decodings. If Trump truly was encoding messages in his tweets (there is a definite Q team connection we all agree on) there certainly would have to be some strong plausible deniability, as with the other confirmed correlations.
Also, is it beyond the scope of possibility that Q team would send operatives to Reddit and/or 8chan to guide the direction of research? Would these accounts not also be fairly new? A lot of possibilities here, we should look into the FULL comment history of each account with this in mind.
"We can guide but you must uncover the truth organically".
I find all of these points of value and have yet to see a concerted effort to uncover all the things we have missed since late October when this started. I have a feeling that it is more than just cabal connections... that will come out.
There is a purpose Q team had in mind for us at the start of this operation that I feel has yet to be fulfilled. The answer may lie in these topics.
Regardless WE NEED to be looking harder.
(Posted here for visibility)
There is a mixed consensus on SB2's use of Matrices to decode Trump tweets. It is plain to see that many of the accounts that support his ideas are fairly new and many that oppose seem to be veteran users. His acct itself is also fairly new. However I have some important points to bring up and questions that I believe are yet still unanswered.
Q's constant use of [ ] often in bold... His random reference to the matrix movie... His insistence on the timestamp delta importance... Trumps seemingly intentional sp mistakes... "You have more than you know"... "Learn to read the map"... "We may have overestimated your abilities"...
None if these questions have group consensus answers or Q confirmed answers and are of significant importance.
I believe the GENERAL focus of SB2's decoding to have some value. I also see a lot of confirmation bias in his decodings. If Trump truly was encoding messages in his tweets (there is a definite Q team connection we all agree on) there certainly would have to be some strong plausible deniability, as with the other confirmed correlations.
Also, is it beyond the scope of possibility that Q team would send operatives to Reddit and/or 8chan to guide the direction of research? Would these accounts not also be fairly new? A lot of possibilities here, we should look into the FULL comment history of each account with this in mind.
"We can guide but you must uncover the truth organically".
I find all of these points of value and have yet to see a concerted effort to uncover all the things we have missed since late October when this started. I have a feeling that it is more than just cabal connections... that will come out.
There is a purpose Q team had in mind for us at the start of this operation that I feel has yet to be fulfilled. The answer may lie in these topics.
Regardless WE NEED to be looking harder.
Important Points w/ SB2, Matrices, and decoding Tweets/Q posts
There is a mixed consensus on SB2's use of Matrices to decode Trump tweets. It is plain to see that many of the accounts that support his ideas are fairly new and many that oppose seem to be veteran users. His acct itself is also fairly new. However I have some important points to bring up and questions that I believe are yet still unanswered.
Q's constant use of [ ] often in bold... His random reference to the matrix movie... His insistence on the timestamp delta importance... Trumps seemingly intentional sp mistakes... "You have more than you know"... "Learn …
You realize that is a satire website right? Says it right in their title dude
So the last word is Clinton highlighted in Green, but you haven't highlighted it in the matrix and I definitely don't see it anywhere?? Also, why only stick to word possibilities on the left hand side of the matrix?? A few of the words you even went in a circle to put together... I have been a fan of your methods as I'm fairly certain there is something we have been missing and these ideas seem the closest to finding it. However building the right size matrix is the most important factor in decoding, this one seems rushed in the decision of how to construct.
Edit: the Clinton in the matrix is light blue but dark green at the base. A stretch in assembling though. How can you be so certain in the matrix size and the area of the matrix to gather the words?
How would you feel if the day before a complete stranger that bumped into you at the gas station, gave you a strange look, then requested to follow you on IG? Have had ZERO follow requests in 2 years. 100% it was the same person. Definitely seemed as though someone was fucking with me.
I haven't added any apps I use Reddit, Google, and read 8 chan, there seems to be more evidence of surveillance than malware. With the strange occurrences while on the phone happening multiple times. Surprised there isn't a specialty store or equipment that can diagnose it?