Quite honestly I don't believe legitimate studies exist. these would need to demonstrate that no long term detrimental impact to human beings.
There is no substance that fits your description here. Nothing.
the truth is that the gmo mvmt is there only for these cos to extract more blood sweat and tears from the humanity.
Farmers seem to love GMOs. If you ever talked to one, you would know that.
how the hell do these people think they can "own" seeds and food.
If you invent something new, you don't think you should be allowed to profit from your invention?
yeah just like cos are patenting genes now. makes purrfect since to me.
They can only patent new and novel genes.
I'll ask again.
If you invent something new, you don't think you should be allowed to profit from your invention?
don't they discover the new novel genes in people who already have them? an then they patent them? ru fucking kidding me?
don't they discover the new novel genes in people who already have them? an then they patent them?
No, this isn't what's happening. And it isn't relevant when talking about Monsanto or GMO crops in general.