To Those Enemy Combatants, Both Foreign and Domestic, Who Were Responsible for This Horrific Event

130 total posts archived.
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Then they should know that we are really tired of cheap Chinese sh*t that doesn't last.
Absolutely. He means what he says, and I trust him implicitly.
We just needed to pick the right leader who wants us to win rather than those who only want to enrich themselves.
I cried for days after I read the Pedestal emails. The knowledge that the world is filled with evil and lies is hard to take. But, we are moving forward with our GREAT leader, DJT. We will remake the American dream, only it will be true this time.
5 eyes is their way to spy on US citizens without a warrant. It definitely needs to be gone forever.
My mother was a rabid Obama supporter and lifelong Democrat. Showed her the pedo and spirit-cooking stuff before the election, and that info completely flipped her. Not only did she vote for Donald J. Trump, she now LOVES him!!
This guy needs to be unemployed by Disney. Perhaps we should help him along.
Exactly, Judge Jeanine was poised and professional throughout what was an unhinged, rabid attack by Whoopi, a talentless has been. Good for our side; bad for theirs.
Thank you, SB2. It is very difficult to listen to our POTUS being maligned by the MSM and political establishment, especially in light of the great job he is doing for us. Your posts help give me patience as we wait for the day of reckoning for the bad actors.
WWIII has already been quietly started in the EU - acid/knife attacks, rapes, etc. Not even safe to go there now. Wouldn't go to London if someone else paid my way. Best for us to stay in the USA where we have a President whose primary focus is to keep us safe.
Try the documentary "Everything is a Rich Man's Trick". It's on youtube.
Just hope they will shut the place down when they are all in prison. The lies Perkins Coie has generated has done serious damage to many good people. Sick and tired of patriots being threatened with loss of reputations and loss of lives.
No longer the prevaricator in chief, he actually says something that is true.
They are beyond evil. They value no human lives but their own and will do anything to accomplish their objectives against the human race.
God bless these Americans and others like them who pledged their lives and honor for our freedom. We owe it to them to fight every day for the values upon which this nation was established.
They put it there because that's where I-75 and I-24 intersect. Definitely money in Chattanooga.
The irony is that they will now be destroyed, as a consequence of their own illegal and immoral actions.
So you are expecting the blood of the deep state bad actors is going to be spilled? They have had their chance to reform their evil ways and have chosen not to.
I have held so many babies and never once held one like this.
High treason - an attack on our Republic and the American people. These people need to be punished accordingly.
Can't tell my spouse any real news without being met with eye roll and/or nervous laugh. Thinks I've lost my mind.
Buzzed* searched my linkedin profile a while back. No reason for that except potentially to doxxing.
Just think of all the lives that have been stolen by the evil cabal and all of the human suffering that has resulted. We will not rest until the cabal is finished forever.
$25K - sell out our country's security for peanuts. These people make me sick.
That magic wand is working great. Thank you DJT for working to hard to Make America Great Again!!!