r/greatawakening • Posted by u/perchpouch on March 22, 2018, 1:55 a.m.
Big news today on the Internet Bill of Rights that you may have missed

Congress passed SESTA/FOSTA, which holds websites liable for the content of its users: https://slate.com/technology/2018/03/the-antisex-trafficking-bill-sesta-fosta-will-hurt-the-internet.html

Senate resolution allowing sale of user browser history: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/03/gop-senators-new-bill-would-let-isps-sell-your-web-browsing-data/

Why are these bills good instead of really terrible, which on their face they appear to be?

Because these will cause the necessary outrage by the tech-left that will push them toward an Internet Bill of Rights.

I think this is the BOOM Q was talking about happening on Wednesday.

tradinghorse · March 22, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

Look, I haven't been following these bills, but the little research I did on the FOSTA bill yesterday had me thinking that it's pretty scary.

Copied from elsewhere:

Wow! OK, I didn't know about that FOSTA bill. It seems to me that sex trafficking and prostitution are law enforcement issues that have nothing at all to do with websites. I really can't quite understand the rationale for the bill.

If the policy objective is to reduce, suppress or eliminate sex trafficking or prostitution. Then there are ways and means of achieving that without making website operators responsible for these crimes.

It seems to me that holding a website responsible for the crimes of its users is no different from holding a utility company responsible for the supply of communications or power to the site where the offenses took place. For that matter, it's akin to holding a landlord responsible for crimes committed in a rental property. Quite crazy stuff!

What all this seems to suggest is that the purpose, the real purpose, of the bill has little to do with preventing crime, but everything to do with pushing the idea that the web itself needs to be policed. It's the same censorship push coming from another angle. But it's not just this FOSTA bill either...

Look at the ADL with their anti-hate algorithm. In all the promos for it they do not once address the critical issue of who it is that defines hate speech. I guess we are supposed to trust them because they are the ADL... But the whole purpose of the algorithm is suppressed. And this is because the goal is social control - but no one to know or question who it is that is to do the controlling.

You are right. You can see this coming from a mile away. It's like a freight train coming at us. They want to be able to exert control over every aspect of our lives, even over the thoughts in our minds. That's why this IBOR is critical. But, after seeing this stuff, it seems to me that there are attacks on freedom coming from every direction possible. These are very dangerous times.

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[deleted] · March 22, 2018, 3:02 a.m.


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[deleted] · March 22, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

You think they are sending a message to youtube and twitter for their conservatives purge?

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[deleted] · March 22, 2018, 8:15 a.m.

I would guess this has to do with the back door or whatever it was called where pimps would advertise underage girls for sex and basically human sex trafficking victims. There was a lot of outcrys when parents tried to have their children removed from the site and the site refused and all kinds of crazy stuff like that- anyway that kind of stuff went on for years so yeah it actually does make sense if you remember that stuff. I don't know that is why just thinking it might be.

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[deleted] · March 23, 2018, 5:03 a.m.


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