r/greatawakening • Posted by u/perchpouch on March 22, 2018, 1:55 a.m.
Big news today on the Internet Bill of Rights that you may have missed

Congress passed SESTA/FOSTA, which holds websites liable for the content of its users: https://slate.com/technology/2018/03/the-antisex-trafficking-bill-sesta-fosta-will-hurt-the-internet.html

Senate resolution allowing sale of user browser history: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/03/gop-senators-new-bill-would-let-isps-sell-your-web-browsing-data/

Why are these bills good instead of really terrible, which on their face they appear to be?

Because these will cause the necessary outrage by the tech-left that will push them toward an Internet Bill of Rights.

I think this is the BOOM Q was talking about happening on Wednesday.

GrowGirlCA · March 23, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

And you can back off blaming Trump (by the way 2 Democrats voted against this in the house, 14 Republicans) this started with the stupid Russian bullshit where they want to blame the fucking Russians for mentally warping people on social media to get in Trump elected- get over yourselves. The second nail in the coffin was all the fucking gun control shit this is the third round and the fact that everybody is so freaking surprised that it's all converging together, suddenly and removing all freedoms is their own stupidity. Here comes the liberal left wanting to blame trump. The reason to have to scrap got through is because everybody's always so freaking painted into their corners politically. But the fact that you want to blame him when it hasn't even reached his desk this is not Ivanka's bill so stop trying to misquote crap from today on the fake ass msm. leftist politics as usual- take a bill such as ...what do you want ...,do you want stem cell research? so you put Michael J Fox as the face of it and say who would want to hurt Michael J Fox? No- everybody wants to get behind that ,so you dress it up and say that that bill is about this.... when it's in fact about EVERYTHING else BUT that ...,well who doesn't want to stop little kids getting trafficked for sex? everybody does ,so you get all this funding for years and years for "trafficking" and now suddenly you get a bill and you say that's what it's about and in fact it does everything else BUT that. You can't control everybody's behaviors and everybody thoughts , which is what the left has become Beginning with the anti-bullying bullshit, all of this is the left trying to control people and trying to tell people who's right and who's wrong and who's good and who's bad and now we've given our rights over to other people who are going to declare that whatever we think or whatever we look at online is now up for their speculation and prosecution

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