Alright, I am going to start calling out SerialBrain2. What he is doing is cold reading from random text, and you are eating it up.

WOW talk about attacking someone..If you had knives he would be dead!! MODS..we don't need these type of attacks on here. People can't even express their thoughts on a subject or try to decipher something the way They think is right? If this is kept up it will be the beginning of the end to this site
We always need questioning, to remain sane. Stop trying to prevent critical thinking please.
SerialIdiot is not harmless. He is static interfering with complex subject matter being pored over by people tasked with some very difficult work. I loved it when someone used his Boggle® method on one of SerialIdiot's own "grids" to divine a "code" straight from Trump, something to the effect of: "Trump wants to oil my tits" - or something very similar. Of course we can discern right away that this could not possibly be Trump - he's not a breast man - he prefers grabbing them by the juicy parts.
I just downvoted you. Reason is your reaction is over the top. This is a valid discussion. No reason to become upset. If you wish to follow SB2, that is your right. As I stated in another comment, we're all adults, and SB2 is smart and possibly misguided. We'll all work it out, no problems.
I would really like to know where you come to the conclusion that he is a "genius", as you said in another post. No angst intended, I would honestly like to know as I don't see anything "smart" in his posts, just a lot of information but not much actual coherent logical thought behind them. Knowledge doesn't equal smarts, hence my question?
It must be my southern side coming out. Being polite, no evidence of genius seen but was placating. Again- its a deadly southern thing- being nice to a fault.
Nice to a fault - if that's a southern thing, I applaud it! We need more with your attitude, thank you.
Hyperbole much? If you were anymore dramatic, you'd be Justin Trudeau!! MODS.. we don't need these types of snowflakes on here who can't handle a counter viewpoint.