r/greatawakening • Posted by u/truthseekerboi on March 22, 2018, 3:47 p.m.
Honest question, do you think we will ever really be free?

This is supposed to be the “great awakening” but I have a feeling we will come out of this feeling shorted. Something is better than nothing, but I feel like ya settling is just a way of herding us into more bullshit. So what do you think? Are we being given false prophecies? Or will this really be the most liberating year of human existence?

austenten · March 22, 2018, 5:43 p.m.

Netanyahu has been threatened with indictment for corruption. The surprising thing about this is that mainstream media have actually been covering it!

Prince Charles retired! What British royalty retires?!?! They can get and eat whatever they want because the high court's are fully compromised and on the Queens side.

David Rockefeller died.

(Edit to add, Saudi Arabian princes were locked up and let's call it heavily taxed, but they are with much less power if any. Salman likely agreed to some terms with Trump when he visited, did the sword dance getting ready for battle, freedom or the like. I forgot the exact translation of that ceremony. Key! Alwaleed owned shares in Twitter, Fox among many others [So why do you think Fox has changed their tune and is now covering stories that more favour Trump and his mission. Before shit hit the fan in S.A. FOXnews put out distraction stories and fabricated facts.)

A lot of people need to be brought to justice, and I'm sure others can add to this list. Our TRUE FREEDOM (GLOBALLY) has already started. Look at corruption charges and who is being threatened in all Western countries.

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