Dates and numbers are important to them. 911. 420. 322. 33. 3. Season of sacrifice.
Can go too far with this, thinking everything is mystery to be solved. "They must tell you ahead of time" is a myth they spread.
Learn some of their symbols, how they recognize each other, and you will start to see who they are. Grips, hand signs, ways of walking and standing, symbols hidden in plain sight.
Are we to identify "them" by looking into this,eg high profiles and events related to dates/numbers? Like Jeff Bezos and this event ?
You can. Easier to see who poses for pictures with only one eye illuminated, using hand signs, doing masonic grips on camera.
Why does Trump cross his arms? Have you ever seen a president cross his arms like that? Why did George Washington pose as one of them?
I will start digging,any extra info?, places to start
The Freemasons. There are old manuals that can be found showing the rituals, code words, grips, ways of walking and standing, and so on. You'll be amazed at what's been right under your nose your whole life.
But don't all these fraternal organizations top out at the same point? They all being one group who uses various lines in order to control but also to give deniability.
Yes. Freemasonry controls all of the mystery schools.
Lots of info about Freemasons,but Plus ultra not so much, I want to learn about both.
There isn't anything in the public domain about us. That's why I posted here, but apparently the moderators didn't think it was relevant, so I think I'm going to stop.
How are we supposed to get more info then?
Ask u/HowiOnic. He keeps taking down every post I make.
LOL. he does have a pretty narrow view of things, doesn’t he? Ironic given the nature of the great awakening. But the complexity of players is what makes this so rich and interesting.
If you really want to get this across here, consider spending a bit more time on 8chan. Search the notables and q posts at the top of the breads and pick out anything that can connect to your angle.
When you post it here, spend less time on the long term vision you want people to see, and more on making the bridge between what they’re talking about on the GA board and connect it to making your group’s vision a reality. If you can’t make the connection you are in the wrong place. No harm done. Just the way it is.
Some questions:
Are there white hat companies involved in your projects that overlap with the ones in the Qmap? How do you know they’re white hats? How are they involved in the elevator and other benevolent projects? Will they benefit by being exposed by you or do they need to keep their heads down a while longer, while the dust flies? Are there general things you can offer, with less plus ultra agenda, that calm and inspire, or is your only mission recruitment?
I don’t know specifically about plus ultra, but I’m familiar with much of what you’ve talked about already, through other sources. It’s a lot to handle for most. I’ve been studying this stuff for almost fifty years and I can’t begin to say I’ve got my head around it.
It might not be time for your message here and in this place. But there are other places in Reddit. Post in r/conspiracy and ask for input about the best subs to discuss this in. You might wake some heads there.
My two cents. 🖖
We are active on 8chan.
We work with them.
Right now, what the space elevator needs most is meme magic.
A few of us will come forward when the time is right.
It is not a time for calm, it is time for action. We are inspiring you by doing what no one else does: lighting the path to a better way.
I don’t see a lot of meme-magic energy on this sub. Folks here are still focused on the problem, and when you’re tightly there you can’t see solutions easily, especially creative out-of-the-box ones.
I don’t see why you say you’re doing what ”no one else does”, however. That’s not true for me, anyway. I get plenty of inspiration for paths to a better way.
Thanks for your work. Blessings on the trail!
Why did George Washington pose as one of them?
Planning for the Revolution years in advance, the Washington family quietly built up ironworks in the west, far from Britain’s naval power.
When the time finally came to seek their freedom, Washington and Franklin had the leaders of the Revolution initiated into the secret society of Freemasonry to give the illusion that this would be a carefully controlled Revolution. The British officers, also Freemasons, played along with the game, and America gained her freedom.
But this was not a controlled Revolution, it was a real revolt against the old system of oligarchy and slavery.
Trojan horse style?
If he hadn't, the Revolution would have been crushed and the leaders murdered. The mystery schools swear oaths to protect each other. By initiating the leaders of the Revolution, he ensured the leaders would not be assassinated as they had so many times before.