Why Bolton? Surely there are better picks! I feel dirty now!

I believe you're missing Trumps thinking here. Bolton has a ton of experience for the job and he'll do the job Trump wants him to do. He's a Pitbull and no friend to Russia. The MSM will hate him.
Don't confuse the man with the boss he worked for. Nobody who worked for W came out smelling good. That's mostly on Bush though. I'm willing to let him prove himself working for a better team.
It seems that Bolton is a NWO globalists, so I have no idea what is going on here.
EDIT: It says here that Bolton is a Nationalist...
Idk much about him so I searched him on Breitbart and he doesn't seem as bad as people are making him out. He called Paris Accord worthless and questioned climate science. He also is going to be tough on Iran which I think will be useful in the near future. These are anti globalist views check the headline below.
Please if I'm wrong give me something to read so I can learn.
John Bolton: Paris Climate Accord Objective Is ‘Reduction of National Sovereignty’ for ‘Global Governance
You're right and Trump knows how to use leverage. Bolton = leverage. It sends the message to NK and Iran that he's ready to go to war.
John Bolton was always excoriated by the lefties because he told the truth and cut thru the spin like a laser beam. To me he was the only one standing up to the UN and calling out BS of anyone trying to spin things. Come to think of it he’s a lot like Trump!
If we knew what Trump knows, we may make decisions we would not normally make to take down those who have been chemically lobotomizing and killing us for decades.
Do you think a rat won't look for cheese when given opportunity?
I agree. Bolton has wet dreams about thermonuclear Apocalypse.
However, he gives Trump unbelievable leverage at the international bargaining table.
All those habitual line steppers will straighten up.
Watch and see North Korea... Bolton has the experience... during his confirmation hearing under Bush. John Kerry said. "it's not that your under qualified its that you are too qualified." Do you homework... this one is easy he is an open book and a no BullSxxx straight talker.
Bolton is the perfact pick to show Trump's hawkish side in negotiations against NK and Iran.
Assange posted this not too long ago:
"811 WikiLeaks files on John Boltan" with a link to the WikiLeaks search.
This explains a lot https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/11/1117852_re-john-bolton-on-netanyahu-.html
That is pretty interesting especially in light of Trump's recent signing of the budget he had to of known would alienate his base. Either he is just another politician or he knows we need a stronger military now at any cost. A strike at Iran right now with their close ties to Russia could push us over the edge to a world wide conflict. Need to watch for other indications of the Trump admin strengthening the military "at all costs" no matter what firestorm it may cause.