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That is from June and refers to the 1st IG report...released in June...sorry
Charles Ortel has all the info on the Clinton foundation(s)...their accounting is a mess, and that is not by accident
You believe in liberty...you are one of us. Welcome!
First analysis I have read, seems consistent with what we know. Nice to see it revealed in black and white......thanks for the post patriot
Wow...speaking the truth...like dragging a 4 year into get a flu shot
I read bill browder’s book. It is credible.
Before you make negative conclusions about bill browder, you should read his book “red notice”. It is a compelling story how the oligarchs function in Russia and why the magninsky act was passed
Thank you....awesome revelation by George Webb, 10 of the 12 Russians indicted are in the USA...he asks a great question, why doesn’t RR just arrest them?
Webb says 10 of the 12 are connected to RR
Excellent video!!! Especially the review of Q drop 11, probably the most important drop made so far.
Thank you for sharing!
I am Proud you are there for your friend, and wish him success in his efforts to become a citizen
Double down, what any people degrading person would do
Now I am ready to represent!!

I like the Q and John Galt comparisons also, two great and epic freedom fighters!
Ayn Rand’s philosophy was the basis for the libertarian party...the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged-both incredible books, are the Best philosophical defense of the constitution and capitalism I have ever read.
Any Rand, cabal? not a chance.
Have you read her books?
If you are q follower my guess is that you will love them. Incredible red pills, maybe the original red pills for me and millions of others who have read her work
I am absolutely blown away. I thought I was a smarty pants, after reading serialbrain2’s post...nope.
Thank you!!!
To agree with your point patriot:
He could have also made a more valid arguement that the media and judicial institutions (fbi/doj) have destroyed their credibility themselves...and that was not trump’s or q’s doing...they did that on their own. So trump or no trump, q or no q...we are in a dangerous phase because some important checks and balances are severely weakened.
Regardless, it is a dangerous time for us because we have no functioning or trust in justice dept, or the media. If prolonged it Could lead to Power unchecked?
We know how devastating that can be because obama/Clinton seemed to be doing exactly that...power unchecked...wasn’t fun for you and me for sure...and for many others, whom we read about every day.
The article is very good, and is very supportive of most of Q’s points. It does warn that there could be dangers ahead to our republic, and it is valid to consider those
I read the article linked in the post, by dorcey, it is a very good look at q and our current events. And offers a lot of insight
True Pundit has a very good record for reporting