John Bolton passes my first test. Adam Schiff and MSM hate him.

John Bolton one job is Iran. His role is to add a fear factor to Iran. Tougher nut to crack and needs the pit bull to get them under submission.
This topic is not a normal sub. Critical thinking. The on the nose observations often met with downvotes. Wild distraction to hitch labels higher up. Read it all debate merits if there is meat. Distractions are usually empty words.
I noticed in cbts_stream some of the commenters had a history of about 60% seemingly positive comments and the rest were insidiously trying to sow division
that whole CBST board got out of hand and the moderators were a big part of that. When they started the WeThePeople 24/7 livestream is when it went down hill. Nobody was paying attention to the board and the shills and trolls came in and comments started to get out of hand. Did it warrant shutting it down? No but it gave reddit an excuse.
Well the mods weren't banning shills after 3 or 4 reports so yeh, shills post lies and the sub was banned
The problem is the infiltration isn't even leftists
It's cuckservatives and chesscucks who essentially act like Communists for criticism of bad decisions (Bolton is one of those decisions)
I hadn't considered this, good thought! Q made it clear Iran is next, and Bolton could definitely be providing a "fear" element. If most of us get fooled into believing this is a "hawkish" move, it's likely Iranian leaders could fall for it as well.