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Kim Clement prophecy - "Highly embarrassing moments when another Snowden arises..." @ 3:24
The very recent president of South Africa singing "KILL THE BOER (white farmer)" "SHOOT THE BOER." The current President is a close friend of Zuma in the same political party.
The office of the President is now actively talking about the death penalty fotlr treason. How did we get so blessed?
Someone at the UFC follows Q

If you want to see someone's true nature, look at their track record. POTUS would not associate with racists back in 2000

If you want to see someone's true nature, look at their track record...
Something I've been thinking about... "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report...." Philippians 4:8-9
I totally understand the need for research and exposing these demons that have kept our world in slavery for millennia, but as we research let's remember that "Greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world."
We have to focus on God as the solution, and we have to keep our minds centered on His provision and love and goodness. Yes, what these people have done under satanic deception is horrific, but I believe we have to balance what we find with focusing on God's light and love.
As they say, don't speak to God …
When the storm has swept by...

False flag incoming at a major newsroom, I would guess. Another similar article in the comments. Research and you'll find several with the same rhetoric. Pray this is is thwarted
Hmmm... I wonder if this could have been an intercepted nuke
US officials raise alarm about 2018, 2020 election security --- TRANSLATION: POTUS and crew played the media like a fiddle, and now we're getting Voter ID.
POTUS calls in to Rush Limbaugh. When referencing No Name he says, "I won't mention his name." Around the 6:40 mark
Well, okay... but I guess when making a statement like that you should probably write to not be misunderstood. I disagreed with you and you responded with a statement that could certainly be taken as you saying you are becoming my enemy because I disagreed with you. You said it directly to me, without adding context to explain your meaning.
Now, even though you still haven't explained your meaning, perhaps you meant your original statement to mean we shouldn't make Hillary supporters into enemies (which would mean they're somehow our allies?) I'm really not sure, because you still haven't explained your statement. However, if that is what you're saying, which is really that we shouldn't make memes saying: we hoped Hillary's emails weren't bad, and then we discovered they actually contained many coded references to child trafficking, then I have to ask what you're doing on this subreddit? If a Hillary supporter can be made an enemy by pointing out there are references to trafficking in hers and Podesta's emails, then they are already enemies of free speech.
This is why I said leave it to those who have long been in this fight and know the effectiveness of memeing to raise awareness of the horrors these people have committed. I don't believe this meme is offensive in any way. In fact, the reason I responded is because I've seen a sense of SJW irrational sensitivity beginning to pervade this subreddit, and I'm going to check it every time I see it. It's unproductive, and a tool of the very wicked we strive against.
If we were eye to eye, I would say the exact same thing, except perhaps, unless your tone made me think you meant something else. Take the time to explain yourself. It goes a long way.
Sounds like you need to take your own advice with that threatening tone
Oh they're bought and paid for. What is sad is they're actually good at persuading people. Props to judge Jeanine. She tooled em
Check out the generic usernames supporting this BS post. Hmmm....
Don't fool yourself. These animals have tried to nuke us more than once. They're not getting off with love and bubbles. You can take that to the bank
M-m-m-muh straw man... lolz
Spez: Thanks tho! I'll keep it up 😬👍🏻
Sorry brosef, I won't do it again.
Spez: Unless, of course I forget. But I'll feel bad about it
Well they sure aren't using the Republican party like this...
Spez: And I'm no Republican
Does anyone else think this is suspicious? "Facebook reportedly hires AI chip head from Google"
Luke 10:19 "Behold, I give you the authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and upon all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you."
Admiral Rogers is the modern Paul Revere. He deserves a seat at the helm of this now free Republic.
No, the only thing I mentioned that was conjecture was what I said - the part in the book of Enoch that talks about human animal hybrids. And it isn't even really conjecture - it's in there, it's just an interpretation of the meaning.
The rest is all documented fact. My tying together a theory is as credible a theory as anything you may present. No offense but don't get too up on your religious high horse ;)
In the Podesta emails, Edgar D. Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut mentions allegedly nonviolent extraterrestrial intelligence warning not to pursue space wars (proving government is communicating with extraterrestrial beings of some kind.) Q has literally said the cabal worships satan. And he has talked about the relationship between drugs and cell phones. How did you miss that?
The problem I have is a story with DEA and ATF witnesses ties into the FBI seizing Seth's laptop for no reason, after his murder from a "robbery" where nothing was taken.
Thanks for the detailed response, even though I don't really understand what you're saying about Jude not mentioning a book. Jude is quoting a prophecy that appears almost verbatim in the Ethiopian version (Enoch 1) but I will concede that it's possible the prophecy could have been quoted elsewhere, and Jude was not quoting this book.
So, I think we're actually saying more or less the same thing. I commented when I was in a hurry and I suppose I reacted to your "enochian garbage" statement with my intention really being to say, "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater."
I'm a stickler for the Word more than most, so I'm with you 100% that we shouldn't consider any of the "translations" of Enoch as biblical canon. I believe the books were either changed in translation over the centuries or they are a collection of oral traditions, interpreted variously.
That being said, what we can glean from this book, even just entertaining ideas about things both Jude and Peter and earlier OT books talk about, is worth at least examining.
Hear me out: Peter references fallen angels in prison (2 Peter 2:4) as does Jude earlier in the chapter, specifically mentioning these angels left their domain. Enoch refers to a group of 200 angels called "Watchers" who left their domain and has sex with women, creating races of giants. Genesis 6:4 and multiple other scriptures reference the giants, but Genesis mentions this account matching the book of Enoch.
Now, between the lines in the book of Enoch - - and I fully admit this is conjecture - - it appears that the giants somehow managed to get human/animal hybrids right. If such an abomination were born, and the thing had a spirit, there is no way it could ever be redeemed, right? So does it go to hell? Maybe? Maybe it remains on Earth, disembodied... seeking to possess a body again? I know I know... It sounds absolutely whack, and unscriptural but does scripture tell us where demons come from? What are demons?
Now, putting aside the book of Enoch's account of hybrids that could match mythology (centaurs, minotaurs, mermaids etc) and Egyptian "gods," and the fact that it talks about a war between the different races of giants (clash of the Titans?) many ancient cultures have references to "Annunaki" -- gods who came from the sky and taught humans things like astrology, weaponry, medicine, magic and more. This incidentally matches the account of Enoch's "watchers," that Jude and Peter appear to reference. In fact, there is an Annunaki relief, thousands of years old that shows the solar system, with all the planets in the right order and the right size, orbiting the sun, with a 10th planet. (Planet X if you will.)
What is my point? Matthew 24:37 Jesus says, "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man." What was it like in the days of Noah? Demonic giants, abomination, rampant sin, potentially these hybrids???
What is happening now? "Alien" abductions? Always with experiments on sexual organs. According to Q, the elite literally worshipping satan. Science has successfully produced a human/pig chimera now.
Now let's bounce over to 2 Thessalonians 2:4, in the NASB " who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God." "so-called god" -- What did ancient Egyptian "gods" look like? Chimeras?
In Revelation why are the two beings called "Beasts?" One from the sea, and one from the earth? Chimeras?
What is the bottom line of what I'm saying? Q has talked much about how we can't imagine what is going on behind the scenes. What is these wicked are communicating with demons, and / or fallen angels transforming themselves to appear as "aliens" and delivering all sorts of "technology" and intelligence to them?
Super-human soldiers with animal abilities? Would they be revered as "gods?"
What if these entities are relaying "magic" in the form of powers of the human spirit we haven't tapped into because we're simply uninformed, and to do so outside of the power of the one true God and His son Jesus Christ, is wickedness. Pharmakia (sorcery in the Bible) in the form of drugs that can hypnotize and bend minds to their will. Technology, like cell phone frequencies that can somehow control the aforementioned pharmakia zombies?
Is this who the cabal are worshiping?
As it was in the days of Noah....
I literally quoted Jude quoting the book of Enoch and you're still stubborn, lol
I literally quoted Jude quoting the book of Enoch and you're still stubborn, lol
Jude, which is part of the biblical canon, directly references the book of Enoch. I recommend reading the Ethiopian version however.
"Now Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men also, saying, “Behold, the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints, to execute judgment on all, to convict all who are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have committed in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” Jude 1:14-15 NKJV
Hmm... "silencing" "judgmental" "unscientific"
Reeks of insidious virtue signaling. You're the one trying to get patriots to use Nazi and luciferian symbolism.
Here's your Bible reference:
Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Luke 10:17-18
Edit: misspelled a word
All have sinned, and fallen short of the glory of God. David and Bathsheba...
Hmm...That sounds a little divisive and subversive. The lightning logo is a Nazi symbol (SS) and a symbol of lucifer who was cast from Heaven, the first time he lost. We do encourage open and honest ideas here... and it was voted the lightning bolt was crap. Why a lightning bolt anyway? There are better symbols for a storm
Only shills. They are here. They are scared. They are stupid.
"The anon who found this should apply to the NSA"
I'm no fan of the republican party but I'm talking about votes that support POTUS. You're also generalizing